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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. That is awesome!!!! It must have been meant to be It looks really nice in the photos here.. I bet it looks great on you!
  2. Wow. That is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I'm an animal lover to the bone. But to not live your life and DO things because of an animal is crazy. Dogs and cats are resilient creatures. They will adapt to a kennel or someone else coming to feed them etc etc. They in NO WAY should be used as an excuse to not go to your wedding. And as you pointed out above, they could easily drive there and find a condo that lets them have pets. Or his Dad could come and just leave the stepmom at home if she feels so strongly about it..
  3. Yes I'm looking forward to tonights episode. Jack Bass is supposedly Chuck's uncle?
  4. That's the postal system for ya. We didn't get mail for days when we had our big snowstorm right before Christmas. I'm sure there were ALOT of unhappy people who's Christmas presents didn't get delivered on time. I would call the company and see if they can refund some of your money back for shipping.
  5. Congrats and welcome! Check out the Maui section on the forum for lots of info
  6. That's a good question. When we had our wedding in november, there was a table set up on the beach for putting our stuff on as well as my WC threw petals on the sand right before I "walked" down the aisle. I believe she took all that stuff away though right after we were done. My setup was very basic though. I don't know about more elaborate things like arches and such..
  7. Very nice.. love the colours of your bridesmaids dresses You looked gorgeous!!
  8. I have 12, exactly like the picture above except they have turquoise or lime ribbon around the handles.. easy to take off. I pretty much just want to get rid of them.. so whatever shipping would be to your place plus maybe a couple of bucks..
  9. Congrats and welcome! There is a pretty good Maui section on here to help you out.. and of course you can ask anything that you can't find the answer to
  10. I think the jungle one is my fav too I spent hours doing our boarding pass invites but it was worth it, especially with all the comments I got on how good they looked
  11. I guess the two biggest ones this year are: Eat healthier Get out of debt
  12. We had quite a few people say yes they were coming for sure, but never sent an RSVP or booked ortold us what was happening. We finally had to contact them and ask, and they were not coming (for whatever reasons). If people haven't booked or responded to the RSVP, it's pretty likely they aren't coming. You have to go with the numbers you have, plus or minus a few, unfortunately.
  13. Holy cow Shelley.. yours looks fantastic!!! I don't think I could tell the difference between the real deal and yours
  14. Oh and congrats again on your pregnancy Danielle! Hope it's very smooth sailing for you!
  15. I like both colours but my first instinct was the white.. I guess I'm in the minority!!
  16. I too had a good holiday We didn't really spend much on each other due to wedding bills but it was good to get all the family together. Hope everyone has a great New Years!!
  17. Yikes.. that sucks!! I hope you feel better soon.. my guess would be the mayo too, but who knows.
  18. Wow.. thank god you took pics is all I can say. And she was just trying to get out of fixing it for you.. make sure she doesn't charge for that!!
  19. Welcome to the forum There is a Maui section on here that will probably help you out tons!
  20. I was thinking the same as Sapphire723.. that she is jealous. There is nothing like a wedding to bring out the worst (and best) of people. I would try talking to her and mention that you don't need her as a witness anymore but are wondering what's up with her?
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