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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Welcome to BDW!!! Happy planning.
  2. OMG Heidi, I LOVE your pictures!!!! You and Reggie look so happy and everyone looks so good. You must love looking at them.
  3. YAY Glenda!!! Congratulations!!! That's AWESOME!!! Way to go. I wasn't in this (and I'm not even sure how it all worked) but I think my fat butt should have been in it. Is it too late to join Season II? I see some of you have that bikini in your siggy so I assume you already started.
  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (see, I'm excited too.) Where are they Come on already photographer lady, we're all waiting.
  5. Holy CRAP!!! These are GORGEOUS!!!! You did such a GREAT job. Can I have one Seriously, when your wedding is over, you should consider making these and selling them online as a side business. I would TOTALLY buy one from you.
  6. OMG Steph - you're GORGEOUS!!!! LOVE that pic with you and Chris under the umbrella.
  7. Yes, this is all normal Hilton policy. 10:30PM is music cut off time. Our wedding ran a little over and apparently some of the guests were complaining (we were REALLY loud.) If you have any questions or need any email addresses for some of the "higher-ups" at the Hilton, let me know. And you WILL love everything. As much as the Hilton pisses you off, they TOTALLY make up for it the day of your wedding. And Daniela Lopez is FABULOUS!!! Definitely contact her.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SASSYGIRL yeah we were married there last summer and got the Hilton AMEX to make all the wedding charges - we ended up with enough points for our week vacation to Hawaii this Easter and probably still have enough left for a 4 day get away somewhere - totally worth it! ALSO I just got something via email saying that this July and August the shuttle from the hotel into town that is ran through the hotel will be free and all children will be able to eat free while staying at the resort. Good deal! That is a good deal. Oh, and Sarah - great siggy pic!!! Love the shot of you and DH on the beach (and the puppies too.) Oh, and I didn't know you were preggers. CONGRATS!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host i think juan is in riviera maya... OH NO!!! Well, I guess I have no choice but to wait. Thanks for letting me know.
  10. I'm trying to be patient, really I am, but it's KILLING me!!!! This Sunday will be 4 weeks since our wedding. Is it still too soon to harass Juan Carlos for a teaser pic?
  11. Just a heads up for all you Hilton Brides. If you haven't already done so, sign up for the Hilton Honor's Points and make sure you get in writing (on your contract or BEO) that you will receive points for your entire wedding charge as well as your room charge. We didn't have this in writing and we're having some hiccups getting the points. But you know me, I'll escalate this all the way to Paris herself if I have to, to get my points. LOL! You receive 10 points for every $1 you spend. (That can really add up and you might as well get something for your having your wedding there.) The points can be used for free nights at any Hilton property. The amount of points needed for a free night varies per property. Can you say "1st Anniversary Trip" Enjoy!!!
  12. OMG Stephanie!!!! I'm SOOOO excited for you. I hope you're having the BEST DAY EVER!!! Enjoy every minute and report back quickly. I can't wait to hear everything. And I'm dying to know how Chris liked the BD book.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Jen - is that your dog or your sister's? either way, SO cute!!! Bridget is my sister's beagley, but I pretend she's mine - LOL!!!
  14. Everyone's pics are sooo cute!!!! I love all the doggies!!! Here's mine.
  15. Oh Lizz, everything is so beautiful. I love the clutch!!!
  16. I LOVE those pics of your beagley's (that's what we call Bridget - a beagley.) Bridget is my sister's dog but I love her like she's my own. I can't imagine having any other kind of dog either.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine oh that's true, hmm well maybe she can refer you to someone? So sorry to highjack but Christine, I LOVE your beagle siggy pic. I have one too. How cute.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jen everything sounds amazing! I am drooling thinking about your ice cream station. I can't even begin to tell you how much I wish I was there! The only thing I wanted to hear more about was your ceremony. What did Brendan think when you walked down the aisle? Did you cry? LOL!!! Actually, Brendan cried during our vows. I'm not a sappy person but I had my grandfather's handkerchief with me because the way we were positoned, the sun was in my face. I was kind of annoyed that it was making me tear out of one eye (I looked ridiculous.) And then I look up during the vows and the exchanging of the rings, and I see Brendan crying and I'm like, "Huh What's the matter with you" I don't get too emotional (well, I did at his Welcome Dinner speech, but that was it.)
  19. I just got my mom a $100 gift card to her favorite nail place. (She'll be able to get her nails done for months.) Plus I'm going to take her to lunch on Mother's Day.
  20. The way I see it, you've got some great leverage now. Hmm, what else can you get out of this?
  21. Hey, Happy Birthday!!! When he gets back, just tell him he can make it up to you by taking you out to a REALLY nice restaurant on Saturday night. I wouldn't let it go. I would milk this as long as I could. LOL!!!
  22. Oh Tami, Welcome Back!!! I've been patiently waiting for you to get back, post pics and your review. I can't wait to hear all about it. And your pics - WOW!!! You look BEAUTIFUL!!! I loved your dress, flowers and the parasols - everything looked soooo good!!!! Now, go post your review.
  23. WOW Erica, you look GORGEOUS!!! Donnie really is going to flip when he sees you in this.
  24. We had dinner between 6:00PM and 8:00PM. We cut the cake at 9:30PM, but only because we did fireworks with it. My WC had everyone do a countdown for the cake cutting. They said, "3-2-1" and when the fireworks went off, just as we cut the first piece of cake. And we played "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard in the background.
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