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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 OK, here's my way to 'cheat' when pictures don't show up on the forum... click on 'reply' on the post you want to see the pic. Then the URL code comes up & you can just copy & paste the URL into your browser to see the pics! Here's Jaime's two URL's: FLower1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Flower2.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting great tip! they are really nice!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Personally, it seems like doing a cute luggage tag that is business-card sized with your logo yourself is just too easy to pay someone else to do! I'd be happy to help if you need it....but you can do this one!!! yeah, I agree, and I can do it, but I am not so computer savvy, so I just like to have templates. I really love your boarding pass std's I saw on another thread, Heidi! you are so talented.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Why not do business cards from Vistaprint for very cheap, and just get clear luggage tag pockets? that might be a last resort, I am actually having problems with a current order from Vista Print, but I will use them if I have to
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 here are 2 articles I found about DIY luggage tags: Creative Organizing: Weekly challenge: create luggage tags using scrapbook supplies Tag it! Create luggage tags with your PC - this one has a Word template about halfway down thanks Heidi! I found the second one too, that you can print from Word, but I have used my logo on all other my other diy stuff, and I wanted to upload my logo, onto a site or template (that I couldn'd find)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dallas_texas09 I just picked up the latest copy of Better Homes & Garden's Scrapbooks, etc. magazine and they made a luggage tag out of laminating scrapbook paper/accessories. I think they just printed the information on pretty paper, decorated it, then laminated the tag. Ended up looking super cute and it seems like it'd be very inexpensive to make. ok, great! thanks for the info, I will have to check that mag out if I can find it!
  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to see all the pictures. Take it all in and enjoy!
  7. to the forum! Happy Planning!
  8. I am now onto my next project, and they are my luggage tags. How did everyone make theris? is there a template that anyone would like to share with me? and where did the actual tags come from? tia
  9. Welcome Michelle, Welcome to the forum!! Yea, that's my wedding date!
  10. Congratulations, that's a beautiful ring!!
  11. to the forum! Congratulations on your engagement!
  12. Lauren~ Congrats on your engagement!!
  13. I voted sure why not, it wouldn't bother me if he wanted to...
  14. ha! ha! mine is: Stoner Smurf Amos is: Stews in His Own Gravy Smurf
  15. my Fi is a mechanic for his family's business
  16. Welcome Mickie, Congratulations on your engagement!
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