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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BayBug That is too bad! That is my worst fear that people will leave my wedding and say it was the worst they have ever attended. Now I am scared! No, don't be scared, be informed. At least now you know of some things you want to make sure are taken care of.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by NurseSarah Wow, that's such a bummer. It sounds like a lot of that could have been avoided by some better organization...less to be learned ladies! Yes, they didn't have a WC and the hotel didn't have an on-site person to oversee anything. I felt so bad. (I still do.) But at least it's over and I'm sure they'll look back on this someday and laugh (hopefully.)
  3. Ok, so a few weeks ago I went to my co-workers wedding in Montreal. What a disaster!!!! I felt so bad for him and his new wife. Here's some of what happened. 1. First of all, there were no directions or hotel information included with the invitation. I ended up getting lost and missing the ceremony. (I was not happy.) 2. The place cards were not in alphabetical order so all the guests were in a clutter around the table trying to figure out which table they were to go to. 3. When you walked into the ballroom, there were no table numbers on the tables. No one knew where to sit. Groups of friends were split up and the brides parents ended up in the back of the room. 4. The centerpieces were suppose to be balloons but they had all deflated. Looks like the hotel blew them up the night before. 5. The DJ brought one speaker but it was a Bass speaker. Whenever someone spoke into the microphone, you couldn't hear them and all the music was too low and distorted. 6. The MOB closed the bar even though my co-worker paid to keep it open. 7. Dinner consisted of chicken, rice, veggies and shrimp. Another co-worker got sick after dinner even after she told the waiter that she was allegeric to shelfish and asked to have a special plate made for her. Looks like they didn't listen. 8. The ballroom CLEARLY couldn't hold the 185 people that attended. They ended up using rectangular tables that overflowed onto the dancefloor. Making the dancing area a long narrow space and not very functional. 9. People who never RSVP's showed up and started sitting anywhere (since the seating arrangements were all messed up anyway.) The waiters were constantly bringing out extra chairs to squeeze in at the tables. And one of my co-workers ended up kneeling on the floor while he ate his dinner at our table. (That was just crazy!!!) 10. They definitely didn't have enough staff. (I counted 4 waiters for 185+ people.) And because of the narrow space, the waiters were bringing food to tables while walking on the dance floor in the middle of my co-workers' dance with his mom. Bottom line, it looks like most of the problems were with the hotel (Days Hotel.) I felt so bad for him. All of my co-workers did. We tried to play it off like everything was fine, but even after he came back to work after the honeymoon, he too said the day was a disaster.
  4. I agree too. I wasn't going to register because I made it very clear to my mom and sisters that I didn't want a shower. But now that I think of it, I know there will be some people out there that will want to buy us gifts. And rather than ending up with stuff that we don't like or can't use, it makes sense to at least register for a couple of items to give our guests ideas in case they are looking for a gift idea. Stick to the major bridal registry stores (Macy's, Target, BB&B, Crate and Barrel.) You'll probably end up with some great stuff.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston i am asking my lil sis on monday to be my moh!!! yay i think she will be excited my mom told me she is so nervious....but this is what im buying form her a little something special....because she is.... its from tiffanys its called the eternal cross....love when you open that blue box......... Beautiful gift. She'll love it. Just note - that cross comes in 2 sizes. Make sure you get the small one. The big one is soooo big. Brendan gave it to me a couple of years ago and I ended up returning it. It was way too big, and I'm a big girl - I still couldn't pull it off. And keep in mind that the chains are never very long. If you want a longer chain, you'll have to pay extra for it.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Doc2B&LosCabosBride2B Hey, congrats Jen...we'll be getting married at the same time...I'm April 5th at the Westin!!! If you want, we can bounce ideas off each other and share stories, etc.! You must have booked Juan Carlos...I contacted him the other day and he said he had a wedding on the 6th and doesn't book them that close together.....I'm so happy for you...the hard part is done......now the save the dates...that's what I'm working on now, getting the design together, etc.....and its fun but I'm starting to stress as I want my guests to have enough time to plan, etc....so I"m shooting for getting them out by labor day.....what about you? Congrats again......now onward to the next thing you have to worry about ! We'll definitely have to meet up in Cabo the week after our weddings. Yes, that's me that booked Juan Carlos on the 6th. Sorry about that. But I have to say, I also wanted Leigh Miller. You may want to look into her. Her work is FANTASTIC!!! I sent me STD's over a month ago. I knew we were going to get married in Cabo - just not 100% sure of the actual location. Now that that's done, I'm going to update my website and send out another package to my guests with the hotel info and event details. I'm shooting for mid-September on that. How long are you staying in Cabo after your wedding? We decided to stay there for our honeymoon as well. I just didn't want to have to pack up and move after a few days of running around. I want to start the honeymoon right away. So we're actually going to be in Cabo from April 2nd to the 16th. And we were able to get a Premiere, 1 bedroom suite for the entire time. I think I'm mostly excited about that - HA!!! Thanks for being excited for me Ladies.
  7. Welcome back!!!! Glad to hear everything went well. Keep us posted on the results.
  8. It's official!!!! We signed the contract yesterday!!! I'm so happy this is done. I feel like the biggest (and most stressful) part is FINALLY done and now comes the fun stuff. Yippee!!!
  9. NYJen

    I'm new!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by MartinLopez I'm not one to get addicted to forums but I can see getting alot of useful information from those who are on here. Also, I can participate more in the planning of our wedding and take some of the weight off Jaime's shoulders. -Martin That's what we all said when we joined. Welcome aboard!!!
  10. Oh Sarah, you looked so pretty!!!! Love the sand ceremony and your idea to add sand from your future vacations - so nice. And THAT TABLE - WOW!!! You really did do such a great job. Nice work!!!
  11. Sarah, I've been DYING for you to come back and post a review. Thanks so much. This is extremely helpful. I just booked the Hilton yesterday (after negotiating with Emeline for about a month.) We are sooooo excited to be getting married there and your review gets me more excited!!! Thanks for your help. I may come to you from time to time for help or advice. I hope that's ok. Thanks again, Jen
  12. Oh Kelly, you look so happy and so BEAUTIFUL!!! I really am so happy for you and Everton. You're going to have such a wonderful life together (well, you're going to CONTINUE to have a wonderful life together.) Your family photo is so beautiful - really shows how much you all love each other. Best of luck with the DR wedding. Have fun!!!
  13. AHHHH!!!! The birds are singing, the sun is shining - TammyB finally got her PICTURES!!! YAHOO, it's a great day in the universe. I logged in after being off the Forum for about 30 hours and I had 547 posts to catch up on. The first one I see is this one and I think, "Oh, that explains it." Tammy - you look ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in your pics. GORGEOUS!!! Juan Carlos - Great job!!! (As always)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NurseSarah Oh yeah, I can't tell you how many times I heart that. Because Lake Michigan is SO MUCH like Cabo! Right! People are stupid...get used to it! We told everyone right from the get-go that we were having DW and it was not open for discussion. We told everyone, including our friends, that although we would love to have them there, we didn't want anyone to feel obligated to be there as all that really mattered to use was that Jeff & I were there- THAT'S IT! I think that kept people from booking just because they felt obligated. Granted, we ended up with a very small group (just 14) but it was perfect for us and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Jeff & I still talk about our wedding all the time and how beautiful it was. My DH is too cute...last night we were watching "MY Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" and after seeing what kind of wedding 2 million dollars would buy, my DH turned to me and said "You know what? That's all nice, but our wedding was so much more US, and so much more meaningful than that. I'm so glad we got married the way we did." Ahhh yes, DH & I are happy and that's ALL that matters! Keep your chin up and ignore the remarks. Once you get back, the people that went won't be able to stop thanking you for showing them how to have such a wonderful vacation, and the people that didn't go will be insanely jealous that they missed out on such a great time! Hey, I don't mean to hijack this thread but thanks for watching my sister's show last night.
  15. We decided to do the room block because Brendan and I are staying there 14 nights ourselves. That eats up about half of the 30 rooms. The other half is definitely being taken by our immediate families. If our friends stay too, then great. But at least we're covered for the minimum required.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by kendra I am doing a room block also. I am going to send her a email. I think if you do a room block it should be waived. Yes, and tell her you are on the forum (she's on here too and doesn't like negative things said about her) and you read from other brides here that their cake fees were waived because of their room block.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Okay so his mom and my mom shouldn't wear the same color? It's completely up to you. If you don't mind them wearing the same color, then that's fine. I just meant, don't let Brad's mother get her dress first and then your mom has to find something to go with it. It should be the other way around. Your mom should pick whatever she wants first and then Brad's mom can find something that works with it.
  18. I never understood why some people feel the need to add their 2 cents about something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!! This is your wedding and it's the day you want. They're lucky they're even invited. So do want you want and let them know you're ok if they can't attend. Bottom line, you are having the wedding you and your FI want.
  19. My cake cutting fee is being waived because I am doing the block of rooms. I also let Emeline know that I thought it was ridiculous to charge $3 per person for a cake cutting fee. Heck, I would have had my BIL go in the kitchen and cut the cake for us. HA!!!
  20. So today has been exactly one week on Nutrisystem. I only exercised 3 times this week for 30 minutes each. But I lost a total of 4 pounds. I guess that's not too bad. I did however cancel my Nutrisystem subscription. I'm going to finish up the month of food they sent me and then go back to WW. The NS food is good, I just don't like all the preservatives. I think I just want to have fresher foods in my diet.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JENESIS What exactly are "Performance Damages". This might have been in my contract, but it wasn't something that stood out. Performance Damages is basically an agreement that in case you back out of the wedding, you will still pay 90% of what they anticipated to make off your party.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JENESIS My pictures aren't showing for some reason. IMG_5042.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Wed10.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Wed42.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Hopefully that will work. Wow!!! Your tables were beautiful!!! Did you have to pay extra for the orange chair ties and colored napkins? Also, where did you get your flowers? Those are really nice. I LOVE low to the table flowers. So elegant and beautiful.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JENESIS I just signed the basic contract, b/c I didn't think to add or subtract anything. The HIlton provided tables, chairs, votives, table and chair linens as well as other necessary lighting outside. There was also no extra charge for any china. This was my table. Am I missing anything? I can't see the pictures
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