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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh you wouldn't think it would be THIS hard! yeah, I know! Ann, thanks for the palm tree paper link~ that is the best I have seen yet!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 Do you think this is too dressy for a BM? My girls are picking their own dresses and this is the one my MOH wants... I love it! it's so pretty!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Scrapbookdepot (not sure this one is in the US!) Lavender Lane Crafts - Starfish Printed Vellum A4 (nor is this one!) maybe call or visit a local craft store - they often have a decent variety thanks! yeah I have looked at all my local craft/scrapbooking stores, and online!!
  4. they are very cute! I was very happy with everything I ordered from them too!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lulubelle I totally agree. Once in a lifetime do you get to send out your wedding invites. I say go for it. YAY!! I totally am!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jesique We're having a small wedding...8 people total so we're not doing favors... But I'm still trying to convince my mom that a candy buffet isn't "childish" and would be totally cool for our AHR. Nadine. I love them! they are awesome.... will you get all the stuff when you get there? or try to take it with you?
  7. 1. Whens the last time you ran? 2 months ugh! 2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? some of them 3. What are you reading right now? just the screen 4. Is your lipgloss poppin? no, it's MAC 5. When is the last time you saw the person you like? this morning before work 6. What's your best physical feature? My butt 7. Can you dance? not so much! 8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? I try too 11. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back? no way 12. If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you be doing? in my pj's with a sink full of dishes watching a movie laying on the couch 13. Who last grabbed your butt? my friend Terry 14. Have you ever been on your school's track team? no 15. Do you own a pair of Converse? nope 16. Who did you copy and paste this survey from? Jamy 17. Do you eat raw cookie dough? of course 18. Have you ever kicked a vending machine? No 19. Don't you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing a bad one right after it? sure 21. Do you watch Trading Spaces? sometimes 23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? No 24. Are you cocky? not really 3O. Could you live without a computer? no way 35. Are you in high school? nope 45. Is anyone on your bad side now? not yet, but its early 46. What do you like a lot? my house 47. What's the first thing you do when you get online? check my e-mail 49. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? no 51. Would you wear your boyfriends/girlfriends clothes? his shirts 56. What are you doing tomorrow? I'll be camping in the mountains 57. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? No 60. Will you keep your last name when you get married? no 62. When is the last time you left your house? this morning for work 67. Do you return your cart? yes 69. Do you have a dishwasher? yea~me 70. What noise do you hear? the clock ticking 71. Would you survive in prison? sure I could 76. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you? in a heartbeat, we love roadtrips! 77. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? yes 78. How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many 79. Where are you? in my office 80. do u have a gf/bf? I have a fi 81. What service is your cell phone? ATT (Cingular) 84. What's your middle name? Lynn 85. Where is your cell phone? on the desk 86. Is your phone on vibrate or ring? ring 87. What brand are your pants right now? aero 88. Ever been to Georgia? yes 91. What irritates you most on the internet? when I lose wireless 92. Do you watch movies with your parents? not for a long time 93. What's your favorite color(s)? pink 94. Favorite song? right now~ Big Girls Don't Cry- Fergie 95.what color is your car? white 97. Where do you work? at work 98. Are you taking college classes right now? No 99. What do you drink? lots of water 100. Who did you last talk to in a bathroom? Amos 101. Do you like sushi? no 102. Do you get your hair cut every month? yes 104.Do you enjoy your personality? most days 105. Do you know anyone that has changed your life? Yes 106. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone else? reject others 107. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? anything 108. What is the best thing about your current job? pay, freedom 109. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class? yes 110 What's the last thing you drank? milk 111. Have you been on a date in the past week? no... 112. Where are you going on your next vacation? Myrtle Beach 113. Have you ever thrown up from working out? nope 114. Do you have more friends that are girls or guys? guys 115. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Old 116. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on? no 117. Do you like orange juice with the pulp? ewww... no 118. Are you touchy-feely? yes, sometimes too much lol! 119. Did you cry at your high school graduation? no 120. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun? sun 121. What are two of your favorite places to eat? Bahama Breeze and Outback 122. What could you tolerate...someone who snores or a sleep walker? I have to tolerate a snorer every night 123. Do you consider yourself bi-polar? Amos says I am 124. What's something your friends make fun of you for? ?? 125. Have you ever gone to therapy? no 126. Would you ever parachute off of a plane? no, I hate planes! 127.Ever rode an elephant? yes 128. Are you Irish in any way? yup 129. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? No 130. Do you like to play Scrabble? I like it 131. Have you ever been to a nude beach? no 132. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels? yes 133. Have you ever had sex on the beach? no 134. What are you saving your money up for right now? all the trips we are taking this summer 135. What was the last gift card you received? Bed, Bath, and Beyond 136. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? oh yeah1 137. Does the number of people a person has slept with affect your opinion of them? nope 138. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober person? yes 139. What do you do when you spot a bug in your house? yell for Amos....
  8. has anyone seen or know where to find tropical vellum (palm trees, starfish etc..) I am making my own invites and can't find this anywhere... help! thanks
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 Its really cute. I'm a little dissapointed, I was hoping I could just type our names into some website & make one too Wow, is that lazy? We live about 2 hours from a beach, but we never go because we always head in the other direction for mountains. I've been wanting to get some cute beach pictures for our website. I have a work retreat at the beach every October, so maybe we'll just take them then. awww... I found a very small beach and just did it there- it was almost the length of the picture... but you can't tell
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 Shelley, This may be a really dumb question, but did you make your new signature picture at the beach or online? I know I've seen pictures people make online with writing in the sand, but that one looks real. Thanks for sharing all the websites. yeah, I actually went to the beach with my starfish and wrote in the sand.... I used this pic for my save the dates...
  11. that actually might be a good plan.... as long as they recieve the starfish back at the end of the wedding!
  12. and Congratulations on your engagement!
  13. awww. someone is testing you lol!! I was feeling this way when aal my friends around me were getting engaged after only being with their boyfriends for a year or two... Meanwhile I had put 5 in and I didn't know what I was doing wrong! But after it actually happend (7 1/2 years later) I realized I wasn't ready before and it came at the perfect time! Ok, not that I am saying you aren't ready, but your time will come, patience my dear (even thought I know its incredibly hard!!)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Okay, I really want these only cheaper. My BM's decided to go barefoot (I gave them the option). I would love to get these for them, but I can't spend that much, I have 1 MOH and 3 BM's. Here are some more reasonable ones: $8 on ebay some for $12
  15. here are some more- Victoria's Secret (might come in handy lol) July code PASS0707 July - Any Body by Victoria Bra for $24.50 FREE SHIPPING W/ $100+ PURCHASE (Some codes may require the use of an Angels CC) SP76601 (07/20/07) SP75221 (07/20/07) SP76565 (0725/07 and I didn't foget my Canadian friends! SP76613 (07/20/07) - 10% off for Canadian Residents Rexcraft Get 50 Free Thank You Notes with orders of $100 or more Use coupon code 040295FR Expires 7/31/2007 Personalization Mall Save $25 on purchases of $250 or more! Use coupon code PM0377 Expires 12/31/2007 Kodak Gallery 20% Off $30+ order - Includes Prints. Kodak Gallery Coupon Code: BBQ20 Exp. 7/18/07 20% off $30+ order - Includes Prints. Kodak Gallery Coupon Code: FIREITUP Exp. 7/16/07 Save 20% on Photobooks & Collages. Kodak Gallery Coupon Code: SUMMERTIME Exp. 8/15/07 20% off $30+ order - Includes Prints. Kodak Gallery Coupon Code: WARM20 Exp. 7/16/07 Now & Forever Invitations 10% off any order. Now & Forever Coupon Code: 20791 Exp. 9/1/07 10% off $100+ order. Now & Forever Coupon Code: 27360 Exp. 8/1/07 Personal Creations Free Shipping on $99+ order. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SX99FS Exp. 12/31/07 30% off any order includes Clearance. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SUMSALE Exp. 7/16/07 10% off any order. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SIXTEN Exp. 12/31/07 $10 off $75+ order. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SIX75 Exp. 12/31/07 Free Shipping on $65+ order. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SX65FS Exp. 12/31/07 Free Shipping on $75+ order. Personal Creations Coupon Code: SX75FS Exp. 12/31/07 Oriental Trading Co. 15% off $50 purchase! Coupon Code: WC86151 Expires: 7/31/07 FREE Shipping on $60 or more crafts order! Coupon Code: WC53637 Expires: 7/31/07 FREE standard shipping on $60 or more scrapbooking order! Coupon Code: WC53639 Free shipping on $60! Plus no payment until 8/1/07 use coupon WC86076 Expires 08/01/07 Snapfish 20% Off Collage Posters. Snapfish Coupon Code: SNAPCOLLAGE Exp. 8/1/07 20% off any order. Snapfish Coupon Code: AFFSNAP20 Exp. 7/15/07 Save 30% on personalized photo gifts. Snapfish Coupon Code: SUMMERSALE Exp. 7/15/07 $5 off $25+ order. Snapfish Coupon Code: AFFOFF250507 Exp. 7/31/07 Free Shipping on up to 30 prints. Snapfish Coupon Code: SNAPYFRSH07 Exp. 8/2/07 10% off your order. Snapfish Coupon Code: FLAMINGO10707 Exp. 8/2/07 10 Extra Free Prints. Snapfish Coupon Code: AFF10PRINT07 Exp. 8/1/07 $2 off $10+ order. Snapfish Coupon Code: AFFOFFTEN0507 Exp. 7/31/07 10% Off your entire order. Snapfish Coupon Code: AFF10COUPOFF Exp. 8/1/07 Free Shipping on up to 30 4"x6" digital camera prints. Snapfish Coupon Code: HPFREESHIP7 Exp. 8/31/07 Things Remembered Save 20% off $125 Personalized Gift Orders. Things Remembered Coupon Code: SUMMER20 Exp. 8/31/07 Save 15% off $85 Personalized Gift Orders. Things Remembered Coupon Code: SUMMER15 Exp. 8/31/07
  16. here it is at Nordstrom... they have size 16 oops! but not in that color! dress
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Trista YES the first one on the page Barefoot Foot Jewelry Beach or Destination Wedding Jewelry It was my first purchase, even before the dress...LOL...A MUST for me~ very pretty,Trista
  18. I got really cute bags from the dollar store, they are canvas, my stuff fits in the perfectly...
  19. great idea!! The Knot coupon codes complete2 Discount: 10% off your order Invitations by Dawn coupon codes Code: 20488 Discount: Free Shipping on $100+ Classybrides.com Code: 2007 Use now Discount: 15% off SiNow-and-forever coupon codes 22354 Discount: $10 off w/ an $80 purchase or more Expires 8-1-2007
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Are you serious? Thats so nice of you! I would love that, because I'm afraid two of these on a bout might be too big and too heavy. Just let me know how much you want for them and I will send the money, you can pm me if you want. thank you! no money don't be silly... Pm me with your address. I have square, cirlce, and heart I believe... let me know
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