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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 Here's a pic of my ring bearer~ doesn't he look thrilled!!! He's so funny! He can be so serious sometimes! Anyway, we tied the rings together with a ribbon, so we didn't have to worry about them falling in the sand! Amy that's a really nice shell, I haven't seen one like that before...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i can't tell if these are the ones, but i do remember someone that bought a plain/clear starfish pin, and then glued on the aqua (or whatever color) crystals herself. that's always an option! that is maybe what I will do... I love these shoes
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding You know what I love about those pins - they can be your "something blue." How cool is that I'm going to "Google" those pins for you. great idea, (if I wore them for the wedding) I can't seem to find the ones I am looking for with a google search....
  4. I want these, maybe not for the wedding (I want to be barefoot) but maybe for the rehearsal dinner.... these are just plain white shoes and they attached the starfish pins.... Does anyone know where I can get these pins
  5. another cute idea, using shells, just a seperate one for each ring...
  6. measurements Measurements: average width is 9" with a +/- 1" variance width: ranges from approx. 8" wide to 10" wide height: ranges from approx. 8" high to 10" high (from tip of loop handle to point of fan) here is the site fans
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mridgway Hey Shelley - your book looks great! I'm in the process of making mine through Kodak, so I'm so happy to hear you like how yours turned out! Thanks for posting! Melissa and they are offering free shipping right now....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alisarosenbaum I did not mean to spark such a debate! My post was more on the what do you do when a guest calls and asks you to change something about your wedding than the actual no kids policy. No tickets had been booked, I had arranged babysitters for anyone who wanted to use them, and was clear on our website about it being adults only events. When she called me, I explained that I understood going to a DW was difficult, and when we decided to get married at a location almost 7 hour playride away from DC (and thats witha good connection) not many people would be able to go, so no feeling on my end would be hurt. I was more surprised someone would call and ask me to change this, instead of just saying they couldnt come, or working it out with the 5 other family members of them who are coming to take turns watching the kids for the 2 night. That is all I was saying... I think it is totally up to you and your FI, whatever you decide~ afterall it is your wedding... I don't think anyone meant anything by what they said... just different opinions that's all...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Your photo guestbook is soooooo cute! What did you use to make it? I actually uploaded my photos and made it through Kodak Gallery, they did a really great job!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Since you girls are so helpful, this is the purse I am looking for eweddingshoes.com: Wedding handbags with sparkle I love it, but its sold out on this site (not even sure if they deliver to Canada). Anyone seen on like it in their searches or know where I can get this one? hmm... on that website it says "made just for us", do I can't find it on another website, maybe call them and see if they are going to get any more in??
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Those look great! Where did you buy the fans from?? I got them from Oriental Trading, they were pretty reasonably priced here~ $7.95 for a dozen Fans
  12. beautiful!! the gazebo is awesome, and I love your bouquet...
  13. that's great, those are gorgeous!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 Thank You! i can't take the credit though - i used a graphic designer byattila.com - very affordable and easy to work with - he does really unique stuff! either way, I am sure your guests will love them!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr So far Nathan's is in the lead at $70 total, shipping and all. Thanks guys, keep them coming. they are the cheapest that I have found yet... Most are $70 before shipping!
  16. that's really nice, you did a great job! I think wither way, it will look nice.... or,you could upload it and make it a magnet.
  17. on the other end~ I invited kids, I had a ringbearer and a flowergirl, and then both parents decided to leave them home so they could have a vacation. But kids do add a certain atmosphere to a wedding and for the most part~ IMO it's usually a good one!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by verrow23 Those a super cute! I hope my DIY stuff comes out that good! I'm not very crafty! I am sure they will, I am not crafty either...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Love the colors! Are they for the ceremony or the OOT bags. I love getting new ideas. I woould love to get started on these things but I still have a year and really have no clue how many will be coming. jess I think I already have way too much for my oot bags, so I will probably have them on the chairs at the ceremony...
  20. here they are for $60, they ship to Canada Nathan Shoes $64 here House of Brides
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 those look great - did you print them at home? yes, right on a color printer on cardstock
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Thanks for finding these - I hadn't even thought about Ebay. I need four of them, though. I will keep re-checking ebay for more listings. I think there were 2 on there, but most of them were the long ones... You could always post a want it now and the sizes you need
  23. this is great, I never knew different flowers meant different things!
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