Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I just sent out my std e-vite, and then my formal invite Liam and I made. It was really, really cute. Liam has an art computer program and he drew a picture of the sand, water, sun, palm tree and himself, all curly haired and stick figured. His body was a heart with this stick figure legs and arms. We then smudged his picture to make it look like a watercolour, it was really pretty when we were done. Across it we put "My mommy and daddy are getting married!" and then all of the info was on the back of the picture. We worded the invite with the children's names asking everyone to join them in celebrating their parents marriage. I printed them on shiny cardstock paper. The total project was about $5.00. I love them and so did everyone else. We printed in the bottom corner art by Liam, age 4, so everyone would know that it was Liam's creation. Liam was so proud and I now have a beautiful keepsake that our son made. These invites were very appropriate for Everton and I considering this wedding is a family affair.
I think you can spend lot's of money on invites but there are ton's of idea's out there that really don't have to cost much at all.
Kelly, these sound so adorable, what a great way to get him involved!