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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. My fiance has his own forums so it's not a big deal to him.. and when I tell him some of the great stuff I've already learned from here, he agrees they are great ideas. I think he still can't believe we are actually getting married in Maui! He totally loves the idea but before he met me I doubt it had even occurred to him to go somewhere to get married.. now he's like... "I wonder why everyone doesn't do this? It's gonna be so awesome!"
  2. We haven't decided yet where we are staying. Most people say renting condos is the way to go, so I'm trying to find a good contact for that. My travel agent doesn't seem to want to get back to me, but apparently there are alot of people with side businesses (renting out condos) on the side in Maui.. hopefully I can find a good one that all the people who are coming can use.. I imagine we will stay somewhere in Kihei or Wailea... does anyone know of a good condo renting company out there?
  3. For the public beaches in Maui, you don't have to pick until you arrive! My fiance and I will arrive maybe two days before the wedding, and my wedding planner says that we can just drive around to all the beaches and pick the one that we like the most.. then let them know and they will have it set up... as for the small reception we haven't decided yet where that will be. We will have a bigger reception when we get back home for everyone who can't come to the wedding so the one in Maui might not be all that spectacular. We'll see I suppose!
  4. Hey all.. just a quick update.. we have set our wedding date for November 5, 2008 in Maui! Yay!! That gives all our family/friends time to plan and save for the big trip..
  5. You are right.. Vancouver is very pretty and I love living here But for a beachy wedding, the weather here is far too unpredictable even in summer. Sigh! I've been told renting condos is the way to go in Maui, so if two couples shared accomodations it might not be too bad! Ah well, we'll see how it goes.. Thanks everyone for your comments! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Hey Lisa! If I were you i'd get married in Vancouver! It's so pretty! Anyway, have you looked into Mexico? There are a lot of cabo/rm/pv girls on here. Or maybe Costa Rica?
  6. My name is Lisa and I live in Coquitlam, BC... a city just outside of Vancouver. Our wedding will be in 2008 sometime.. no firm date set yet. I would LOVE to get married in Hawaii on the beach, but so far all the prices I have looked at seem to be really expensive. Maui was my first choice but I doubt any guests would come after looking at prices for hotels/flights. I'm going to check into Oahu and see if it's a bit more affordable.. or any other suggestions for nice beachy places that won't cost an arm and a legs for my guests to get there? Any suggestions appreciated!
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