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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Yeah - I didn't give meals to the mariachi band or the judge bc they were only there for an hour. Basically I gave meals to those who were there for more than 4 hours. Make sure you consider when the vendor actually arrives too. We booked the DJ from 5:30 to 10:30 but he was there setting up at 3 and never left. Same with the video people. My WC told me the same thing - meals for vendors who will be there longer than 4 hours.
  2. Beautiful!!!! You did such a great job. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the RSVP postcards. I would have done that myself but I ended up having 2 RSVP cards that need to be mailed back so I had to have an envelope.
  3. Glad this forum has been helpful for you. Welcome and good luck with your planning.
  4. Welcome to the forum. You'll get so much DW info here, it'll almost be hard to choose where to have your wedding. LOL!!! Good luck with your planning.
  5. Welcome to the forum. You'll get tons of info here.
  6. I have a whole workout playlist in my iPod. Here are some of my favorites. Footloose Let's get it Started (Black Eyed Peas) Shook me all night long (ACDC) Gettin' jiggy with it Holiday (Madonna)
  7. I agree, the invitation wording is such a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! This is what we did: Long Island Boy Meets City Girl To find out how this story continues, please join us, Jennifer and Brendan as we get married on the beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico at the Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort on the sixth of April two thousand and eight at five o'clock in the evening Dinner and dancing to follow on the Dolphin Terrace
  8. Did anyone else see the coming attractions last night for the next episode of Desperate Housewives It said that the show is returning in 2 weeks. YIPPEE!!!
  9. Yeah Michelle!!! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!!!!
  10. WOW Jenn!!!!! You look AMAZING!!!! I love your hair, makeup, the outfits and that brick wall. Great job!!!
  11. A bunch of us started a "Daily Challenges" thread back in October and were sticking to it really well. It was a great motivator, but we've all been slacking lately (at least with our posts.) I had been working out about 5 times a week until Thanksgiving and then it went down to 2 or 3 times a week. Plus, I've been VERY bad with my calories. I need to get back into it. At least I'm still working out. Anyone have any advice on how to stay on track
  12. Oh Jaime, I'm so glad you guys were able to work it out. You know, those few changes in your budget will make a HUGE difference. You'll have your deposit before you know it. Good luck with your site visit!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
  13. We've had 4 couples back out of our wedding because they're pregnant. But they're all due right around the wedding. Your brother's baby is going to be 5 months old by then. It's not like she would just be coming home from the hospital or something. My sis took Gretchen to Cabo when she was 5 months old and she was fine. Maybe you can approach your brother and say something along the lines of this. <<Playing stupid>> "Is everything ok with you and your girlfriend? I'm just concerned because you say you're not coming to the wedding because she's pregnant. But she's having the baby 5 months before. Is something else going on"
  14. NYJen


    Welcome, lot's of Cabo info here.
  15. NYJen

    Hello All...

    Welcome to the forum.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Heidi, I didnt even read anyone elses response yet, cuz I wanted to say WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am so glad that you found something! I hate your boss and I know Jen will be happy she doesn't have to come down and kick any ass. Congrats on the exciting news! I would still like to kick her A$$!!!! Oh, I think Alyssa was going to help me. Or were we going to kick someone else's ass (There were other people that needed ass-kicking too, I can't remember now.) LOL!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi haha, that WOULD be freaking AWESOME! She flipped last time I was going to leave, I expect nothing different this time. She's leaving for the DR on Dec 21st. I'm going to drop the bomb before she goes on her nice little vacation. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's GREAT!!!!
  18. Holy Crap, that's AWESOME!!!! Man, I wish I was a fly on the wall when you tell your boss you're leaving. Hey, better yet, don't tell her yet - use the rest of your vacation days (if you have any) and then just don't ever show up again. That would be SWEET!!! I know you wouldn't do that, but how great would it be if you did
  19. Jamy, I completely agree with you!!! And I have to say, I've been to what feels like hundreds of bridal showers and I HATE going to them. It's so boring to sit there and watch someone open their gifts. Then they make you play stupid games (like Bridal bingo and crap like that.) Sorry if I've offended anyone, I think I'm just SO over this already. The first couple of showers I ever went to were fun, but now it just feels ridiculous. When my sister got married in 1997, I hadn't been to too many bridal showers yet so we did the very traditional shower and made her open her gifts. Now that I look back on it, I don't think she liked it very much. She's even less into these kinds of things than I am. Well, two years ago when she was pregnant with Gretchen, we told her we wanted to do something for her but knew that she didn't want a shower. So instead we had a small dessert party with 15 of her closest friends and family. At the time my sis owned a house out in the Hamptons so we did the party out there on a Saturday afternoon and didn't open any gifts. It was a lot of fun and everyone was able to mingle, have some wine and hang out. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild IMHO showers kinda suck and I'm generally opposed to them so you aren't alone. Just because it's tradition doesn't mean squat. I didn't want one but wasn't adament about it. One was thrown and I showed up...lol Opening presents in front of a crowd and doing the "Ooh look what I got" thing is way to show-boaty for me. I did not want to do it at all and am actually embarassed to say I caved and did it. I refused to hold them up though. I opened them, smiled, said "thanks Kathy" and passed the gifts to my cousin sitting next to me. She did the showing off for me while I hurried to open the next one and get the damn thing over with...it just makes me itch to do that stuff. Thank God my BMs had the foresight to serve margaritas or I would have been a bitch from hell! Most people really just want to see you open their gift and look greatful, they could care less about other people's gifts. They'll do a lot of talking and not paying attention until theirs comes up...lol Anyways - Don't do it...it clearly is against your wishes. If it's all about you why can't people honor your wishes? They mean well but I wonder if the people throwing them do it for them as much as you...hmmmm
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 First, to answer the question: KEEP IT and ADD MORE! I registered for china b/c I've always wanted that sexy, grown up, sophisticated choice for dinner parties, etc. I didn't think we would get any at all. On the contrary, I received more china than I did any other gifts. 16 dinner plates and 8 full piece place settings! And I LOVE it! It's so fun! And you don't have to wait until a special occasion to use it at all! We use ours when we have take-out...it makes the meal taste so much better! And it's fun to dress up the table with nice china and our crystal wine glasses, have some Target wine and eat pizza! So, that's my opinion...plus, it's fun for my mom to see our china, get out hers, add pieces to hers now, mix & match, etc. I really think in the long run you'll want a great mix of it all. I'm like Jill - I'm the type of person that looks forward to setting a beautiful, perfect table and having fancy dinner parties - LOVE that!!!! (Oh and BTW Jill, I would love to see the china you have.) However, if that's not really your style or if you know you're going to come into a lot of china at some point, then maybe you should return it and get something you will use now. Besides, like others have said, styles get discontinued CONSTANTLY - it's so annoying. So I wouldn't bank on being able to add to your current china for years to come. Either buy the rest of it now or return it.
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