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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. I would like to see these too, I am thinking I want to get parasols now...
  2. Sarah love your new siggie collage, it is very pretty!
  3. so good to hear... I hope he comes home soon!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege So, of course I'm not even engaged... but I like to plan, so I have a preliminary budget set up. Let me tell you, getting married is NOT cheap! Dang! So, my number is $29,000. GULP. We are paying for our wedding party to fly & stay, however, and that's $15,000 so I guess when you subtract that it's not that much. that is so nice of you~ I would definitely do that if we could afford it!
  5. I have never heard of this store either, but I wish there was one near me, it sounds great!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 That's awesome! James doesn't even want to know how much we've spent...and I really hope the question never comes up =) I agree, I don't want to let Amos know how much we have already spent either!!!
  7. here are some more: Wedding Vows Ceremony Readings
  8. it will look great, definitely post some pics!
  9. thanks for sharing, I saved this one as well...
  10. MsShelley


    to the forum!!
  11. your pictures are beautiful!!
  12. Welcome to the forum!! Do you have a site where we can see your work?
  13. here are some: Sos mas linda que las estrellas en el cielo. You are more beautiful than the stars in the sky. Si no me equivoco ...a pick up line puede ser algo asi como... Did it hurt ? when you fell from heaven? ¿Tiene un novio? Do you have a boyfriend?
  14. Your pictures are so beautiful. I loved the girls dresses, and your dress is amazing. You two look so happy, I don't think you stopped smiling once! Congratulations!
  15. Bianca~ to the forum! You will find all the information that you need here.
  16. more helpul templates and DIY sites: DIY Pocketfold Invites DIY Map DIY Cake Topper DIY Water Bottle Labels DIY Tissue Pouches DIY Wedding Guestbook Pocketfold Invitations Message in a Bottle Publisher PhotoBook using PowerPoint Welcome Letter Wedding Guetbook Pages Wedding Program Candy Bar Wrappers Disposable Camera Cards Passport Template DIY CD Favors Newsletter/Brochure Template Travel Brochure Petal Cone Template
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak At home is definitely a great idea---- something in the backyard in the evening with some strand lights, candles and just moving around the current potted plants from the yard---- might give a nice subdued, romantic feel... If it's family and a small group, I say go potluck! Nothing like some good home-cooking to celebrate!! YAY!! Maria, he just walked in the door and said that he would plan it, he joked a little but I think he is serious!! great minds think alike! I was definitely thinking low-key, like a bbq or something simple
  18. Maria, why didn't I think of that!!! I totally understand why he wants to have one here, but I guess it can be just a very small gathering, maybe a cookout? We are spending most of our money for our DW, so what are some inexpensive ways that I can do this at home?
  19. to the forum Lindsay! You will find lots of help here!
  20. ok, so I just found out, that my FI wants to have a wedding at home too! I am a little stressed now, he says he wants "just family" there because a lot of his family aren't going to our DW. What should I do for this, now that I have another wedding to plan? even thought it is going to be small, I thought I had enough to do with going away....
  21. good! you are well on your way! the oot bags and gifts are a piece of cake! but you will find so many ideas on here!
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