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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Do you still need more after that? maybe 10? did you find some?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli I did call back and she said they were marked clearance and ringing up as $0.24!! She said she was surprised they were getting more in and guesses that the warehouse had extras! I have to get out at lunch, so I can run by then....I will let you know. Oh - do you want all 12 of each? I think they have 13 in the white (had 1 and got 12 more today). yippee!!! I thought they would be 24 cents!!! yes I want them all, thank you, thank you!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I'll repost mine tonight - but mine is an Army garter. Tom LOVED it! Does Amos have an obsession with a sports team or pasttime? nope, no sports for him, isn't that crazy? He loves cars, that is about it!
  4. I am having a hard time finding a garter I love so I need some ideas. I couldn't find just pictures, just some people posting theirs. So,lets see them girls!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg So, I called on my break and sat on hold for ten minutes...which is my whole break...and couldn't get anybody to help me. I have to go there this weekend or I can go on my lunch break tomorrow and take the barcode numbers with me. I will keep my eye out for you though! Sorry couldn't help today. awww, thank you, I feel bad you used your whole break! I really appreciate it. If you happen to go there and run into some let me know, thanks again!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli They have 12 of each being delivered today (the truck is already there, but the boxes aren't unpacked). She is setting them aside for me. But...if they are being delivered, they probably aren't on clearance. Maybe they are just on clearance in certain areas? I can get them or you can see if some of the other girls can find them on clearance...your call! hmmm... that is interesting they are on clearance everywhere else since they are a fall flower. did she tell you how much they were. I don't want to ask you to call back. I really appreciate you calling!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl ELF for sure!!!! I love it...its soooo funny! that was on last night! I am having a good time watching the 25 days of Christmas on abc,they have some good shows. I watch the Grinch every year it is like my tradition and Christmas vacation is always a good one!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli They open in 15 minutes so I will call. How much does "larger quantities" mean? ha ha like not 1 or 2, like 10 or more, lol I need a lot! Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I will check out the stores near me... thank you so much!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli I have a JoAnn's near my office. I bet I could call them with the barcode number and see if they have them. If they do, I can grab them for you! yippee!! thank you everyone who is willing to help. I can paypal you the money with shipping if you find them. They are on sale for 24 cents, so it won't cost you much, lol! Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I have two within 15 miles of me. Just let me know! that would be awesome!! Quote: Originally Posted by neen there are 2 or 3 in my area and I'm planning on shopping this weekend so I'm happy to look for you. just PM me the barcode and description... ok, I will just post it here, I am looking for larger quantities, not just one or two, I know I am a pita!! lol Here they are, they are in the autumn section of the stores I have been in, they are mini off whitish rose bushes, and like a pinky/orange color. pink orange 882821049860 whitish 882821049822 thank you everyone, I am truly greatful that you are willing to help!!
  10. I need a huge favor from anyone or several people that can help me. I have started making my kissing balls and am now out of flowers. I can only find them there, and of course they are on a huge clearance and noone in the state of Maryland has them. I would so appreciate if anyone can help. I have the barcode number and a better description. thanks so much if anyone can do it!!!
  11. welcome to the forum, Jessica!
  12. here is one that a lot of the girls get Etsy :: palomasnest :: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ring bowl with tiny text - wedding or commitment ceremony
  13. welcome to the forum, Marie-Laine
  14. they look great! Sarah, you look so good. Nice pictures Tammy, you really are good!
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