I agree the show would be more boring if it followed the books exactly. It was hard to separate the two at first, but now I enjoy them for their differences. Love Eric and Lafayette! And my Jayson loves Tara so I'm glad they developed those characters more. (Tara and Lafayette that is).
Plus I think I like Jason more in the tv show.. he gets alot of funny lines and cracks me up.
I'm confused about Jonah being Michael's son? Who's his mom? It wasn't Sydney's sis but I didn't watch the last few seasons of Melrose so maybe I'm just not informed.
I can't wait for sunday. Although I'm sad that we now have to wait until next year for season 3. This is when it will really start to get good I think.
Do you mean for 80-100 people to stay there? Or just to have a party that will hold that many people? We stayed at the Hale Pau Hana which is right on the beach and it was 7 stories so definitely could hold that many people. It was an awesome place to stay with a pool and 2 or 3 bbq's etc.
I loved Eric this episode. His comments about the kids were hilarious.. as well as Pam's hate on for them.. haha. More Pam and Eric please!
I also really loved Jason this episode. I LOL'ed at his comment about Sam becoming a chicken and laying his own egg and eating it? WTF. Too funny!
I didn't mind Sophie Anne the queen or Hadley although that's not how I pictured either of them really. Wonder how big of a storyline either of them will have next season?
May 2010 seems so far away.. sigh. And doesn't TrueBlood start in June? Even farther away.. crikey!
Rachel I think I will read those books you suggested.. heh!
Sorry I should have clarified that those "powers" are not in the book(s). Not that I hadn't seen it on the show.. heh.
Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie She had some lightining/light force come out of her hand that was powerful enough to push Maryann away b/c she was so upset. Her and Bill both had no clue was it was, either. Very cool! If you have OnDemand or DVR-ed it, its def worth going back to see!
No I haven't read The Summoning or The Awakening yet. I think she has a third one out of that series too or it's coming out soon. I will eventually pick those up to read but gotta get through some other stuff before that.
Her adult books are mainly about werewolves and witches.. but there are a couple of vampire characters thrown in as well.. and demons. I really enjoy them. She also has a separate series about a female hit-woman that's not related to her other 2 series.
Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ hehe, that's awesome! So you haven't read the Summoning then I'm guessing? A friend of mine enjoyed it, so I probably will too. She also told me her adult fiction books were good too so I'll have to pick them up some time.
Oh I have all of Kelley Armstrong's books.. except the teenage ones she's just written. I like her books as well! Plus I met her in person during a book signing a couple years ago.. so that was a coolness factor to me.. heh!
Oooh.. I was thinking of reading these ones. I saw them at Costco and I'm a sucker for vampire books.. heh!
Erin another good vampire series is the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton. She has like 18 or 19 books out but I've only read the first 7. The first book is Guilty Pleasures and they seem to get better as they go along.
My impression is that the queen was feeding on someone as well.
I don't remember Sookie having some kind of power with her hands so not sure what's going on there.
I'm pretty sure the scene with Eric was a dream.
And I loved Jason and Lafayette this episode.. I like the comical stuff when it happens. Makes the series soooo good.
I'm looking forward to this season! I have Jayson watching too.. even though he pretends he's not!
I can't remember what other show we were watching, but the people on it were talking about how this guy was dressed like Chuck Bas and Jayson says no.. he didn't have a pink tie on! I loved that my hubby got the reference to Chuck Bas. That's his fav character on the show.. heh heh.
Hi Debbie. I've had both indoor/outdoor cats and most recently we have 2 indoor cats
My indoor/outdoor cat lived to be 16. She always came home every night without fail because she knew where the food and comfort was! However she was killed by our neighbours' dog one morning when he went out without a leash and for that reason I vowed never to have an outdoor cat again.
If you really want them to experience the outdoors you can always just bring them out with you on a leash so they can't go far. If you get them trained young they may look forward to the leash walks or time outside.. heh.
My 2 indoor babies now enjoy going out on the porch but we are in a city and the noises are too much for them sometimes. Also we are on the fourth floor so they like being high and looking around but they only stay out on the porch if it gets too hot in the condo.
Good luck and can't wait to see pics of your new fur baby!!!
Hi Ladies
Born in Burnaby, BC and have lived in New Westminster, Vancouver and now Coquitlam! (All in the lower mainland, BC).
Got married in Maui, November 08 and soooo glad we did. Best decision ever!
Jayson was kind of pissed that Sam could turn into a fly. He thinks the shifters should only be able to change into something with a similar body mass. Heh.
I'm like.. who cares? Where's nekkid Eric? Altlhough they are definitely making him into more of a bad guy than in the book series. I loved his smile when Sookie was sucking the bullets out of him. And when he said.. "You're right Bill, I CAN sense her emotions". Hee!!