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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ncainey I know there are many threads on Mariachi Bands. Maye quoted me $320 for an hour. Granted there are eight of them! Does there have to be eight? Has anyone had a mariachi band with only three or four guys in Cabo? I wanted to hire one for the welcome party to get everyone in the mood but that seems really expensive! Anyone booked a mariachi band on their own and had better luck? Actually, that's a pretty good price. I was quoted a lot more than that for the same thing. And yes, I just sent my WC an email about it. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Wow!!! I hope you're using this time to think of what you're going to say to her. But maybe this is good. Now you can finally get a lot off your chest (but in a nice way) and it will finally clear the air. Be sure to update us when you speak with her next.
  3. Welcome!!! I'm getting married at the Hilton this April. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help. Have fun planning!
  4. OMG!!! This is too funny. Catherine, are you ok?
  5. Trish, I don't know how I missed this thread, but I agree with Lauren (and the other girls on here.) Get down there now and demand your money back. Be VERY FIRM with them. Do you want me to kick the owner's A$$ for you
  6. Hey congratulations!!!! This is totally well deserved!!!
  7. BTW - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that second dress. Definitely try it on and let us see.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN No one has extra keys to anything. If he is indeed a changed man I would like him to prove it on someone else--not my mom. He was accused of hitting his girlfriend. can't spell today-forgive me Ok, well at least you and your sister are on top of this. Keep a close eye on her and look for signs of abuse (her becoming distant, not looking you in the eye when you talk about him, etc.) You're right, he could be a changed man, but you never know so it's smart to do your due diligence. Your mom is lucky to have you two.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Well my sister and I had talked about doing a full criminal background search on him around Christmas time but she wanted to wait. Needless to say she will be here in about an hour so we will be paying to get a FULL history on him. I think that's a great idea. By the way, does your mom have spare keys to your house or car? If so, change your locks right away. It doesn't hurt to be too careful.
  10. OMG, I'm actually scared too. (And it takes a lot to get me scared.) I wish I had some words of advice for you. Is there anything I can do for you? Have you Google'd him to see what comes up? I Google everybody.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Ali0624 I think we just have to have a little patience. She took over for Emeline, so I'm sure she has a lot on her plate trying to learn everyone's requests while taking new ones. People used to complain about Emeline, too! I think we just have to relax (including me!). I agree and I'm sure she's very overwhelmed. But at the same time, she needs to be able to get back to the brides and give them some peace of mind. I know my question from Monday was a quick one so it does get frustrating that I had to wait 2 days for an answer (which only came once I cc:'d Carolina.) Hang in there girls. It'll all work out.
  12. Be firm with her. Whatever menu she gave you when you signed the wedding contract is the one they need to honor. It doesn't matter if prices have gone up since then, what they gave you originally is what you were told you would be paying. Find the list she originally gave you and make your selections off of that. Don't be afraid to push back on this. They nickel and dime you there, so make sure you read and follow up on everything. Oh, and although it's expensive, I suggest going with the open bar rather than paying on consumption. There will be no way to track who is drinking what and you don't want to spend your wedding day freaking out that the bar tab is getting high. At least this way, your guests can drink as much as they want and you know exactly what the bill will be in the end. No stress and no confusion.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kchat17 Its funny, i really do think she focuses on one bride at a time. I have been back and forth with Mara about 4 times within the last day and she wrote back almost right way. have faith ladies, there are a few people i have spoken with that absolutly LOVE her! When is your wedding?
  14. Happy Anniversary Amy!!!! Glad you had a good morning (hee, hee!!!)
  15. See the email I just sent to Carolina (and copied Mara.) I have a feeling I'll hear back from someone today. Hi Carolina, Happy New Year!!! I hate to bother you but can you tell me if Mara is still the wedding coordinator at the Hilton I am a member of the "Best Destination Wedding Forum" and a few of the other Hilton brides and I think she may no longer be working with you since we have recently sent her emails but have not gotten any replies. If that is the case, can you please give me the name of the new contact. Also, can you please forward my email below (from 2 days ago) to the correct person. I would like to get this information as soon as possible. Thanks so much for your help, Jennifer ***UPDATE*** Here is the response I just received from Carolina. At least they now know a bunch of us talk and are discussing our concerns on here. Hopefully that'll get them to move their butts a little quicker when it comes to correspondence. Hello Jennifer, One of our 2 coordinators will contact you immediately, Mara or Jaira. Please let me know if you need any other assistance. Best regards, Carolina Solis ***2ND UPDATE*** Mara just got back to me. It's amazing how quickly people respond when you cc: others. Good luck ladies. Be sure to mention the forum in your conversations with her. I'm sure she doesn't want to take a chance ruining the Hilton's reputation on here.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild The olives are stuffed with blue cheese....what can I say, I love olives and I love cheese even more. Put them both in some alcohol and watch out! HA! OMG, that's too funny!!!
  17. Wow, I remember when you were struggling to decide between this dress and the blue one. I really think you made the right choice. It's GORGEOUS!!!! Amos is going to LOVE it!!!
  18. OMG Jenn!!! I can't believe it's almost here. Have a great trip, relax and enjoy every minute of it. Be sure to post pics ASAP too!!! I'll be thinking about you all day on Saturday!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by kendra Is anyone having problems with Mara returning emails I know Kristine (kpulse) is having trouble. I haven't had to email Mara for anything lately but I just sent her an email now. I'll let you know if/when I hear back from her.
  20. I was once verbally invited to a bridal shower a week before as well and I knew I was a "second thought invite." I didn't go and I didn't send a gift. I agree that it's tacky to invite someone to a shower and not the wedding. That's like saying, "Come to my shower so you can give me a gift but I don't want to have to buy you a nice dinner so you're not invited to the wedding." TACKY!!!
  21. I completely agree with Courtney. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything. You did an AMAZING job with the wedding. You can totally tell you completely redesigned the Imperial Suite to make it your own. Love the uplighting!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by neen OMG...couch...pjs...1 vs 100...(popcorn) Alas I have to drag myself off soon and go to the movies and see Juno And for the record, anxiety attacks definitely count as exercise This is too weird!!!!
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