Brittney, I'm sorry you're going through this. I agree with NurseSarah that you can still be a wonderful person with only having one active parent. I also agree that these types of things do effect you and do make you the person you are. Maybe you're stronger because of this.
I too didn't have a good relationship with my father. He was in my life (physically) when I was growing up - but he wasn't a very good parent. Lots of physical and mental abuse. My mom divorced him in 1994 when I was in college. After that, he only called and wanted to be a part of my (and my sisters) lives during the holidays. Other than that, we wouldn't hear from him. Back in 2000, my sisters and I ended up having a HUGE fight with him about his lack of interest in our lives. After that, we never heard from him again - neither did anyone else on his side of the family. Even after 9/11, he never called to see if we were ok (we live in NYC and he was in MD.) My BIL is a NYC Fireman and he never even called to see if he was still alive. Anyway, we found out recently that my father died last summer. Part of me didn't care, part of me was upset that it all ended the way it did. It was a very strange feeling.
Bottom line, you can't change the way people are - you just have to be ok with your choices in life. You made the effort so you can sleep at night knowing you did the right thing.