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Everything posted by MsShelley

  1. how did I miss this? great review Erika, and you look so beautiful!!
  2. here is a couple I found Egyptian Home 12pc Bed-in-a-Bag Soho Chocolate/Burnt Orange Comforter Set Bed In A Bag Sets Oversized Queen 3 piece Patch Work Coverlet - Orange & Brown - Comforter Sets - DealsDirect.com.au Australia Victoria Classics Istanbul 8-Piece Comforter Set - Orange Shop by Color Bed in a Bag - Bed & Bath - Macy's Kincaid Jute Bedding for Queen Bed I found lots of like 60's mod stuff, but not sure you wanna go that route, lol!
  3. Catherine, he is getting so big! He is really cute!
  4. I have merged your thread with another thread asking the same questions.
  5. I used them for seating charts, although they were too big, I just cut them down, they have too good of prices to pass up
  6. wow, your hair is so long, kudos to you for donating it, I cannot wait to see before and after photos
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 Thanks MsShlley, I didn't even realize I posted it twice until I saw someone respond to both threads. I guess I was tooo excited about my shoes lol.... no biggie
  8. I got it, thanks! Please also feel free to pm any mod so we don't have these cleanup threas all over the forum
  9. I made my own as well with Mpix, it turned out awesome! check out these threads as well with others asking the same question http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ok-made-49119/ http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...to-book-49477/
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn Hello ladies! I haven't been on BDW in forever and a year, but wanted to stop in, say hello and see how all the other preggos are! We're almost 28 weeks now, having a boy, and getting super excited! Hope everyone is doing well! Jenn, welcome back and congrats on the little boy!
  11. well I googled and this is what I found, not a lot of stuff happened that year 1979 In 1979, A Gallon of Milk Cost $1.50 Jimmy Carter is president of the US A major accident occurs at a nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island near Middletown, PA An American Airlines DC-10 loses its engine and crashes seconds after takeoff, killing 275 people Hurricane David kills over 1200 in the US and the Dominican Republic Some 90 people, including 63 Americans, are taken hostage at the American Embassy in Tehran, Iran The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan ESPN starts broadcasting Aaliyah, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Norah Jones, Heath Ledger, and Kate Hudson are born Pittsburgh Pirates win the World Series Pittsburgh Steelers win Superbowl XIII Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup Kramer vs. Kramer is the top grossing film Sophie's Choice by William Styron is published "My Sharona" by The Knack spends the most time at the top of the US charts The Facts of Life premiers and here is a list of the costs in 1979 Cost of Living 1979 How Much things cost in 1979 Yearly Inflation Rate USA11.2% Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 838 Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 15.25% Average Cost of new house $58,100.00 Average Income per year $17,500.00 Average Monthly Rent $280.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas 86 cents Sony Walkman $200.00 Jox Trainers $14.99
  12. please read the FAQ's and how to link in my siggy that will help you with all your questions
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