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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. I struggled with this as well, I found a great deal on the bags, and since I needed about 20, I didn't want to spend a fortune! I am doing one per couple or per room and I am filling them with: personalized door hanger palm fan bride/groom rubber duckies flip flop keychain personalized wedding can koozie tropical gummies skinitmate shave gel dried fruit and fruit snacks flip flop playing cards sunblock q-tips travel case bodywash toothpaste/toothnrush (travel) tylenol/advil/pepto bismol hand sanitizer chapstick with spf off wipes rolaids pocket tissues travel first aid kits bride/groom frisbees I hope our guests will love them! Post more pics later Did I forget anything?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Ya that looks a lot better!!! The white font really brightens it up. I agree though, the font is still a little off - maybe something a little more bold/present..?? It honestly looks really good - this is me just being uber picky, so if you like it the way it is, keep it! It doesn't look bad by any means! thank you! I will still try with other fonts! at least I have a good pic to work with. thanks for your help
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Can you put the site on the side or something (like vertically instead of horizontally). I have no idea how that would look though, its just an idea to try. Is it something you can send to me and I can play with it as well to try to help you out? that would be awesome! if you want to play around with it I can pm you with my password. thank you!
  4. I think there is less water, but I can't get it to fit right, so I can write the site at the bottom if I bring more water in. I am still going to work on it a little more. thanks for your input
  5. It is gorgeous! I can't wait to see pics when you get it!
  6. thank you for all the suggestions.. I tried again and I guess I will keep trying... I really appreciate all your input. I think I am not doing traditional wedding invites, so I am trying to get these right!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Keep trying, you will get it. Everything we do ourselves takes quite a few tries, but its worth all the hard work in the end. awww. thanks I am just not too good on the DIY projects
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I love the picture. I do not think the black is the right colour to go with, and I also think its not the best font. You can't see the .'s in your website address and this will confuse many people. I say make it white again, or another colour and use a printed font, not a written font. I hope that makes sense to you. thanks! it does make sense, I just can't seem to get it right the way it looks good!
  9. I really like them! And don't worry about if anyone else doesn't like them! It's your day..
  10. it is very pretty, and it goes great with your engagement ring!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLavergne I was having the same problem with Vista Print yesterday. It makes the pic blury and uncentered it.... Wierd. thanks! I thought it was just me!! Are you still using them? or did you choose another site?
  12. ok, back to the drawing board! It looks really good on the program when I do it.. then when I upload to Vista Print it stretches...
  13. I made more, and with the help of some margaritas this time!! these are so fun to make....
  14. I like the picture too, we went down to the beach yesterday, and I wrote our names... It seems to be blurry on Vista Print's website, I wasn't sure if anyone ordered from them...
  15. Has anyone ordered from Vista Print? I am trying to do an order with them? This is the preview from them, can you girls proof this for me? What should I change? thanks
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards So uhhh...just in case you were wondering, we don't think he should see it! LoL! Honestly though, stick to your guns and tell him "no!" :-) David was curious about my dress, but he said that he really had fun with the whole surprise of it all. He preferred not to see it in advance. Not that I would have let him anyway. . . haha! thanks!! lol, I definitely couldn't have figured that out!! I am sticking to my guns, I am not even showing him a picture! thanks girls!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Gee thanks for posting and getting me depressed by remembering how old I'am :-) aww.. it is kinda fun! you are not old....
  18. I was hoping to do something unique! I love the sand dollar idea that everyone signs and that would be perfect, but my sister just got married in May and did that! I am now thinking of doing the coffee table book, unless I can come up with something ingenious!!
  19. worked for me too! does anyone know how??
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