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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Okay...I liked a few of those....I love this one though MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - SSM5049 MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - SSM5049 That one was my favorite too (of all of those.) It's simple, yet elegant, not poofy, but you'll still look like a bride. PLEASE go try that one on. I think you would look GORGEOUS in it. Go today!!! - LOL!!!! Oh, and the rousching is VERY flattering.
  2. Ok, so I went on the Maggie website and did a search for their Slim A-line gowns. Here are a few. I thought you might like the Slim A-line better (less poofy.) Check them out and if you like any of them, then find a salon in your area that carries them and go try them on. MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Irina MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Vernice MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - AD1005 MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Antonia Marie MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Angie MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - SSM5049 MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Andie MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Treasure MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - Mia Marie
  3. Ok, this is good. You have to look at the first shopping day as the "narrow it down to what style looks good on me" day. You now know what you like and don't like. You don't like form fitting. That would tell me, you should stay away from sheath gowns and maybe look at more A-line. Ok, you like both the strapless and halter, that's good. Both are very flattering and you can avoid low cut necklines with them. This is all good info. Now you need to make an appointment at a salon and tell the sales person this. They know their inventory so they'll be able to find stuff for you that will fit this criteria. I think I visited 5 different salons before I found my dress. You need to get out there and try on a bunch of dresses so you can now narrow down the color, beading, neckline, etc. Trust me, as you try on dresses that are closer to what you're looking for, you'll be so much more into this. I wish I lived closer, I would totally go with you.
  4. Michelle, can you post pics of the dresses that you have in mind? I want to see what you're thinking about. Also, what dresses did you try on already? I want to see those too. A lot of us on here ended up with dresses we didn't think we would get. That may very well be the case for you too.
  5. Kelly, how are you feeling? I know how much it sucks to lose someone you love. The pain never goes away. Hopefully that pain will get easier to deal with though. We're all here for you. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Dear Dad~ Happy Birthday, I wish you were here so we could celebrate, I can't believe you have been gone for a year already, I miss you so much. I can't seem to get my act together life is just so damn lonely without you in it. The kids miss you so very much, Kenda misses her "how's my lil princess", moments with you, and Nicole is missing her book buddy. Timothy tries so hard to take care of his gramma, you would be proud, he cuts her grass takes out her garbage and calls her everyday. Liam well he is growing everyday and I fight to keep the memory of you alive. I thought I knew how much you did for all of us, but I guess I never really knew the extent. It is so much work taking care of Nicole without your help, juggling the kids and hospital visits, and therapy without grampa picking up the slack has been difficult. Your steady resolve that Nicole will get better has left me, I need to hear your reassuring voice that all will work out. I got married without you, it was hard, it was beautiful but you were really missed. Timothy is getting confrmed, he doesn't want to without his grampa by his side like all your other grandchilden had you, not sure how to handle this one. Our house is beautiful, thankyou for all your hard work you put in to it in the planning stages, I'm sorry you never got to see it. I'm sorry about many things, I am sorry that the cancer was missed because you were so wrapped up in what I needed from you in regards to Nicole. I'm sorry that when I noticed you were tired, I thought it was because you were taking care of my kids, plus driving to sick kids everyday to make sure I had dinner, and Nicole was doing okay. I am sorry that the last year of your life were spent worrying about us. I am sorry you cancelled your cruise with mom because you didn't want to leave us while Nicole was so sick, and I am sorry that mom is now on a cruise with a new man that she has met. I am sorry we didn't make it to Ireland, I will go one day in your memory, I promise. I am sorry that no longer believe in God, I know how important he was to you, and maybe then your death would be easier. I am sorry that I have not been the strong person you raised me to be lately, I keep trying but life just keeps pushing me down. I am sorry that I went to get coffee and you died without me by your side. Dad I would have made a birthday dinner for you, as I always did we would have sat around the table drinking red wine, talking politics(no one wants to do that with me) enjoying the friendship that I was lucky enough to have with you in adulthood. I don't fit in in our family anymore, I try, mom tries, Cathie tries, and Sean tries but we all know that it was you and I that were bound to each other and no one quite understands me. We will keep trying Dad because once we stop we will lose what you were all about, your family. I am heading to the cemetary in the morning, I hope I have yet to make it inside the gates, but I am going to give it a try, Liam baked cupcakes and wants to picnic, we'll see. Dad I love you, I miss you, Kelly~
  6. Ok, I did the treadmill last night (30 minute power walk, burned 380 calories.) I also did the 50 jumping jacks and added in 50 crutches. Then I tried to use my hula hoop (supposedly it's good for your abs but I'm still learning how to use it. It's been awhile since I've used one.) I've also been drinking so much water, I feel like a camel. But it's all good. Today is 3 weeks without diet coke - I miss it, but I won't go back until I get to the weight I want to be. I decided that it will be my reward for reaching my goal. How is everyone else doing?
  7. Oh Michelle, you are TOTALLY not alone. I too was not a fan of shopping for my dress. The first few times I went shopping, I hated it and was depressed afterwards. My mom kept pressing me to visit different salons and try on different dresses, which I did. All the dress styles that I really liked, looked terrible on me. That was really frustrating. But then after trying on a lot of different styles, I finally found a bunch that I really liked and the ONE that I loved. You'll get more into it when you find styles that suit you better. Remember, it's not about what the dress looks like on the hanger, it about what it looks like on you. What designers & styles have you looked at? I picture you in something simple and flowy (not poofy or too traditional.) Can you post pics of what you're thinking about?
  8. Kash - I like your WW lady's thinking. What a great way to stay motivated!!! OK, I wasn't awful this weekend but I could have done a little better. I only worked out on Saturday (40 minutes on the treadmill, burned 500 calories.) I tried to watch my calorie intake and didn't have as many snacks as I normally would have. I'm at 20 days of no diet coke and I plan to workout tonight. I have to get back into taking my vitamins (I slacked off on them all last week.) And I can DEFINITELY do the jumping jacks tonight. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. I haven't done jumping jacks in AGES!!! Edit: UM, have you seen the thread of Amy's BD pics. That's enough to inspire anyone to get back on track. You can bet I'll be on the treadmill tonight.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh I am seriously having problems with giving up diet coke. I have reduced it to one every couple days. But I like the carbonation. I need to get some sparkling water for work. That helps with the water intake and stopping diet coke. yay. I was really tired this morning and didn't get out of bed to work out. I will make up for it by exercising saturday and sunday. Believe me, just give up the diet coke cold turkey. It's really rough the first couple of days, but then it does get easier. I'm at 17 days now and although I do crave it at times, I would hate myself if I "fell off the wagon", which is pretty much what keeps me from going back to it. But I have also noticed that I'm sooooo much less bloated too. My stomach seems flatter. I like that. I almost wasn't going to post here today for fear of getting yelled at. I have done NOTHING this week. But I had a busy week (I know, no excuses.) I have plans tonight so I can't workout. But I do plan to get on the treadmill tomorrow. I have most of the day free, so it shouldn't be a problem to get in a good workout and catch up on some of the daily challenges.
  10. OMG Shelley, what a crazy couple of days you're having!!! Hang in there. I'm glad your cat is doing better. Hey, they have 9 lives, right? So she still has 8 more to go.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Yay - baby! Don't worry NYJen (I'm still not used to that name!)! I really didn't do great this week on food either. Ate like a pig on Saturday, went out for Italian food on Tuesday... But I lost 0.4lbs at WW this week! Yay! I swear the reason is because I'm trying to get all these items in. So anyway I hope you guys keep going with me - I don't think it's that motivating to do it by myself! (no accountability!) I'm TOTALLY still in this with you. I'm just having a bad week. I WILL get back on track. We can do it!!! We can do it!!! RAH, RAH, RAH!!!!
  12. Shelley - NOOOOOO!!!! OMG - I don't know what to say. I know how excited you were about everything. I'm so upset for you right now. What can I do to help you? Do you want me to make some phone calls for you? Send out emails? Whatever you want, I can help you. If you want, I can come down to MD next weekend and we can go out and get stupid drunk. We're all here for you. Whatever you need!!!!
  13. Hey Ladies, sorry I've been so bad with the challenge's this week. But I think I have a good excuse. My sister had a baby yesterday!!!! I have a brand new baby nephew. I was babysitting my niece all day yesterday while my sis and her hubby went to the hospital, so I'm really off on the dieting. But at least I'm still keeping up with the water and not drinking diet coke (16 days now.) I will try to work out and do lunges, crutches, push ups tonight. But my food intake has been horrendous!!! Oops! I will get back on track after the weekend, I promise.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Brussel sprouts are goooood. Last week I roasted them with a touch of olive oil and salt and pepper, and they were fantastic! Yum! YUCK!!!!! I always hated brussel sprouts. I love every other vegetable except that one. That's why it was the only "new" vegetable I could get. Let's see how I do with it.
  15. Dear stupid people on 57th Street, Its apparent that you can't perform 2 functions at once. For example, if you're already breathing and walking, please don't attempt to talk on your cell phones as well. Your small brains can't handle that much activity and therefore you constantly bump into people. Idiots!!! Dear Self, Good job with not beating up that dumb lady just now. Calm down, you get upset every time you go outside to pick up lunch. Also, good job with not taking the free cookie from Subway just now. Great work and it will pay off . . . eventually. Jen
  16. I still haven't eaten anything today besides that banana. I don't think I'm going to be able to do today's challenge. EVERYTHING has added sugar. I can't do it. I'm off to Subway for a veggie sandwich (on wheat.) Sorry guys!
  17. Ok, so I probably should have planned better for today. But I'm stumped!!! What can I eat (besides fruits and vegetables) that doesn't have added sugar All I've eaten so far today, is a banana. I need some other breakfast ideas. This is hard!!!! And I'm starving.
  18. Oh boy, what's wrong with me I did NOTHING last night. Well, I do have a cold and I couldn't stop sneezing last night. I didn't do the lunges or eat the new vegetable (from Sunday's challenge.) However, I did buy brussel sprouts (since I haven't had them since I was a kid.) I will have them tonight, I will do the lunges tonight and I am going to check everything I eat today to make sure there is no added sugar. (This one is going to be tough.) How is everyone else doing?
  19. Oooh, congrats and best wishes!!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Have a great day pampering today. Enjoy the wedding and honeymoon and be sure to report back when you get home. Have fun!!!!
  20. Ok, let's all get back on track this week. Everyone do your lunges today!!!!
  21. OMG!!!! I can't believe it's here. I wish you a PERFECT wedding day. I can't wait to hear all about it and see pics of you in your dress and everything. Best wishes and have a great time. Relax and enjoy!!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Thanks, I hope it works! I'd be a little in trouble if I don't get a week's paycheck!! I'll let you know. THANKS! ...oh and Christine, I know I haven't posted anywhere (it's just a little hard right now), but I really am very happy for you with your pregnancy. I pray you have NO complications and can just enjoy these next months. Did you give your Doctor's note to your boss yet? What did that WENCH have to say?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Ok... so for whatever reason, I have not been motivated in the gym this weekend. Likely because I've been working for the last 4 days (and have 1 more night before I get a break!). That being said, I've GONE to the gym, and I'm just struggling to get through 20 minutes on the elliptical. I usually do 40. Any words of wisdom to bump up my energy level? I'm hoping its just work and that when I get a few days off I'll be back at baseline. Jenn - maybe you're bored with the elliptical? Have you thought about changing it up and trying a different machine? What are your thoughts on the treadmill? Do you use it often, love it, hate it? Maybe try taking classes instead. When you take a class, most likely you won't stop after only 20 minutes (since everyone would be staring at you) compared to being on a machine when you can stop whenever you want. Also, since I didn't get a chance to log on to the forum all weekend, here is my update. Friday - I ate well all day, but then we went to Benihana for dinner. I was pretty good there - no rice, no dessert. But they put SOOOO much soy sauce on everything. I even asked for a side of mixed vegetables and they drowned them in soy sauce - YIKES!!! Saturday - I know we had a free day but because of that dinner Friday night, I did 45 minutes on the treadmill that morning. I didn't obsess over my food all day but I wasn't too bad either. Sunday - I WAS BAD!!!! No new vegetable, no workout. Instead I had a cheeseburger and chocolate milk for lunch, then a slice of pizza and a twinkie for a snack and a gyro wrap for dinner followed by Entenmann's chocolate popems for dessert. I should have exploded before bed. BAD, BAD, BAD!!!! I have been keeping up with the water everyday and today is 13 days without diet coke. I WILL be better today. I will try a new vegetable, do an hour on my treadmill and then do the lunges followed by some crutches. COME ON!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Hmmm... maybe it's the combo of the two! It depends how you did your leg lifts. If you kept your foot parellel to the floor then you're using your gluts - if you have your toes pointing at the ceiling then you work your quads... When I was laying on my right side, my right leg was slightly bent and my left leg (the one doing the lifting) was also slightly bent and I think the foot was parallel to the floor. I didn't point my toes at the ceiling. I know my body, if it's hurting me this much today, tomorrow is going to be worse. Oh boy!!! Brendan's philosophy is that if it's hurting, that means it's working. He's crazy!!!!
  25. Um ladies, my butt is sore. I can't tell if it's from the lunges or the left lifts. Everytime I sit down, the muscles in my butt feel sore. Don't laugh at me.
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