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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Everybody gave and got such great gifts. Thanks again Drea for organizing. This was so much fun. I'm totally in if we do the Valentine's Day Secret Gift. YEAH!!!!
  2. What great pics!!! Oh, and I love the look on your face too - priceless!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. jen, i think the couples cocktail/dinner party is a great idea...you could have the host (or whoever is doing the invites) write 'your presence is presents enough'...and if people insist on getting something, have them bring an hor dourve (sp?), a bottle, or a donation to charity. Honestly, I would rather have nothing, but this is a great idea. I'll talk to my mom about it and see what she says. I think I'm just very against having a day that's all about me. I would rather Brendan be a part of it too, so to take some of the focus off of me. Plus, the whole gift opening thing is just awful.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate Hm.... This is a tough one. What if they did just a small cocktail party for boys and girls, and requested no gifts? Maybe handle it like a birthday party where you don't open the gifts in front of everyone. I know my family thinks that I say things that I don't always mean so they probably are thinking this way as well. "Oh, she really wants a shower, she just doesn't want us to make a big deal out of it." Oh Kate, you read my mind. We were both typing at the same time. HA!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine So why not ask your mom to plan a fun day out, like a ladies lunch sort of thing and ask for donations to your favorite charity instead of presents. It might be fun to have a fun day with your friends I really like the charity idea a lot. That's a really great idea!!! I'm thinking maybe an evening cocktail party (guys and girls.) Just our closest friends and family, at our house, no gifts - that sort of thing. So it's not a shower AT ALL!!! And if it's guys and girls, I won't feel like everyone is staring at me. It'll be more like any random party we would have.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Jen, why don't you want a shower? I just don't like it. I don't want to sit there and open gifts in front of people. Seriously, I feel like crying now. We didn't register either. Brendan and I have been living together for a long time and we have EVERYTHING.
  7. I really, really, really DO NOT want a Bridal Shower. I told my family this right after we got engaged and they were like, "Ok, no problem." But I know them - they're probably going to plan something anyway. So I made it a point to say, "No Surprises - nothing." Again, they said, "Ok." And again, I wasn't buying it. So I ended up breaking down in tears to my mother telling her how much I REALLY don't want a shower. How it makes me anxious just thinking about it and how I REALLY don't want to have to sit there in front of people opening gifts. (The thought just horrifies me.) I even told my friends at work that I don't want any kind of party in the office (no cake, no gifts, nothing!!!!) And if any of them do anything, I'll make their lives miserable!!! Well, my mother just called me and in the middle of our conversation she says, "Oh, I've been wanting to talk to you about something, your shower." I was like, "NO!!!! We've have this conversation before and I'm now starting to break out in hives just talking about it. STOP!!!" She was like, "What about just a small gathering for the people who can't make it to the wedding?" Again, I was like, "NO, why are you doing this to me? Don't you love me?" She could tell I was upset so she ended the conversation saying, "Ok, I have to go, we'll talk about this later." What do I do I am VERY close with my mom and sisters and I know they want to do something, but I don't want it. HELP ME HERE!!!! I think I need an alternative idea - something that they can do, yet not a shower. I mentioned to them that I wouldn't mind doing a weekend with them at the Casino and Spa we like in CT. But I think they're thinking of something I can do with other friends and family (which I DON'T want to do.) I need some help with this before I vomit!!!
  8. When I did my site visit in July, I met with Emeline (who is currently no longer with the Hilton.) She was sort of pushing me to have the ceremony on a grassy spot close to the hotel and restaurant area. I scratched that right away. Didn't want the other hotel guests standing around watching us get married. So I pushed to have the ceremony on the beach - which is what we're doing. I also had a bunch of issues with the reception location. Be sure you get everything in writting and you're happy with what they offer you. Having never planned a wedding before and not knowing what questions to ask is very tough. At least for me, this has been a "learn as you go" process. Do as much research on here as you can in order to be sure to ask the right questions and cover everything. For example, be sure to confirm that there isn't going to be more than one other event going on at the Hilton the day of your wedding. Good luck!!! Let me know if you have any questions.
  9. NYJen

    I am new

    Welcome to the forum Tammy (& Diane.) You'll get lots of info here.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine so scary, I wonder why women keep marrying him. He's not even that attractive I know, what the heck do they see in him After so many wives, don't you think that's a clue that he's a bad husband And especially when one of them has a mysterious death. Come on already!!!!
  11. No, they haven't found her body yet. Seriously, why has this guy not been arrested yet He told his 2nd wife he could kill her and make it look like an accident. Which is exactly what happened to his 3rd wife. And then when he confessed to his 4th wife that he killed his 3rd wife, the 4th wife went missing. This guy is an ANIMAL!!! LOCK HIM UP ALREADY!!!!
  12. I hope Drew Peterson ROTS IN HELL!!!!!! (Along with Scott Peterson.)
  13. My wedding is at the Hilton in April 2008 and I am doing everthing outside. I also got a Pronoivas dress which is SUPER DUPER light. You also have to remember, even when it's 100 degrees down there, it's not very humid. You'll be fine.
  14. I LOVE looking at pics. Your wedding was SOOOO BEAUTIFUL. And your pics are just GORGEOUS. Everyone looks so happy and you all look like you were having the BEST time. Thanks for sharing.
  15. NYJen

    I'm new!!!

    Welcome to the forum. Lots of great Cabo info here.
  16. Desparate Housewives Spoiler: **WARNING - DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT SEASON.*** Katherine gets her hands on the note her aunt left before she died. Carlos is paralyzed, but he doesn’t tell Gabrielle, who thinks his legs are merely broken. A memorial service at a church is packed with mourners. Gabrielle sits in the front pew, dressed in black. Overcome with emotion, she flees the church. As the neighbors look on, firefighters rescue people from Mrs. McCluskey's destroyed house. Ida Greenberg was killed but the Scavos are fine. Adam and Katherine ID Sylvia's body at the morgue, as the dead woman had the couple's address in her pocket without any other ID. Adam claims he knew the woman from outside Fairview and assumed Sylvia was stopping by to say hello. Katherine's affected by this but tries to avoid saying anything in front of the medical examiner. Mike's at a rehab center. He meets a woman who's there for the third time. He's not interested in attending the group session and the woman realizes he's not ready for it. Bree wants a contractor to do some emergency repairs on her home. She invites him over for dinner in hopes of buttering him up. (The dinner's at Susan's, thanks to the house damage.) Knowing he's gay and recently single, she makes sure Andrew is present. Complications arise when Susan has her own gay guy she'd like Andrew to be with! Lynette and Mrs. McCluskey help Ida Greenberg's nephew load his aunt's possessions into his van.. One of the women is upset to learn the man doesn't plan to spread the ashes at a stadium as his aunt wanted. She offers to retrieve the ashes from the woman's house for the nephew. (Note: the nephew may actually be a niece.) Lynette and Mrs. McCluskey must break into the stadium to spread the ashes, where they're caught by police. One of the women shakes the ashes out as she runs. Either Gabrielle or Edie attends the wake of Carlos' CPA, who'd arranged the move of his offshore account. (He died, off-screen, from tornado related injuries too) The woman feigns grief when she meets the man's wife for the first time, but what she wants to know is where his files are. After learning they're nearby, she makes a quick exit. Various spoilers: Look for Katherine's ex-husband to pop up once the strike's over. The show was casting for the character when the strike ended, and Ray Liotta was being considered for the role. Someone sues for custody of baby Benjamin Hodge. Now - my own prediction's are that: 1. Gabriella will be the sole heir to Victor's estate (she was still his wife) and she will inherit all his money. So the loss of Carlos' offshore account won't be a big deal. I also bet she learns this at the funeral and when she runs out (supposedly sobbing) it's really because she's so overcome with happiness. 2. I think Catherine's secret is that her real daughter was killed and the girl who is living with her now (and apparently has no memory of Wisteria Lane and it's occupants) was adopted and given the name Dylan so no one would realize she's missing.
  17. I have been trying to post for two days with no luck. I have been wanting to thank Melissa for the second part of my gift - a gift certificate to Bloomingdales!!!!! YIPPEE!!!! (I LOVE THAT STORE!!!) I can't wait to go shopping now. Thank you so much.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan well i tried the fruit/granola/yougurt and I love it. I did 60 minutes on the treadmill last night along with an 1/2hr pilates class!! Tonight is off since I have class but then to the gym again tomorrow!! Great job Jessica!!!! Keep up the good work. Rah, Rah, Rah!!!!
  19. Yeah, I saw it too. It was a great episode. I hope this strike ends soon, I can't wait to find out what happens.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW hooray, you got your gift Jen....Melissa that's a great gift. Drea, I keep meaning to tell you - you look like you were hurt in your siggy pic. Were you ok or just fooling around?
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