Quote: Originally Posted by Alisarosenbaum I did not mean to spark such a debate! My post was more on the what do you do when a guest calls and asks you to change something about your wedding than the actual no kids policy. No tickets had been booked, I had arranged babysitters for anyone who wanted to use them, and was clear on our website about it being adults only events. When she called me, I explained that I understood going to a DW was difficult, and when we decided to get married at a location almost 7 hour playride away from DC (and thats witha good connection) not many people would be able to go, so no feeling on my end would be hurt. I was more surprised someone would call and ask me to change this, instead of just saying they couldnt come, or working it out with the 5 other family members of them who are coming to take turns watching the kids for the 2 night. That is all I was saying... I think it is totally up to you and your FI, whatever you decide~ afterall it is your wedding... I don't think anyone meant anything by what they said... just different opinions that's all...