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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. I missed this thread before.. but congrats Karma!!! She's gorgeous!!!
  2. I would just stop calling them, and if/when they call you to do something say you are busy or whatever. Eventually the friendship will just peter out on it's own.. you probably don't even have to do that much to make it happen, especially if they are cancelling plans all the time anyways.
  3. Wow.. what a cow. Sorry you are having to deal with this. No way would I have changed my destination for anybody.. but that's just me. Especially since both you and your FI want it to be in Mexico! However I think this is something your FI should talk to his mom about directly and let her know how hurt he is about what she's doing.
  4. They told me our official marriage certificate would come in 4 months and that it was alot quicker if you sent in the green form which it was (for us) anyways. But ya, if you aren't changing your name then you don't need to worry about it so much.
  5. As long as they have internet you should be able to register at the bigger stores like the Bay etc.. your guests can just order stuff online and have it sent to the store closest to you
  6. I say Home Sense or Home Outfitters or Home Depot! I see a trend to my line of thinking here...
  7. I agree that the kids most likely will grow up with their parents' white surpremacist beliefs.. how could they not growing up in a household like that?? It's so sad.
  8. I love MAC I must confess. Last time I was in there I dropped $130 dollars. Sigh. Their brushes are the BEST and I highly recommend them as an investment. When we go shopping in the states we will always go to Sephora and I spend alot of money in there too.. and time!! I can't wait til Vancouver gets one.
  9. Amy and Erica.. sorry for your losses..that just totally sucks!! I haven't really been on cause my computer died.. grrr! However this is just a good excuse to get a Mac now.. woot!! Oh and we have like 5 inches of snow already and still coming.. now I'm off to the mall for some christmas shopping.. Hope everyone has a great holiday if I don't get on here
  10. Your dress looks gorgeous on you!! I agree with trying it on with the veil, jewelry and shoes etc.. maybe then you will like it better?
  11. Great list! I second that BM dresses don't come from a bridal store.. we bought cute ones for my BM's off the rack at a local womens/girls clothing shop
  12. Wow your hair looks awesome!!! Love the colour now
  13. Not sure if it's the same in Canada as the USA.. but I was on my FI's dental before we got married. We were living together common-law for about 2 years so it was no big deal to add me to his dental. Are you guys living together? In the states do you HAVE to be married in order to be added to someone's benefits?
  14. I agree either would be fine.. I find our MAC store usually has more consultants so it's quicker to get service than at a dept store MAC.. plus our MAC store is a bit bigger so maybe they carry more products?
  15. Have a fabulous day Jenny!! Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  16. I know I had posted in a thread before about ordering certified copies of your marriage license but for the life of me I can't find my post so I will just put the info in here. I sent my money order along with the green form that was given to us to the State Dept of Health in Honolulu on 11.28.08. I sent it registered mail and they received it on 12.05.08. They sent to me all the copies I ordered on 12.09.08 just through the regular mail and I received them all today 12.17.08! This is super fast and I'm happy I can begin the process of changing my name The thing that sucked the most about the whole thing was they only accept money orders so it took a week for me to get that from my bank but once it was sent off.. super quick!
  17. 24 Everyday Journal Cards Here is the link to the cards I got from Oriental Trading.. I used them for my scrapbook but I think they could work for what you want.
  18. Wow that totally sucks.. sorry to hear about this Virg. Glad you and your FI and your puppy are okay though!
  19. There are journal cards you can buy that have a nice design on them, and there are lines you can write on.. I got a pack of 24 from Oriental Trading..
  20. That's a great story! Sneaky that he was on to you and screwing you up.. heh!
  21. I would definitely talk to your FI and explain that while it's okay for his credit to go to shit if he's single.. when you two are partners it affects you too and it could be very damaging in terms of the future. I think it's fantastic you guys are in a position to help out his dad, but I would definitely try to get those things switched over to his fathers' name.
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