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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride update: So, I decided to bite the bullet and call her yeaterday- twice, on the second time I left a message... no call yet.... Wow, let us know if/when she calls you back.
  2. Congratulations and Happy Wedding Day!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!
  3. Ok, so in addition to doing the Daily Health Challenge's that Kash posted, I'm going to try to do these challenges too. I did 50 crunches yesterday, a 30 minute power walk this morning, and now I'm going to try to do those lunges tonight.
  4. OH WOW!!!! Everyone looks soooo beautiful!!!! Love those colors together (brown and orange.) And Kate - you look GORGEOUS in that dress!!!!
  5. Everyone is doing such a great job with this!!!! Keep it up ladies. I did my 50 crunches last night. And I already did my 30 minute workout this morning (30 minute power walk on my treadmill.) And I've already had about 20oz of water too. NOTHING motivates me to get up in the morning and workout. I just can't do it. But I was so worried that I would get yelled at on here if I didn't do it, so I got my butt up and DID IT!!! YIPPEE!!! I LOVE this thread!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Alisarosenbaum I also only received an email from Emeline after I sent her an email, which was yesterday. I have emailed Mara several emails and have not heard back, so I am getting really nervous about this transition! Emeline copied Mara on her email to me and suggested that Mara and I set up a conference call. I agreed and then Mara emailed me and we set up a call for Monday. She's reading her emails now. Are you sure you have the correct address for Mara?
  7. I LOVE this idea. I'm totally in if you gals (and guys) want to do it this year.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kendra Hi, Jen I did recv a email from Emeline stating that Mara will be the new contact for my my wedding. She did not mention that she was leaving. Mara seems to be good about responding to emails. Do you mind telling me when you received that email. Makes me wonder if I hadn't sent Emeline an email today, was she ever going to tell me Thanks!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh Tomorrow is going to be diffiicult for me. I am working half the day then flying to chicago. I don't know when I will be able to exercise. Why don't you try to do the 30 minutes of exercise tonight instead.
  10. I just sent Emeline an email to follow up on some wedding stuff and she replied letting me know that October 19th will be her last day at the Hilton. She is leaving "for a new project." Carolina Solis will be the new wedding manager. Mara Perez will be the new wedding coordinator. She is the new direct contact for all brides to be. Did any other Hilton brides know this?
  11. Oh Kate, I'm so glad the wedding went well. Sounds like everything was beautiful. Love that!!!! When you fix the pics, make sure there's at least one of you in there.
  12. Trisha - your posts totally crack me up!!!!
  13. Oh Shelley, I'm soooo sorry she's doing this to you. I HATE when people lie!!! If she's not going to the wedding, why doesn't she just come out and say it? I'm sure she knows that if she told you she was having financial problems and couldn't make it, that you would understand. So what's the big deal? Why lie Makes me think something else is going on. And what's this about her not calling your sis back about your shower. Something is up. You should call her up, invite her over for dinner one night (when Amos is out) and confront her with everything. Show her you're a concerned friend who wants to know what's going on.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Hooray! I was hoping you would use the treadmill so I could see if you liked it! Glad it was great! So proud of you! Thank you!!! I was so proud of me too last night - LOL! I came home with a headache and all I wanted to do was sit down and watch TV. But I made myself get up, get on the treadmill and do a workout. I felt so good afterwards. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira YAY! That's the whole point! I'm so glad it's working! I need to go get that water - I want to try and drink my 64 oz., 50 crunshes, eat right, yoga and work on my freelance work at home... yikes! That's a lot for one day! I believe in you Kash - you can get it all done!!!! BTW, I already finished my 64oz of water for today. I usually go through a 32oz bottle between breakfast and taking my vitamins. Then by lunch, I finish another 32oz bottle. I'm now on my 3rd 32oz bottle of water today. I feel like a fish!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Wow - awesome job yesterday! Now who's the motivated one! I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!! Having to post everyday to show that you're keeping up with the challenges is really motivating me to stay on track and stick to everything else (eating better, no diet coke, etc.) I also printed out 2 copies of the list of daily challenges. I posted a copy of it on my desk at work and on my fridge at home. Here's the list if anyone else wants to print it out. October Daily Challenges.doc
  16. Ok, well first of all, don't do her hair again unless you get the money up front for the color. You can always say, "I'm a little short this month, I can't lay out the money for your color. Sorry." I know that money can cause all kinds of problems between friends and family, so this can be tricky. I would ask her again soon for the money (since it's been 3 weeks now, I'm sure she or her hubby have gotten a paycheck since the last time she saw you.) If you feel funny asking, just call her up and make some small talk, then sneak it in there at some point, "Oh yeah, btw, do you have the money for your hair from a few weeks ago. I can come by and get it from you later today." Sorry you have to deal with this!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB A belly band, is a piece of fabric that is wrapped around the mid section of a male dog, so that in case they try to mark your house they pee in that versus your furniture. Since Dodger was left outside, he's not potty trained. Well his belly band is too big for him, so it keeps slipping down past his butt, hense the reason he pooed in the belly band and it dripped out.. Yeah totally gross, Plus since he tends to like pooing up a tree (on the trunk) there was some on my wall as well. Oh my goodness Tammy, you have such love and patience for these doggies.
  18. Ok, I must have had about 100oz of water yesterday. I do drink a lot of it, especially when I'm not drinking the soda. I FINALLY used my treadmill last night. I did a 30 minute power walk at 4.0 miles an hour. I burned 360 calories, not bad. The treadmill is great. It's the ProForm 350 and it's so sturdy. It also seems a little more compact than others I've used/had, so I really like it alot. It has a built-in fan too - that's a neat feature. 50 crunches tonight - no problem. I'm babysitting, so once the kid goes to bed, I'll get those in. Let's keep up the good work ladies!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Jen I really want to get that book you were talking about, it sounds really good. So what do they say in the book about DC, I know you've mentioned its bad for you. I have heard that before too that it expands your waistline, if that makes sense? The book was ok. The first couple of chapters are funny and motivating. The authors are basically trying to say that in order to be skinny, you need to be healthy. But in the end, I found the underlining concept of this book was just to promote veganism. And although, I'm sure it is a very healthy way to live, I just can't do it. Giving up all meats, animals and anything that comes from animals is just too much for me to do. However, there were some good points in the book. For example, the diet coke - it contains aspartame which is no good for you. From what they say in the book, there has never been a study to prove that aspartame is safe for you. And it took something like 8 years for the FDA to approve it - and the circumstances surrounding the approval was very fishy. So, definitely get the book, it has some good points and I found it very motivating. Beware though, there's a horrifying chapter which graphically describes what goes on in some slaughterhouses. Skip that chapter if it's too much for you.
  20. Oh, and I forgot to mention that today is Day #6 without Diet Coke. I even went to Subway today for lunch and turned down fountain soda (which I LOVE!!!!) But that just means I'll drink more water.
  21. Kash - what a great list!!!! And you say you're not motivated This list sure motivated me. Small, do-able challenges. It's GREAT!!!! Ok, so I'm almost done with the 64oz of water. I have about 20 more to go. Um, still haven't used the new treadmill yet. I know there are no excuses but I did have a busy weekend. I plan on using it tonight for at least 30 minutes. Plus I've been sticking to my target calorie intake all day, and I'm doing good so far. The scale still hasn't moved, but I guess maintaining is better than gaining, right
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Dear Dad: Day 1 of doctor's appointments, I'm thinking of you all day. I'm thinking of (and praying for) your dad today too.
  23. Wow - what great pictures! I can't wait to see pics of when it's all set up! You must be so excited!!!!!
  24. There are some very interesting answers on here.
  25. What fun - looks like you guys had a blast!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics.
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