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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Did anyone hear about Heidi and Spencer eloping in Cabo? Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Get Married! at The Insider Heidi and Spencer Get Married at One & Only Palmilla || HotelChatter lol, yes, they have their own thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32705
  2. here is a cute idea I found: Sea if you can respond by August XX, 2009 _______________________ __You beach ya’ we’ll be there! _______________________ (names of those attending) __All tide up…must wave your invitation.
  3. Luna Bazaar 25% again through Monday Dec 1 use code: 2008THANKS Snapfish 40% off giftd for him and her use code: HIMANDHER
  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
  5. well said Jamy, and all the other mods that responded. Nice thoughts Nic, I love the mod day idea!!
  6. Thanks girls!! I cannot believe I am 29!! Amos is taking me to the Cheesecake Factory tonight and he sneakily called all my friends and invited them! I am so excited.
  7. I didn't know this either. I usually don't shop going out of business sales mainly because there usually isn't anything good left. But that is good information!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Yup! I'll bring Maura, Rachel, Abbie and Christa with me... how much fun would we all have??
  9. thanks girls for all of your suggestions, I did order business cards, but I haven't started them yet, but I will post a picture when I get them done
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DRod0214 very nice. Is it better to keep STD short or give people more details. diane I was hoping by keeping it short, they would log onto our site
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari OMG, I love them!! Sarah is so great!!! So Shelley can you mail one to my house? lol, were you thinking of crashing my wedding?
  12. thanks ladies, I sent them out yesterday, so most will get them today, I hope our guests love them!
  13. thanks for haring your great review and beautiful pictures!
  14. I am looking for a couple fonts if anyone has them: Corinthia, GoodVibrations, and Passions Conflict thanks!
  15. welcome to the forum, Melanie
  16. oh no, it says off air, but that is an awfully cute paw
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