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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Jen, you looked great, and the ceremony and table looked awesome. Ok who is first to bug Juan for a teaser pic? Thank you for the nice comments. Wanna know something, Juan emailed me about a month before my wedding and asked if he could have some computer graphic stuff sent to me so I could bring them down to him. Of course, I said yes. Well now, apparently he will be able to edit my pics a lot faster with these new computer thingy's I brought down for him. And yes, I really want at least one teaser pic soon. Oh, and the TTD was too funny. The water was a bit cold and the waves were really rough. We kept getting knocked over. Those pics should be a hoot.
  2. Ok, here are some pics. Keep in mind, these are not professional. I'm sure Juan Carlos' pics will be SOOOO much better. Also, sorry if these are too big. I can't figure out the new editing on Photobucket. The Ceremony Set up My brother-in-law (Keith) escorting me The reception table set up Our introduction (we ran in with our wedding party to "Who Let the Dogs out.") The married couple (Brendan changed his clothes after our first dance.) Me, my mom and my younger sister Kari dancing
  3. Hello Everyone!!!! Sorry for the delay with signing on. We got back to NY late Wednesday night and spent all day yesterday unpacking and dealing with some more computer/internet issues. I plan on doing my review on Sunday. I know Vari is anxiously awaiting it Um Kate, did you get engaged? I haven't checked all the old threads yet (hello, I have over 8000 new posts to go through.) But I see in your avator that you have a date set. Congrats!!! Heidi, I was thinking about you and telling my guests about you on the 4th. (And Trisha, I told everyone about you on he 11th.) Christine, yes I signed on quickly on the 11th just to see if there was anything important going on. Sorry I didn't say hi then. Ok, so the wedding was SPECTACULAR!!! MY favorite part was that Vari had all the guests do a countdown as we cut the cake (3-2-1) and then as we cut the cake, the fireworks went off. No one knew about it, so it was really cool. Some of the comments we received during the wedding were: 1. You didn't miss one detail 2. This is the best wedding I've ever been to 3. You guys are over the top. I loved hearing those comments. It was so cool. Ok, let me get a couple of pics to post. I'll be right back.
  4. Thank you everyone!!!! And I have to say, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!" You've all been so supportive and helpful with all my planning, from the very beginning. I'm sorry I didn't get to post a "planning" thread. I've been running around like a lunatic for the past 4 days. I think I finally have everything done now though. I just have to download some more tunes to my iPod and finish packing. Other than that, I'm good. I will definitely post pics as soon as we get back. I also have a feeling I'm going to end up in the business center at least once to login to BW. I don't think I can go another 2 weeks without you guys. LOL!!!
  5. Oh Carly, I love those bags. The third one is very cool. And by the way, I know I told you before, but you look STUNNING in that dress!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that neckline so much and you pull it off BEAUTIFULLY!!! Your orange bag with that dress is going to look PHENOMINAL!!! Be sure to get yourself an orange wrap (pashmina) too.
  6. For every wedding I've ever been to, my gift giving policy is I give a physical gift (something off the registry) for the shower and cash for the wedding. Brendan and I already have everything, so I didn't register and I didn't have a shower. I was hoping people would take the hint and just give us cash for the wedding (like we did for them.) But we've already gotten 2 Tiffany vases, a digital picture frame, a Waterford candle set, and a gift card. And my uncle (who is not coming to the wedding) sent us a very generous check. He gets it. Yet I have friends who keep asking me where I'm registered and when I tell them I'm not because I don't need or want anything, they tell me they'll come up with something "creative." I would NEVER tell them that I would prefer cash, but come on people, we're in our mid-30's, we own our house and fully renovated it already, we do pretty well for ourselves and buy ourselves whatever we want. What can you possibly give us that we still need or want Everyone knows we don't like clutter. Just give us cash or a gift card, seriously!!! I hope that doesn't sound ungrateful.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Everytime I run wedding errands, I get home and remember 3 other things I needed to get... I have about 8 different lists... still have to make my centerpieces... I'm feeling a little stressed and slightly overwhelmed! I'm SOOOOOO glad I have NO WORK for a week and a half! WOOT! Also, I decided to do some BD pics, so just grabbing some lingerie, etc that I already have cause I have NO TIME to get new stuff! (good thing I got a few things as gifts during my shower!) We're doing the BD pics the night before the wedding... should be fun! (just a few though; not a whole long session!) OH WOW, I'm so glad you decided to do the BD pics. It's so much fun and so cool to do. You better hurry up back and post pics!!! Oh wait, I'm still going to be away when you post everything. I have a strange feeling I'm going to spend half of my honeymoon in the Business Center at the Hilton, hanging out on BDW. LOL!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi YES!!! ...at least I sure hope so!!! Heidi, you must be going through the same thing right now. CRAZY!!!! How are you doing? Last night I couldn't sleep, I was just soooo excited.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx So true! LOL I'll contact Angelica. It's funny bc I didn't know Jen used her.. I was just on AG's blog and I saw pics that looked like Jen's.. I'm like,"I swear I've seen her on BDW!" Yeah, that's me. LOL!!!
  10. Yeah Heidi!!! So good to hear from you. I haven't checked your blog yet, but I'm going to do it now.
  11. Thanks Ladies!!! That makes me feel better. I think a lot of my "anxiety" is that I'm mostly nervous about my guests. Here I am, asking all these people to fly down to Cabo (and mind you, most of our guests are not seasoned travelers.) I just want to make sure everyone gets down there ok, that the shuttle service is perfect, no ones bags get lost, etc. As for marrying Brendan, yes I have my moments where I'm like, "Oh dear God, I'm actually going to be his wife!!! I'm not going to just be his girlfriend anymore. YIKES!!!" Weird feelings, ya know?
  12. Oh boy, I suck! I only got 13 right. And it figures I would get Nabisco right.
  13. OMG Martha, I didn't know you were preggers!!!!! CONGRATUALTIONS!!! (Apparently two weeks is too long to be away from BDW.) I'm so happy for you and that sonogram pic is adorable (of course I can never make out what I'm seeing. LOL!!!) Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!
  14. Good luck, and here's a little tip - Make the bed first. This way, when you get tired you can just stop and go to bed. Have fun!
  15. Part of me is like "Yippee, I'm getting married in 9 days!!!" And then another part of me is like, "OH CRAP, I'm getting married in 9 days."
  16. WOW - these came out GREAT!!! You picked such beautiful lingerie too. And definitley, I love the shower pics - so cool!!!!
  17. Actually, this is a good idea and I think I'm going to steal it for the two single guys we have coming to our wedding. LOL!!!
  18. WOW!!!! I'll say it again, you're pics are AMAZING!!!! You're GORGEOUS!!! I love all the shots, they're ALL good. And your album is BEAUTIFUL. Your FI is going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!!
  19. I'm doing Nutrisystem too. I did it for the first time back in August and lost 8 pounds. Then I quit. I just joined again in February. Yes, some of the food it terrible (mostly the lunches) but I find the breakfasts and dinners to be better. Here are some of the items that are pretty good. Breakfast: 1. Freeze dried scrambled eggs with sausage bits (yes, it sounds gross, but you have to nuke it for about 1.5 minutes and then it's actually pretty good.) 2. Granola cereal - this one ROCKS!!!! Lunch: 1. S'mores bars - YUM!!! 2. Cheesey potatoes 3. Fettucini 4. Chicken a la king Dinner: 1. Pizza (anyone of them, I think there are three different kinds) 2. Mushroom Rissoto 3. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes 4. Cheese and spinach ravioli 5. Vegetable lasagna 6. Mac and cheese with beef Dessert: 1. I only get the chocolate chip cookie 2. But the chocolate cake is good 3. And the chocolate pudding is pretty good Other items I've tried that I didn't like: 1. Anything with tuna 2. Chicken salad 3. Brownie Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!!!!
  20. That's awesome!!!! I'm so happy you guys made this decision and are happy with it. Now you can start the fun with all the planning and buying.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lyrebard Ok, that's hilarious. But now what are you going to do with all that...erm...stuff? lol. I actually donated all the stuff to my church's flea market. (Minus the sex toys of course - can you imagine??)
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