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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Heidi, I feel so sick right now. I'm soooo sorry. I don't even know what to say. You and Reggie are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need ANYTHING!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Dear Self: WAY TO GO!!!!! YOU GOT SOME LAST NIGHT!!!! Note to self to get Erik off the computer and come play, you need to wear sexy nighties and not just boxers and old shirts. .... Did you see how quickly he got off the computer when you came in, stood in front of him and just looked at him with the look (as he said)"you better get off that computer and f**k me NOW!" look. Maria..... Erik doesn't sleep after sex he actually is very much awake afterwards....I'm the one that has a tendency to go to sleep. Way to go Drea!!!! (LOL)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Thank you! Now I'm getting teary! Yall are just too much sometimes. It's wonderful. WOW - he IS strong!!! That's awesome that he's been in remission for so long. I also think it's so wonderful that he'll be going to your wedding and walking you down the aisle. I'm going to pray for your dad all weekend and everyday next week. Please keep us in the loop with what the doctors say.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Okay ladies... if I can get off the crack, you can too. Hello, my name is Jenn, and I am a Diet Coke addict. That being said, I've been clean for 10 days. Jen - the scale will start moving. Have faith and stick with it. Let us know how the new treadmill is going! I'm going to make a suggestion - do you guys want to move the challenge exclusively onto BDW? I'm still using spark for the trackers, but I'm with Kash - the double posting is starting to hurt. Wow - 10 days clean, that's AWESOME!!! Yes, I would love to keep the challenge here. As it is, I can't get any work done because of being on 1 forum, I don't think I can handle 2 forums. Thanks!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot of alcohol, but I drink SO MUCH Diet Coke!! I am going to start weaning myself off of it after this weekend so I will need some support... If I can quit Diet Coke, I can do anything, right?! DEFINITELY!!!! I'm in the same boat. I don't smoke, I don't drink (VERY occasional glass of wine) but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my diet coke. Quitting diet coke is VERY hard. I decided to just do it "cold turkey" - it's the only way, or I'll NEVER give it up. I used to drink a 20oz bottle of diet coke everyday at lunch and then still have 1 or 2 more cans at night with dinner. Today is my 3rd day without diet coke. I feel like a junkie coming off a high right now.
  6. Yesterday was very hard - but I was good. I stuck to my calorie range and didn't have any diet coke (even though I really wanted it.) I've actually been good all week. But then this morning, I got on the scale and it's NOT MOVING AT ALL!!!! What's the problem My new treadmill came yesterday and Brendan set it up last night. It looks good, but I didn't get home until very late last night so I haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'm not going to get home until very late tonight as well. So I probably won't be able to use it until tomorrow morning. After I use it, I'll let you know then what I think of it.
  7. Damn girl!!!! You look FANTASTIC!!! Good job!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Thanks Jen, he's been in remission for at least 6 months, but he has an incurable cancer, so it never goes away, it's just how active it decides to get. I'll keep yall posted, but I get so tense when he goes back to the doctor (usually every three months or so now). Last year was really rough. I can't even imagine what it's been like. But I'm good at praying. What day next week does he go back to the doctor (I put everything on my Outlook calendar.)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Dear Self: Please remember how damn good you feel this morning after a 45 minute work out, why don't you get your butt out of bed every morning?! Please remember this feeling when you're making excuses. Dear Crazy Extended Family: Can't you please just get a life and let my father be his own person, rather than always having to clean up all of your drama because you're too irresponsible and immature to live your own life. It's not his job to take care of everyone, he needs to take care of himself. Dear Dad: I'm nervous about your trip back to the doctor next week...I know you will still be in remission, but one of these trips won't be good news. You have been so strong during the transplants and it's wonderful to see you being "you" again, I hope these next results are as good as they've been the last year. I am so glad you are going to see me get married and walk me down the aisle, I didn't think it would happen 5 years ago when you were diagnosed. I love you. Oh Jill, I hope your dad is ok. I will be prayer for him next week when he goes back to the doctor.
  10. Ok, here is the email I got from Jennifer Hatton. Not sure if this helps you or not. "I think that it is best to use butter cream in the heat as it can be refrigerated, fondant cannot and it gets wibbley in the heat , I also think for food safe reasons it is best to go with butter cream in heat also, as it has the advantage of staying in the fridge longer."
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Galit Dear Daddy, I wish so much that you would wake up one day and remember why you married my mother. She loves you so much, and has loved you for so many years. I hate that after almost 30 years of marriage you two live in a house together and don't speak a word to each other. It hurts me so much to talk to your wife, my mother, and hear the sadness in her voice. It breaks my heart that you spend all your money on designer jeans, shots at the bar, and perfect strangers as if you were a college frat boy. I hate that she can't leave you because she doesn't have enough money to leave you. And worst of all, I hate that I can’t protect her from you. I want you to know that because of you, I question my ability to be loyal and true to my future husband almost daily. I am so afraid that I will wake up one day and decide he isn’t enough and that I need someone else to make me feel loved and complete, the way you felt when you cheated on my mother. I tell myself I could never hurt anyone I love so very much, but then I remember how you did… I am after all, your daughter. Most of all, I wish you would just make up your mind and leave if that's what you want to do so that we can move on with our lives. I love you so very much, but you have broken my heart and I won't let you do that to my little sister. You have done enough damage. It's time to either wake up and be a man, husband, and father... or leave us all alone. My mother deserves better. My sisters deserve better. I deserve better. Your daughter, Galit You should print that out and give it to him.
  12. I don't think they're plain at all. Personally I think they look great the way they are. I'm afraid if you add anything to it, they may look too "busy." BTW - Good job on these!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Some more things while I'm at it: Dear Stepdad: Please do not try and bring weed into Mexico or try and buy some down there. I will be really embarassed if you are in jail instead of walking me down the aisle. Andy's family doesn't get the whole "taking out the garbage" joke and I hardly think they will find it funny. You are a grown man and a high school teacher with responsibilities...stop smoking out. Dear FFIL: Are you going to shave your body hair before this vacation? You were called "the missing link" in college for a reason. Please don't embarass your wife with all that back hair...yikes. I pray Andy doesn't start sprouting that stuff. Dear Mom: I promise to call you more to talk about YOUR life....not just my little exploits about job/wedding/etc. I'm sorry for always talking about myself...next time I'll call and just ask about how your day was! I'm not appreciative enough of everything you sacraficed for me being a single mom....I am such a selfish brat! Amy - you're so freakin' funny!!!! Those bits about the back hair and pot are hysterical!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Thank you Tammy. I know she will get through it, its just not fair that she has to. At least she is still young, only 30, she has lots of time to hopefully fall in love again someday. I really want that for her. It is just around the corner, its pretty scary. Thanks for this thread Tammy, it helped me to say and think about some things I was holding inside. I am soooo pissed at my friend who sent me $40 in a card, maybe that is rude, but I spent $300 on her shower presents and wedding and got her what she wanted and went to stuff for her, and she can't show up at anything for me, or get a thoughtful gift, she just threw $40 in a card like I was someone she worked with and not a really good friend. I am so glad I can tell people that. I can't tell anyone in my life except for FH who was sooo pissed as well. I don't want anyone to think I am being a bitch. lol You are TOTALLY NOT a bitch. I completely understand what you're going through. $40 is RIDICULOUS to give a friend as a wedding gift. I have a very good friend who had a whirlwind year last year. Met her husband on Match.com in January, got engaged in March, bought a house in June, got pregnant in October and got married on New Years Eve. I gave her gifts for EVERY event. Engagement gift, house warming gift, shower gift (plus I helped pay for the shower), went to her bachelorette party, went to the spa with her the day before the wedding, I also bought food for the bridal party the day of the wedding so we wouldn't be starving while getting ready. Not to mention the wedding gift, then a pregnancy gift, a baby shower gift, I visited the baby in the hospital with a gift when he was born, etc, etc. You get the picture. Well, I've never even gotten a card from her for my engagement. No acknowledgment at all. Oh wait, that's not true. She acknowledged my engagement in HER WEDDING THANK YOU CARD. She thanked me for my gift and said, "We're looking forward to your wedding next year." How tacky!!! So she invited me to the Baptism last week and I declined. I sent a card but with nothing in it. I'm done giving her gifts for awhile. I understand she had a crazy year, but enough already. I just wish she could get her head out of her selfish butt long enough to think about someone else for a change. (Sorry for the highjack - didn't realize my rant would be so long.)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Just found this thread, and have a few things to get off my chest! Dear Wedding Guests: Why do you think that it isn't important to reply by the date requested? We even prepaid the postage, all you have to do is drop the card in the mail, you don't even have to put it in an envelope and seal it. Why have 100 of you still not replied 5 days after the RSVP date? Is it that difficult to check a box and drive by a mailbox? And why do you think that if you are really coming, that it's a better idea to wait and make your flight arrangements closer to the wedding date, instead of now? Also, I hope you're as excited about the wedding as we are! Dear Self: Stop stressing over the non-RSVPers. They aren't coming if they haven't replied yet, so just mark them as No and move on with it. Budget without them and leave a slight cushion. Also, get on the treadmill tonigth and make that butt smaller! Hotel rooms with blackout curtains is not a good enough excuse for not working out while on business trips! Dear UT: I hope we beat you on Saturday, because I'm sick of losing the last few years. McCoy really is going to be demolished, I hope you're ready for a beating. Dear FI: I'm going to miss you next week when you move to Colorado, but I know it's for us and I'll be there after the wedding. Please don't eat pizza and burritos every night becuase since you currently don't fit in your swimsuit, you certainly won't in 5 weeks. I will take care of the dogs, don't worry! Dear Boss: Yes, I am very excited about leaving the company and moving to Denver. I'm sorry that you can't understand that I don't want to be stuck in this job for the rest of my life, although I graduated from law school I can now Fed Ex things very efficiently. Please understand I am more intelligent than you give me credit, and no, I don't like how you sing all the time. It's annoying. WHEW! Thanks ladies! OMG!!!! I think I just wet myself from laughing so hard.
  16. Julie - you're killing me with your post Especially the part about your BIL. (So sad!!!)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild They should make a tourist lane on the sidewalk like bicycle riders get on the road...hahaha OMG!!! I say the same thing, almost daily.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Aww, thanks Heidi. Today is better already ) I was going to ask, are you having a better day today Jamy?
  19. Dear NYC Tourists, We love having you here in our city, but PLEASE (for the love of GOD) MOVE OVER when you want to stop, look up and take in the view. I think it's great to have so many tourists here, but when you're walking down the street, please don't just stop wherever you are to look at the skyscrapers and take pictures. It's a VERY crowded city, there are people walking right behind you. So, welcome to NYC, enjoy the lights and attractions, and please get out of our way. Thanks! Sincerly, Jen
  20. Yippee!!! I'm so glad we got the painting. Tammy - that picture is so nice!!! What a great theme for a baby's room.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Smelikai I don't know who we're using. My WC uses vendors that don't have websites. It's really frustrating because I don't know what I'm getting. I am going to do a cake tasting with her at the end of the month. Can you please ask the cake diva for me? I just sent Jennifer Hatton an email. I'll let you know what she says.
  22. Do you know who the cake vendor is? I'm using Jennifer Hatton for my cake. (She is apparently the Cake Diva of Cabo.) If you want, I can ask her what she thinks.
  23. Ok, not sure if this can help you, but what about finding a dress maker/steamstress that you can hire to "copy" your dress (the one that is on backorder.) This way you can get the dress you want and it may actually cost you less money. Do you have a craigslist.com for your area? Check there for dress makers/steamstresses. Also, call the BBB and report that dress shop. This is their business, they should know what they're doing. If not, other brides should at least be warned.
  24. I'm in too. Just let me know how I'm suppose to pay.
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