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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Welcome to the forum! what an amazing site, thanks for sharing!
  2. Congratulations on your wedding! yes, please do share photos, we do love photos!
  3. Welcome to the forum! there is a ton of useful information on here!
  4. MsShelley


    Welcome, I was also planning a traditional wedding and now I am going destination as well. Let us know if we can help you.
  5. Hi Sylvia! Congratulations on picking a location, and Welcome to the forum
  6. they had beautiful gowns on there, I wish I could have been able to afford some of those!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak This may sound tacky, but my first thought was to get some little corked bottles and add some sand from the beach where you're getting married and some miniature shells. Then you could tie a hand-written thank you note like a scroll, and it would be a reminder of their trip to your wedding. (That's also on the assumption you are getting married on the beach and that your attendee list isn't going to be so huge that hand-writing thank you's woudln't be an option...) that's a really great idea! I just had to have the boxes, I thought they were so cute
  8. MsShelley

    New PV Bride

    Hi and welcome! Please tell us more about yourself and your wedding plans
  9. Welcome! I got engaged in December as well! I changed destinations a couplt of times before I found my "prefect site" Most BTB's here are getting married in Mexico, but for me Costa Rica seemed more perfect for me, and very affordable at that! Good Luck on deciding, and let us know if we can help you with anything.
  10. Welcome to the forum, happy planning!
  11. I picked up these boxes, and I want to use them as favor boxes. But I am not sure what I should use to go in them. Any ideas? I need help!
  12. Hi! Welcome, tell us a little more about yourself and your wedding!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER :chiming in late (sleeping just always gets in the way- lol): JT & Jessalyn are right- I have made 2 photobooks, but I paid extra for the rights to my photos. I own DVD's of my wedding, engagement, and b-pics so I make whatever I want with my photos. Like JT said- as long as you're not selling them, you can make your photobooks, prints, etc... By the way, I have a friend that just got married in Hershey PA as a DW and she made a photobook out of her engagement pics to be used as a guestbook- it turned out awesome! She just made the pics medium-sized with white around the edges for the guests to write on. that is what I'm trying to do, I thought it would be a great idea~ I didn't think it would be this complicated!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Well, I do have a diamond - but it is yellow instead of white. So I guess that can be considered untraditional. I don't have any great pics of it, but here's one... Darnit - I cant figure out how to get a pic in the thread! Not sure if putting the link there will work, but here goes... ring in box - top on Flickr - Photo Sharing! http://www.flickr.com/photos/14331137@N00/553171756/ what a beautiful ring!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com this is exactly right. When a couple orders the digital negatives from me, they can make prints, order books with them, whatever. They just can't sell them to anyone who might want them for an advertisement, or submit them for publishing without consent and credit. You might check with your photographer who took your engagement photos to see if they offer any type of guest book. They are pretty easy to do and can be produced for not to much money so it probably wouldn't be to expensive. Otherwise, you should be able to use your photos and use a company like sharedink.com or shutterfly.com thank you all for your help!
  16. not fun and upbeat, but we are dancing to "I Loved Her First" by Heartland
  17. I have a few- "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears "Forever Young" by Alphaville "Every Breath You Take" by the Police
  18. MsShelley


    Welcome and happy planning!
  19. that is very pretty! My Fh did go with traditional diamonds for me, but I always thought about having a pink stone
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