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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. How about "When you wish apon a Star" by Disney.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Jen, Light green table cloths? Or flowers? I think those blue ones are great and if you put light green and white up against it (in flowers, napkins, menus, etc) it will look really crisp. Sorry, the way I wrote it was confusing! Yes, I meant the tablecloths would be the blue in the picture. And then the flowers would be a light green and white combo. I'm now waiting for my logo designs and then I can work on the invites. But they will be light green as well. I'm also thinking about having our logo in the middle of the pool (somehow with a light from the bottom of the pool.) Has anyone seen that or had it done.
  3. Oh great!!!! Thanks Ladies. I knew you would be honest (and helpful.) I was hoping all those colors would work together. Now I can't wait for my WC to get back from vacation so I can talk to her about it. YEAH!!!!
  4. OMG - I think I figured out how to finally attach a picture. Sorry it's so big - I'm new at this. Ok, so this is a picture of the Dolphin Terrace at the Hilton where I will be having my reception. I love the blue table cloths but I think I would do light green and white flowers for centerpieces. What do you think?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Thanks for the suggestions. I usually do a search before I post. Everything is running together. Let's just leave it at I had dreams about BM dresses last night, so I had a restless night... What happened with your BM's dresses (in your dream?) Not to change the topic of the thread, but I can TOTALLY relate to the restless nights. Can't get this wedding planning stuff out of my head. I feel like I keep asking the same questions over and over too.
  6. Michelle - what about two shuttles from Dreams to FA the day of the wedding(one for the people that want to come early, and one for those that want to come just in time for the wedding.) Everyone else can take cabs and pay for it themselves.
  7. I know there was another thread posted about this awhile back. I plan on getting my WC a gift from Tiffany's (either a braclet or a jewelry bag.) I would think a $150 tip would be very nice. I don't think you need to spend more than that.
  8. I have pictures that I could show you, but everytime I go to upload them, I'm told they're too big. Ugh!!! Very frustrating!!!
  9. Ok Ladies, to help me avoid having a meltdown later on this issue, can you please give me your best advice on this topic. I don't really have a color scheme, but I would like to tie together the flowers, linens, cake and invitations. My STD's were blue and my sisters (who are my Matron or Honor and Maid of Honor) will be wearing whatever colors they want. (One sister already has her dress which is mostly light blue, with some green, red and yellow in it - very cool.) My other sis is preggers so she won't get her dress until early next year. It won't be a typical bridesmaid dresses, she'll probably shop in Bloomingdales, Nordstroms, or something like that. Anyway, so, it's not that I have to keep blue, but I really like the dark blue linens from the Hilton - which is a much different blue than my sister's dress. (If I could attach a picture here, I would - seriously, I can't figure it out.) This is what I was thinking for the reception, I hope my explanation makes sense: 1. Guests tables to have dark blue linens with light green and white flowers in square vases (which will match my sisters bouquets), light green paper for the menus on white napkins (and possibly dark blue chair ties.) 2. Sweetheart table to also have the same linens but to have pink, orange, green and white flowers to match my bouquet. 3. Chinese lanterns in the pool with white lights on the surrounding trees, votive candles on all tables and votive candle luminars to line the pathways in our area. 4. Three tiered white round cake with a light blue ribbon boarding the first and third tier, and a light green ribbon boarding the 2nd tier. With orange and pink flowers on the top (instead of a cake topper.) 5. Invitations to be light green (to match the menu cards.) As far as the ceremony is concerned, I will probably have some kind of flower arrangement at out "alter." Plus white chair covers with sand colored ties and a single flower bud in each of the ties (all different colors - orange, pink & green.) Is this tacky? Will it work? I know it's hard to visualize which is why I need advice from those of you that are good with this sort of thing. My WC is on vacation for a few weeks and I wanted to have an idea to present to her when she returns. Thanks for your help!
  10. So far, I hate both. LOL!!! Brendan and I completely renovated our 75 year old house the first year we bought it. Not fun at all. Way too many decisions to make on EVERYTHING. Same goes for wedding planning. Let's just say I'm not good at making decisions. YUCK!!!!
  11. Yes, it looks like you attached an email address rather than a website. Please repost - I'm DYING to see these two dresses. Thanks!
  12. I think - if the couple is married, you never separate the man from his first and last name. For example: Jane and John Doe. But if the couple isn't married you put the girl first but with her last name. Jane Smith and John Doe. Hope this helps.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Thanks! I felt like I wasn't loosing anything and was so irritated and decided to just get on the scale midweek and I was shocked! Numbers on the scale I hadn't seen in a long time! I really need to lose more than 30 lbs., but I will be happy with loosing at least that! Thanks for the motivation! You can do it!!! <<RAH, RAH, RAH>> YOU CAN DO IT - YEAH!!!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I've never done Jenny Craig, but have done WW. I like WW because you can eat anything as long as you count it, your not restricted. With that being said, I'm 7 weeks away from my wedding and have been trying to lose weight since I got engaged and because I'm a procrastinator I kept putting it off, so I'm now doing atkins. I know, I know, atkins is very controversial. I don't eat a slab of bacon everyday or anything like that. I usually have an atkins breakfast bar and an iced coffee. For lunch, a greek salad, or a salad with grilled chicken. Dinner some sort of protein, I've been doing fish a lot, salmon, haddock, or I'll have chicken or steak, and either another salad or some veggies. The first few days were hard, but its actually a lot better now, I'm so much less hungry and I lost about 13 pounds in the last two weeks. The thing I hate about atkins is that its really hard to drink because all alcohol has carbs. But realistically on any diet you have to limit drinking if you want to lose. So anyway, my goal was to lose 30 lbs. by my wedding, so if I can still reach my goal I'll be really happy! Oh, you're totally going to get there. You can lose another 17 pounds in 7 weeks - no problem. Just keep doing what you're doing. Good luck!!!
  15. Thank GOODNESS you posted this already. It was pure TORTURE last night to not log in to the Forum for fear of being asked if you got the bling. Lizzy mentioned it in the Shout box so I just signed off. I didn't want to have to lie. I emailed Leigh right after I left you guys. Too funny!!! Leigh - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those two shots. (You know I'm obsessed with you.) Shawn did such a great job. Trisha forgot to mention that he had also called the TSA to find out what the deal is with taking the ring on the plane. He did so good!!! Trisha and Shawn are just the cutest things. They are going to have a BLAST planning this wedding. Glad I got to see the bling and hear about the proposal in person. YIPPEE!!!!!
  16. Thank you! Those are great. I don't even have my dress yet but I know I want "chandelier" earrings like that. Thanks - I'll be going to Macy's this weekend.
  17. NurseSarah - this is mostly for you: I love the earrings you wore for your wedding. Where did you get them? If anyone knows where she got them or where I can get a pair very similar to them, that would be helpful. Thanks!
  18. Wow - this is tough. They are both GORGEOUS on you!!! Go with the one you don't want to take off.
  19. That is such a sweet story. I'm so happy for you
  20. Ok, so I just got off Nutrisystem (did it for one month.) It worked, I lost 8 pounds in a month without exercising. But ALL the food is pantry food - very weird (too many preservatives.) I was going to join Jenny Craig since a friend of mine has done it and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. But I have to say, I like Weight Watchers. I've always done well on it and it's easy to stick to. You can get really creative with your points too. I guess if you try it for a month or so and see what you think. I'm glad I tried Nutrisystem, but I don't think it's for me.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Ali0624 Interesting. So I've heard good things about Jennifer on the forum. Was everyone happy with the appearance? I had shown the chef at the Hilton a pic of a cake I liked, and he said they had never done anything like it before. It made me a little nervous about trying it. Maybe I should ask who will actually be doing the cake. Also, does anyone know if there is a big price difference between going to Jennifer directly vs. going through the Hilton? I would guess that the Hilton would charge a fee to bring a cake in from outside, right? Time to do some investigating.... Since I did a room block at the Hilton, they are not charging me anything extra to bring in the cake from outside (I also had this added to my contract.) And they have waived the cake cutting fee. Jennifer charges about $4.50 - $5.00 per person (not per slice like others do.) If you want a square cake, she charges an extra $10 per tier as a design fee since it takes her much longer to do. Hope this helps.
  22. I did my site visit the weekend before July 4th. Be prepared that most people don't make appointments on Sunday's. But you can use that day to check out other things (Costco, restaurants, etc.) I did make appointments and most of the vendors in Cabo seem to be on their own timeline. One of my appointments didn't show up. It was at a restaurant I wanted to look into for my Welcome Dinner. I refused to wait around after I specifically confirmed the appointment a couple of days before. I guess they didn't need my business bad enough. Don't be surprised if this happens to you - seems to be the norm in Cabo.
  23. I'm getting married at the Hilton in April 08. I seeked out Jennifer Hatton on my own and met her during my site visit in July. Turns out she is who the Hilton outsources anyway.
  24. Holy crap - I TOTALLy would have cried if that was me. Before I sent my STD's, I had them measured at the PO, not because of the weight, but because the size was weird (they were square shaped.) Turns out they cost $0.58 - no problem. So I ordered cool stamps from stamps.com with a pic of the Cabo Arc on them - so cute. Then, I ended up taking them to the PO and asked if they can put them through without having to put that big ugly black PO stamp over my cute Cabo stamps. Well, what do the morons at the PO do, then end up putting a PO strip OVER my stamp, so you couldn't see my stamp at all - I was SOOOO pissed. When my mom got her STD card you couldn't even see my cute stamp. She tried to make me feel better by saying that they probably all didn't go out that way, but I know they did. I was so mad!!!!
  25. Geez, I need to get off this forum. Everytime I read a new thread, I get more ideas and want to do more things. LOVE those lanterns (especially the ones in the pool!!!!) Stop it Ladies, I can't take it anymore - LOL!!!! Really, those are beautiful!!!!
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