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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Can someone please tell me how I can add a map to my website? Here's the problem, I have recommended three different hotels to my guests (The Hilton, the Marbella Suites de la Playa and The Pueblo Boinito Rose.) Someone (who apparently doesn't know how to search things on the internet) has asked me for a map of the area showing the three hotels - I guess so she can compare the distance before deciding where to stay. I can't find one map with all three hotels (since 2 are in the Corridor and one is in Cabo San Lucas.) I would love to be able to create one map that shows both areas, but that's not the biggest deal. Mostly I'm just looking to figure out how to add maps to the website. I guess it would be good to add so all my guests can get a visual of the area. Thanks!
  2. Wow - it came out SOOOOO GREAT!!! Rebecca, your pics are just GORGEOUS and Juan does such great work.
  3. For those of you that are really close to your wedding, be careful with how much weight you lose. You want to make sure you'll still fit in your dresses too.
  4. Although I don't really recommend it, have you tried The Atkins Diet. It does work. The only thing is, you really can only do it for 2 weeks. And then, just be careful because once you start eating carbs again, you put the weight back on pretty quickly. Or what about Colonics? As gross as it is, I hear from people I work, who have done it, that you lose 3 pounds.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ncainey I like the first one too! Umm, I'm getting married the same weekend as you. Do I need to be worried? I haven't even picked out my invites! When are you sending them out? I'm mailing mine out in early December and actually asking for either a January or February RSVP date (what's on the sample is incorrect.) You still have plenty of time. I wanted to get a head start because I have trouble making decisions. There are sooo many gorgeous invitations out there, I knew it would be tough to choose.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I've only tried BigLots, but had no luck. I even tried a supplier in the Philippines but they were charging $6 each! YIKES!!!!!!!
  7. I have been looking all over the internet and can't find them any cheaper than Shelley or Ann found. Sorry!!! What about checking some Dollar stores. You never know.
  8. Thanks for all your comments Ladies. I'm so excited ahout this. There are just soooo many gorgeous invitations out there, it really is hard to pick. Quote: Originally Posted by melglnh2o Super cute!!!!! One of these days I need to start thinking about doing my invitations. I am such a procrastinator. Do you remember the website that had the wording (Long Island Boy Meets City Girl)? That is so great. Here it is. I actually tweaked their version a little bit. They had "Island Boy meets City Girl, to see how the story ends." But I don't look at this as the ending of our story so I changed it a bit. Plus with Brendan being from Long Island . . . Wedding Invitation Wording Samples by InvitationConsultants.com
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I think they look awesome, Jen! I love the "Long Island Boy Meets City Girl..."! Also, I like your date in your logo. Thank you!!!! I got that wording from some invitation website where they listed a ton of ideas for wording. It's so perfect for us. Brendan grew up on Long Island and me in NYC. I thought it sounded so cute.
  10. Oh my gosh - I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!!! I requested two invitation samples from this company and here they are. The first picture in each sample is the view of the belly band with our logo attached to it. I know it's hard to see, but our date is actually written on the "M" in our logo. I really like the first sample. NurseSarah - I'm dying to know what you think. Custom Invitations, Modern Invitations, Unique Invitations
  11. I really can't help you either. I've been on Ortho Novum 7/7/7 for over 16 years. Apparently this is one of the strongest BC pills out there. I've never had a problem with it though. And I've never gone off. This pill is so old, from what I hear, they don't even prescribe it anymore - LOL!!! But I think (and my doctor agrees) that there's no sense in changing anything if it's all working fine.
  12. OMG!!!! I'm sooooooo excited for you!!!! And just yesterday you were saying you were still waiting for your dress. LOL!!! I can't wait to see the pics!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I got up at the crack of dawn this morning and did 30 minutes of turbo sculpt and 45 minutes of turbo jam, and I'm making myself go for a walk/jog with one of the dogs tonight when I get home, only 4 weeks to go! Hey Jill, how is the weight loss going? I know you wanted to lose a few more pounds before the wedding - are you getting there?
  14. Sorry the job hunting isn't going well. I wish I had some advice for you. Maybe just enjoy this time off because once you do get a job, that's it for time off for awhile. Not sure if that helped you or not.
  15. Happy Birthday Drea!!!! I hope today is a great day for you.
  16. Oh WOW - that dress is beautiful!!! You are going to look so good in that. Make sure you take pics and post them when the dress comes in. I think I'm going to check it out for myself.
  17. Yeah, I was just going to say the same thing - where are the pictures I would love to see them.
  18. Brittney, I'm sorry you're going through this. I agree with NurseSarah that you can still be a wonderful person with only having one active parent. I also agree that these types of things do effect you and do make you the person you are. Maybe you're stronger because of this. I too didn't have a good relationship with my father. He was in my life (physically) when I was growing up - but he wasn't a very good parent. Lots of physical and mental abuse. My mom divorced him in 1994 when I was in college. After that, he only called and wanted to be a part of my (and my sisters) lives during the holidays. Other than that, we wouldn't hear from him. Back in 2000, my sisters and I ended up having a HUGE fight with him about his lack of interest in our lives. After that, we never heard from him again - neither did anyone else on his side of the family. Even after 9/11, he never called to see if we were ok (we live in NYC and he was in MD.) My BIL is a NYC Fireman and he never even called to see if he was still alive. Anyway, we found out recently that my father died last summer. Part of me didn't care, part of me was upset that it all ended the way it did. It was a very strange feeling. Bottom line, you can't change the way people are - you just have to be ok with your choices in life. You made the effort so you can sleep at night knowing you did the right thing.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Uhm....the grass isn't always greener....have you read my peanut butter and cereal story......or the dreaded open house candy drawer one.....? The size of the dress is deceiving....I shouldn't have said anything! You are too funny! I read the Open House Candy Drawer thread and thought it was HYSTERICAL!!! I probably would have done the same thing.
  20. Happy Anniversary Leigh!!! I hope you and your hubby are having a great day!!!
  21. OMG Amy!!!! You look GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS in that dress!!!! Andy is going to go nuts when he sees you.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Excited Couple For Jen & Brendan I actually grew up in Glendale, Queens until I was 10 then moved to Port Washington where my parents still live...small world. Wow - it is a small world. Good luck with your planning.
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