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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. yeah! you can write on them, they are like a regular postcard!! (sorry) *blonde moment*
  2. I just got postcards from them, you have a choice to leave them blacnk or colored! I was very pleased with them!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I wanted to get two of these to attach to FI's bout, but I don't know if they will be too big. His 17 year old brother died in a car accident several years ago and one of his best friends died in a white water rafting accident a couple years ago, so I'd like to have both of them on there for him to have with him on our wedding day. I think I'll just order two and figure out how it will work when they get here. I have a couple smaller ones I sewed on my sister's garter before her wedding, they came all together with like 20 of them. I can send a couple to you if you'd like...
  4. MsShelley


    to the forum!! tell us more....
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I can help too!! Just let me know if you need me! you girls are so swesome! thank you
  6. I would have definitely married him without a ring.... I would have just gotten a band when we got married if he couln't afford it...
  7. here is one thread where they are discussing lenght of time for photographer, hope this helps photographer
  8. here are some more I found: Hand Wrapping/Hand Fasting Wrapping of the hands is an ancient Celtic tradition. Because the hands convey the warmth of the heart and the infinity symbol conveys “foreverâ€... the wrapping of your hands also symbolizes the bringing together of your two hearts in a marriage of strength and unity. Hand Blessing Ceremony In the hand ceremony, the bride takes the groom's hands in hers, palms up and is invited to view his hands as a gift. Then the same is done by the Groom. Can also be done together with a shortened version. Often combined with hand wrapping/hand fasting. Wine Ceremony In this unity ceremony, the bride pours a white wine while the groom pours a red. This makes a blush wine which can be served at your reception as a reminder of the ceremony. This can also be done by pouring one glass of wine and sharing it together. Cord of Three Strands The cord of three strands ceremony is a great addition to a traditional wedding ceremony. It adds a truly unique element to your ceremony that friends and family will remember. It can also serve as a substitute for the unity candle. This is useful for situations where candles may not be used, or may be difficult. At some point in the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom braid the Cord of Three Strands together. The groom holds a small metal ring with three attached strands (or simply tie a knot at the end of the cords). The bride then braids the strands together, symbolizing the union of God, husband and wife. This ceremony could be adapted to be religious or non-religious. It can also symbolize the first task completed together as husband and wife. Bouquet of Love and Support Do you have a large family or many close friends that you would like to incorporate in your wedding? Here is a great way to include them in your ceremony. Friends and family of your choice are given a rose or other flower to bring up and set in a vase (on the altar or somewhere in the front). I will explain that this bouquet represents all of the people that are present to love and support you in your marriage. These are the people to lean on when you run into bumpy spots in your marriage. They will encourage you and help you to stay committed to your spouse and to God. Family Ceremony (to include children) If there are children to be included in the ceremony there are many ways to do this. The candle and sand ceremonies can be used with kids. We can add an extra set of vows to include a vow to the child and even a vow from the child to the parents. Children can be presented with a medallion or other item. Each family is different and children respond differently depending on what ages they are. There are so many choices here! Butterfly or Dove Release May be done in lieu of tossing rice or rose petals at the couple. Ideally performed at the end of the ceremony or at "the kiss". The couple is responsible for purchasing either the butterflies or the doves, although I would be more than happy to assist with this matter. Butterfly Release: According to an American Indian Legend, if anyone desires a wish to come true they must first capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it. Since a butterfly can make no sound, the butterfly can not reveal the wish to anyone but the "Great Spirit" who hears and sees all. In gratitude for giving the beautiful butterfly its freedom, the Great Spirit always grants the wish. So, according to legend, by making a wish and giving the butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens and be granted. Temperatures should be at least 60 degrees F or the butterflies will not be as active. Dove Release: The "Ceremonial Dove Release†has been a custom for centuries. The "Noblemen of Olde" released the dove as symbols of their eternal love for their brides to be. Doves choose one partner for life and make this commitment until death. The white dove has been used throughout history as a symbol of Love, Peace, Purity, Faithfulness and Prosperity. It is said that if doves are seen on your wedding day, a happy home is assured. Releasing doves uplifts the eyes, signifies new beginnings, and true celebrations in flight.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Shelley, I'm here to help as well if you need it! thanks Heidi!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER Mine came from papersource.com I had cream & red metallic. They have tons of sizes. thanks, I am checking there I need a metallic teal color...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I'll take one and post it later...seriously it took no time! thanks! maybe if I decide to make these you will explain them to be step by step!! lol!!
  12. MsShelley


    to the forum! Let us know if we can help anyway. Yeah, you are getting married on my birthday!!!
  13. I used Aylee, hers are a bit simpler, but I vould use them on a lot of things like koozies and tags. Aylee I think you get on for free and 2 for $5 or something like that!
  14. this didn't even cross my mind! we've been engaged 6 months, I thought you did it when you got engaged! oops!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild We did OOT bags and CD favors. I made them myself fairly inexpensively. I bought a stack of blank CD's on sale for $9 and burned songs from the wedding soundtrack. I ordered custom labels and had a photo of the beach at Las Caletas printed with our names and the songs. That only cost $1.25 each label. I ordered white cardboard cases for something like 50cents each and ordered stickers of our mongram to decorate them. I hand wrote thank you notes and glued them in. Then, I found an ebay seller that had thick brown ribbon for like 20cents a yard, wrapped them, and sealed them with a sticker. It was much easier than it sounds and cost less than $100 total! what a great idea! you little diy-er! do you happen to have a pic? yes it does sound a little complicated!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by diana2008 Instead of favors, we're donating what we would have spent on them to a charity. We picked The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and we're going to have a little card at each place setting that says something like "In Lieu of Favors, a donation has been made to XXX in your name." I might glue a little pink ribbon on it or something. I'm doing OOT bags, too, so people will still get goodies, but at all the weddings I've been going to lately, I saw so many favors left on the tables at the end of the night. It made me kinda sad that my friends probably spent time and money making a cute favor and so many people just leave them! So we thought this would be something nice to do. great idea! yeah we had my sister's bridal shower about a month ago, and I spent soooo much time and money on her favors, and they were all left on the table. Kinda sad actually, but now I have 30 wedding cake candles!!!
  17. *fingers crossed* that he won't have to go!!
  18. thanks for posting! I want to do something in honor of my Mom who had passed, this is perfect!
  19. great deal! I guess I can't take a vacation before my vacation!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER My printer will not print on cardstock. Of course, instead of just buying a new printer (because I really like my old one) I printed everything on vellum and affixed it to the cardstock with adhesive spray or brads. I actually ended up liking the layered look it achieved. However, I just bought a new printer that feeds from the top (my old one feeds from underneath) and it can handle cardstock just fine. Does yours feed from top or bottom? feeds from bottom! but I just got it to work! Actually I was printing the petal toss wording that I saw you did on sparkly paper so cute!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride You guys are the best. Everytime I look at the list, I get a knot in my stomach. I'm just feeling a little too stressed at the moment to pay close attention to it, and it wouldn't be fair to leave someone out because of it. Shelley, I'm at work now, but I'll be updating the list probably tomorrow...? I keep saying that, but I had to follow up with a few people. I know I won't get to it tonight. Once I've posted the update, I'll send the excel sheet to you (do you have excel?) and explain how it's all organized. It might look like a bunch of colourful mumbo-jumbo lol. Also, I have a few e-mail addresses that might come in handy for you, including my own. Like I said, it shouldn't be too much - if someone can't get the starfish to someone else on time, it might need a bit of rearranging, and if you have ANY questions at all, e-mail me! The only time I won't check my e-mail is July 29th - August 5th, when i'm in Cabo. Anyways, I'll send everything to you shortly. Thanks again! yes, I have excel!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by akh shelley - if you need help, i'll be happy to help you as well! ok, you know I will!!
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