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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Welcome to the forum, I can't help much with Mexico, but there is so much info here!! Happy Planning!!
  2. I have more of these than I will ever use... If anyone wants/needs this I will send them to you... I recently sent some to Jill (jilly76) she wanted smaller ones for the boutonnière, which is also a great idea... Here they are, let me know if anyone can use these... here is what they look like: I have 2 square, 3 oval, and 4 heart left....
  3. I agree, I amnot a teacher, nor do I have kids, but teachers don't get enough respect for all the things they have to deal with.
  4. Welcome to the forum, Natalie, you will find so much information here!
  5. Welcome to the forum, I won't be much help with your site, but I am sure you will find lots of help here...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr My famous line, apparently, is "Its one of the most important things, we need it". lol I did not even realised I said that, but FH will bring it up everytime I say it and say "I thought the photographer was the most important thing" or "I thought your dress was the most important thing". Its quite funny actually. I will have to remember that one lol!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I think the card holders I bought were 3 x 4 yeah, I think I got those too at Office Depot..
  8. you will get points (obviously) but you can go right back to lottery (where you played) and click on previous lottery winners
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 Thanks girls! I hope they pick my #'s! you're too funny!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV The more people, the bigger the jackpot! very true!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Haha, poor Lisa. You can "Buy" lottery tickets for a daily or weekly lottery. The weekly lottery is drawn on Wednesdays (I think), and daily is... well, every day! I think the daily lottery you can win about 4000 - 5000 in points. The weekly lottery is around 12000 - 15000 in points. stop telling everyone~ now I will never win!! lol!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 Lord no!! I attempted fan tags but failed bad, so starting over today =) We're getting our marriage license today after work... I don't have that much to do. James' bachelor party is all day tomorrow, so I plan on getting all my last minute things done (hopefully), then shopping on Sunday for a swim suit and cute clothes for the trip. Oh it's coming so fast!! Lisa, did you get the fan tags that I posted yesterday?? they were sooo simple to do ~ I am not very computer oriented...
  13. I was going to print names as well, but thought it to be much easier just to make the lines, they turned out to be pretty easy!! Heidi, those tags look great!!
  14. OMG!! you are too funny!! I almost peed myself!! How does she expect people to write letters, especially when you don't see each other that often!
  15. I probably will, these are my favorite so far! and I just want to do something casual for the guys...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv The shirts are online. I just can't decide b/c I like the second one best (they are so similar), but I need cream/beige. This one is at tydelhawaii.com and this at pennersinc.com Don't you think a boutonniere would be too much o these shirts? I love the second one too!!! it might be a bit much!! I might get those shirts! I lvoe them!
  17. I have been trying, I won the second day I played, (I think July 4) and have played everyday since, oh well, just no luck for me...
  18. I was a St. Thomas Bride... I did a lot of research on Bolongo Bay and the Wyndham... I did a lot of research on tripadvisor.com, and decided to go with the Wyndham, everyone was so nice in answering all of my questions....
  19. Congrats! I hope you have a beautiful day!!
  20. to the forum, Dayna, you will find so much help here!!
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