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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. No, there are no Vegas-style casino's in Cabo. Sorry!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels This has continued on my bad week trend, but I did go to the gym yesterday and am sore in a good way today. I need to get back on the cardio kick though... the good news (and I'll end up posting this all over the forum) is that soon I'll be able to get my own treadmill... we are buying a house!!! We close mid-December!!! Jen - that's sooooo AWESOME!!!!! Congrats!!!!
  3. Wow, that lake house looks awesome!!!! Glad you had a good weekend. Did you and Amos discuss what you want to do now for your wedding? I'm dying over here to find out what you're going to do.
  4. I was wondering how much longer before you became a mod. It's totally well deserved and you are the perfect choice for the next new mod. Now, just be sure to use your powers for good, not evil. LOL!!!
  5. I'm at work right now and I really don't want to be here, so I'm "Blah!" right now. Not to change the subject - but OH MY GOODNESS, Jackson is SOOOOO cute Tammy!!!
  6. Thanks Kate!!! I didn't have time to workout last night but I stuck to my calories all day yesterday (even when I wanted to give in and have pizza.) I checked my schedule for the next few weeks and it looks like I should be able to workout at least 5 days a week with no problems. With all the holiday's coming up, I'm going to need it. So that's good - now I just have to keep up with it. How is everyone else doing?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I cheated I ordered on line and had it delivered directly to my secret bride. I never go to the post office so I know it would not get there in time. That's not cheating, I did the same thing. So much easier that way and it saves you time.
  8. Oh WOW Edna, that dress is so beautiful. It looks great on you. Congratulations on finding THE ONE!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Oh...and Jen I forgot...I tried on your dress....and LOVED IT!!!! It was perfect...it really did have everything I wanted, except the price! My friend said I like that that other one the best...and I told her no!! I didn't know it was yours until I had it on... That's so funny. Did you ask them at the bridal store if they could alter the back of the Exclusive dress to get rid of the train and be more simple They should be able to do it for you. I'll look online to see what I can find for you.
  10. Ok, so Saturday morning I weighed myself and I had lost a total of 12 pounds. I was so excited, I could scream. I did another workout that morning and then ended up having a bad weekend with the calories (too many get together's this weekend.) I didn't have time to workout yesterday and now I'm scared to weigh myself again for fear of having put back some of the weight. I'm not going to weigh myself again until Saturday (gives me a few more days to try and reverse any damage I did.) And I need to be really good on Turkey Day. I'm going to try to fill up on veggies and salad, have a little turkey and no bread, stuffing or potatoes. That should work. The water coolers are broken here, where the heck is the damn repair man I need to get started drinking my water. Come on!!!!
  11. Michelle, all the dresses are beautiful on you. But I think I like the Exclusive one the best. I love the rusching and sweetheart neckline on you. And the detail in the front and back are GORGEOUS. I don't see where you think it's too poofy or weird in the back, I think it's PERFECT!!!! Of course, I also still like that Maggie dress on you too (the one Amy suggested on this thread.) The David's Bridal dresses are nice, but there's nothing really special about them. They don't do as much for you as the other two I mentioned above. I hope this doesn't confuse you more.
  12. Congratulations!!!! What a cute story and a beautiful ring!!!! Enjoy this time before the craziness of wedding planning begins.
  13. Brendan and I each have one. His came with his Volvo - it's really nice. Mine is a portable Magellon (Brendan got it for me for my birthday and I REALLY need it since I have NO sense of direction.) I love it and use it all the time. It's great.
  14. Hey Jill, I wasn't on the forum yesterday but I was thinking about you. Can't wait to hear about everything and see pics. I hope you had the most amazing day yesterday.
  15. That's awesome Christine. Thank you so much for taking care of that.
  16. YEAH!!!! I'm so glad you like it Lizz. I tracked the package this afternoon and saw that it was delievered around noon. I couldn't wait for Lizz to get home and find it. I think I want to get one for myself too. LOL!!!! I love all the colors, it's so hard to choose. Can't wait to see what everyone else gets. This is so much fun!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan I am really bad and forget to post here.....well I have worked out 3 days in a row....almost 5 miles each day on the treadmill. I have been trying really hard to eat right too.....preping myself to go shopping for a dress!! That's AWESOME!!!! Great job!!!! I worked out again last night too. And I weighed myself this morning - I lost 2 pounds this week. Not bad.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopels Okay ladies, I officially fell off the wagon with my diet yesterday... I munched at work and then had mexican for dinner - bad, delicious mexican. I feel awful about it, but it was so good. Thing is, I felt sick after eating greasy chips and food. Yuck. I can't do that again. And I really need to get back to the gym. I get the same way when I eat something greasy after I've been eating healthy for awhile. But I'm sure it was worth it. But you know what, you've been doing soooo good lately - you deserved a treat.
  19. I worked out again last night (an hour on the treadmill plus now I'm up to 200 crunches.) I really think for me the key is to take in 1200 calories a day plus workout 5 times a week. Whenever I do this, I see the biggest results. How is everyone doing?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate Do you love it? I saw it in the new catalog but I haven't smelled it yet. Coach is on the list for Saturday! YES, I LOVE it. I have been looking for a new perfume and this one is perfect. It's nice and light. I think you'll like it. Have fun shopping on Saturday.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate Me too! Would make a good Christmas gift for myself.... They're so cute. I love the Khaki/Crimson one. Oh, and while we're on the topic - Coach also makes perfume now. It's SOOOOO nice, so of course I bought that for myself last night too. Hee, hee!!!
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