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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. MsShelley


    Melynda, and Congratulations, I hope you will find a lot of useful information here!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride2be The seller for the necklaces was jewmarket and their store is workmanship shop. I just looked it up and the starfish necklace is still available for $0.99. As far as quality goes...they are fine. They don't look like a 99 cent necklace at all but they also don't look like $100 either. I asked a friend how much she thought I spent and she guessed ~20, which is what I was going for. I wanted something cute that will look really nice in pictures and if the girls never wear it again I didn't care. I am getting them a bunch of stuff, so these worked out fine. They will give you a discount on shipping for multiple necklaces, just ask!! thanks so much for the info!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 are you talking about the shell earrings? i did not get them yet but i have bought a lot of handbags and accessories from that site and have never been dissapointed. thanks! I was actually looking for the starfish necklaces
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride2be I am a little stuck on this too. For the girls I have starfish necklaces (which...for all you girls looking to get them, I found them on ebay for $0.99 each!!) and cute beach totes from target. I am going to pay for mani/pedi once we get to dreams too. I want to get some small things to fill the beach bags with, but I am stuck on what to get. For the guys...my fi is taking care of that but right now it looks like personalized zippos and cigar holders. We will buy some cigars when we get to cancun to fill them. Oh and we bought their shirts for the wedding. did you already get them? and do you remember who you bought them from? I was looking to get them too, but I wasn't sure about the quality, tia
  5. reading these is actually a little scary! I was hoping to stay around $5K. I better sit down and make a list
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Urban Outfitters $48 love those flip flops, they are great! might have to get those for the guys! For the girls, I am getting them a starfish necklace, a makeup bag, it kinda feels like a beach towel, with a tropical pattern (they are so cute) and some body lotion/perfume things from Victoria Secret
  7. he doesn't really care one way or another, he has his addictions, cars, racing, etc.. so he know the computer is mine
  8. We are leaving on a Wednesday, getting married on a Saturday and then staying for 8 more days, just for a long honeymoon and vacation
  9. those are really cute. I decided not to do a seating arrangement, I just wanted it to be causal
  10. I totally agree, the website is the best. I just sent out an email saying here is our wedding website with all the info. I out the hotel etc... here I use weddingannouncer.com as well, and I love it.
  11. Have a great time, Amy, Best Wishes!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 yeah! I have a logo in my signature. It feel so official now! it's awesome I really love it!
  13. We did register too, because there are a lot of people asking what to buy us, and there are some people that just can't afford or have the time to take off to go, but they want to get us a gift...
  14. I love a more natural look, especially during the day, and maybe a little more at night. I love MAC, it is the only makeup I use. Just experiment a little, you will find what works for you.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Alright, I am sooo happy. We finally ordered our bridesmaid dresses. We will get them 3 weeks before the wedding, that is cutting it close, and its scary, but oh well, we ordered them and I love them. I posted a pic before, but here they are again. This is the colour we ordered as well. where did you order these from? I love them
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Send me a PM with your email... I just threw something together really quickly with my stuff, two-sided, very simple. You can just plug & chug with your stuff & change the colors to reflect yours. Oh, and thanks, now I have my luggage tags designed!! haha! I'm gonna try to attach a PDF of what I did, just to help anyone else! thanks! you are amazing~ you did that so fast!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 well.... do you have Publisher? I can email you something real quick that might help... And thanks for the compliment! I work in Marketing, so I do a lot of the design stuff here...which translates well with my STD's/invites/etc! Plus, it helps that I really like doing these things!! Heidi~ I just PM'd you
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 well.... do you have Publisher? I can email you something real quick that might help... And thanks for the compliment! I work in Marketing, so I do a lot of the design stuff here...which translates well with my STD's/invites/etc! Plus, it helps that I really like doing these things!! yes, I do have publisher, that would be so awesome of you!
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