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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Those pics are GREAT!!!! Looks like you had a blast!!!! Can you believe you're married now??
  2. Michelle, definitely go to the other store. Go to David's Bridal and the other salon. Bring these pictures with you and let them know this is what you're looking for. If you already have it narrowed down to what you like, it can't hurt to see a few more dresses in that style. Plus they may have something just as beautiful and for less money. And if it's not less money, you can always haggle with them. You can say you love it but if it was less money, maybe you could do it. You never know, they may meet the lowest price in order to get your business. Let us know what happens.
  3. Michelle, I'm SOOOOO sorry I haven't posted on here yet. I was on the forum yesterday but couldn't post. I'm soooo happy you had a better shopping experience the second time around. Yippee!!! OK, so I LOVE the 1st and 3rd dresses you posted. Both are GORGEOUS on you. Very flattering. Maybe you should bring your sister with you to see those again and see what she says. When are you going to David's Bridal?
  4. I have a GREAT idea!!!! How about when Shelley and Amos figure out what they're going to do, we drive down (or up) to Maryland and take Shelley out for a bachelorette weekend. It'll be a BDW Bachelorette Party. Who's with me
  5. I haven't been able to get on the forum to check in. Here is my update from the weekend. I did the treadmill for an hour on Saturday (burned 750 calories.) I also did some crunches. But then my left knee started bothering me. I actually stayed home sick yesterday so I could ice it. It would hurt anytime I bent it. It's a little better today. I'm not sure if it's from working out or if I banged it (yet I don't remember banging it.) So, I haven't worked out since. I tried to be good with my calories but I think I went a little overboard this weekend. I haven't weighed myself since Saturday but I will tomorrow to see how I ended up doing this month. So let's say October was the "get back into it" month. Now that we're all back on track, let's make realistic goals for November. I want to lose 10 pounds in November. I know that's a lot. But if I watch what I eat and workout 4 to 5 times a week, it's do-able.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Met Fiance for lunch instead...I am going to call to make appointments for the weekend when I can bring a few in that I want to look at. Do you have any appointments for this weekend? Be sure to take some pics. I can't wait to see!!!!
  7. I LOVE the table setting!!!!! It's GORGEOUS!!! And I'm sure it all looked much better in person too.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi SWEEEEETTTTT!!!! Jen, we'll be in touch! YIPPEE!!! This is going to be sooo much fun!!!!
  9. Ok, so I worked out again last night. That make 4 times this week. WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! I did some arm weights, crunches and attempted the hula hoop again. (Why am I not getting it?) So, you all know that I lost 8 pounds back in August on Nutrisystem and I've managed to maintain it. I randomly put on 2 pounds and then take them off. It's a vicious cycle. For some reason I haven't been able to take off any more weight. Anyway, I'm proud to say that as of this morning, I have finally lost another half pound, making my total weight loss 8.5 pounds. FINALLY!!!! I know my goal was to loss another 8 pounds this month (and I doubt I'll loss 7.5 pounds by Wednesday) but at least I'm going in the right direction. YIPPEE!!!!
  10. Thanks Rachel, that's the exact picture I was looking for. I LOVE that!!!!
  11. Kash - did you post something? It says you did, but I'm not seeing it. I'm writing this post to see if it will show your post and then this one. Let's see. Edit - ok, I see it now. Keep it up Kash. You're doing something right if you're losing weight. Don't worry too much about the not exercising. Apparently whatever you're doing is working for you.
  12. I LOVE the floating chinese lanterns. My reception is going to be on the Dolphin Terrace at the Hilton and we're going to have those in the pool. I've seen pictures of it (none that I have right now to show you of course) but it's soooo pretty. Especially at night when it lights up the whole area.
  13. The exercise challenges have definitely been easier for me to keep up with than the food challenges. Maybe for November we can do weekly challenges. Something like this: Week #1 (11/1 - 11/7) = Do 5 days of cardio Week #2 (11/8 - 11/14) = Do at least 50 crunches everyday Week #3 (11/15 - 11/21) = Do arm exercises every other day Week #4 (11/22 - 11/2 = Do leg exercises every other day Take off the last 2 days of the month Also, we can still check in everyday to see how we're doing. (Honestly, I need that.) Let me know what you think.
  14. OMG!!! I would totally crash it too. LOL!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Hey ladies! I've been off in Chicago for the past few days, and while my diet was hurt a little bit, I did work out 2/3 days. I had to go to take my oral boards certification test (ugh!), but when it was over, I at least got to have a little fun. I did go to the gym today, and have gotten back on track with my food. Believe it or not, even getting up super for my test didn't tempt me to drink caffeine, which was amazing to me Way to go!!!! I didn't work out yesterday (used it as my day off.) I did drink the water and stuck to my calorie goal for the day. So far, so good. Someone at work today told me that I look like I lost a lot weight. Well, of course now I'm in the best mood. I don't see it on the scale, but I feel it in my clothes, so that's good. I'm telling you, cutting out the diet coke has made my stomach flatter. Let's all keep up the good work ladies. We're going to look so hot!!!! Oh, and once we all reach our goals, we should post "Before" and "After" pics.
  16. I was gonna say to put signs on the door to each room so eveyone will know what boxes go in what room. But you have that covered already. Also, once everything is moved in, make the bed right away before you start to unpack. This way, once you get tired of unpacking, you'll at least have a place to sleep. Good luck with your move!!!
  17. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pics. I hope everything goes exactly as you planned.
  18. Oh Boy, have I mentioned how much I LOVE this thread!!! It really keeps me motivated. I did the treadmill last night and as my "twist" I added in walking sideways. It was tough so I could only do a few minutes that way, but at least the challenge inspired me to get my butt moving. I stayed on the treadmill for a total of 40 minutes and burned 500 calories. Then I did 50 crunches and attempted the hula hoop again (I suck at that, but I think the practice will eventually pay off.) Water today - no problem!!! Since I gave up the diet coke, I've been drinking about 130oz of water a day. What did everyone else do as their "twist?" I need some ideas so I can change it up this weekend.
  19. Ok, just heard from my WC. It wasn't the arch, it was a building downtown.
  20. I just emailed my WC to find out if it's true. She usually gets back to me right away so I'll let you know what she says. I also Googled the arch and haven't found anything about this. Hopefully it's not true.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I wonder if you have to make appointments during the weekday? Maybe I will stop by today. I leave work at 12:30 today and my class was cancelled so I don't have class until 6pm!! I imagine most of the bridal salon's have that... You might want to call first, just to check. Even the salons that carry Maggie dresses may not have that exact one. Of course, it doesn't hurt to bring a picture of that dress and see if they have something similar to it too. Good luck and let us know what happens. (If you can sneak a pic with your camera, do it.)
  22. First of all, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I struggled with the "policies" at my location too and yes, it's very frustrating. As long as you're ok with paying $5000 for the wedding, here are some ideas for you. 1. Get a 0% credit card for a year and put the money on that. You'll just have to make the minimum payments until next October and by then you'll have gotten your tax returns and your wedding gifts which you'll be able to apply to the bill. If Casa del Mar accepts Amex, get their Blue card - you earn rewards on it as well as get the 0%. 2. Don't worry about if your guests back out, you can always upgrade the food and drinks you'll be serving. Maybe have lobster and a more elaborate cocktail hour. Bottom line, the money won't go to waste.
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