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Everything posted by PVBride

  1. Welcome to the forum! I am getting married in Puerto Vallarta this February. Let us know what kind of information you are looking for, and we will be glad to help you find it
  2. Thank you for all of your help, girls! I really appreciate it! I am going shoe shopping today, and will let you know what I find.
  3. Did I miss something Did you and your FI book The Lodge in Hawaii?!? I hope so Also, FANTASTIC job on the STD's..they look great!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards you're welcome! I LOVE excuses to look at shoes online! :-) I always start at Nordstrom for ideas - they have a great shoe selection. I work next door to a Nordstroms, so I will have to go see if they have these!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Here's an idea - I think the gold in this one is really pretty - though the silver is nice too. J. Reneé 'Stardust' Sandal - View All - Nordstrom.com Those are really pretty, Rachelle. I think that color would match nicely. Thanks for posting!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride lol... it is suppose to be idk (i don't know) OHH!! I am a little slow today. I thought maybe you were saying "I f*#%ing know what kind of shoes I would wear..." Ha Ha!! I got nervous for a minute!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride very pretty... ifk what kind of shoes I would wear.... trying to figure out what ifk means??
  8. Welcome! I am a Puerto Vallarta Bride as well! Las Caletas looks like a wonderful place to have your wedding
  9. PVBride


    Hi Jess! Welcome to the forum. I don't know much about your specific resort, but there are TONS of Dreams Brides here that I'm sure can help!
  10. This is the dress that I bought for our Pre-Wedding Party. I am fashion-challenged, and have no idea what color of shoes/accessories would go with it? Any advice/pictures/help greatly appreciated! Thank you!! p.s. The dress looks super-low cut in this picture, but it really isn't that revealing! I think that they needed to tie it tighter at the neck!
  11. PVBride


    Welcome(officially)to the boards!! We are happy to have you here
  12. For the girls who have done boxed invitations - Where did you buy the boxes from, and how did you ship them? Thanks!!
  13. PVBride


    Welcome to the forum, Molly! You will find lots of helpful info here! Let us know if there is anything you need help with!
  14. We are thinking about renting khaki suits from Jim's Formal Wear. They have a Destination line.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Yes, the green ones will always be 'lemons' to me... here in the US I think they are actually keylimes. When I ask for them I have to say ... lemons, the green ones... Quote: Originally Posted by mora Be sure you get the right "lemons" jaja everytime we ask for a lemon in USA we get a lime and backwards. Lemons in Mexico are the green small ones , I am attaching a picture: Stock Photo: Lime vs Lemon Thanks, girls! I was going to buy the yellow "lemons"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 thanks ann - i agree with you. the thing that is so annoying is that we are not giving anyone any guilt or putting expectations - we have been saying that is what we want to do, what is right for us, we understand not everyone can do, blah, blah. why can't people just accept that and be dissapointed but not put it back on us i am getting on the soapbox with you! Agreed!! When we first started planning our DW, we had heard plenty of comments about the expense, length of travel, etc. We shared the same, “no pressure†attitude as you and your FI. We decided to ignore people's remarks, and plan the wedding that WE wanted. In the end, we have a wonderful group of people coming to Mexico with us, and we could not be happier with our decision!
  17. PVBride

    Newly engaged

    I see that BA has a Four Seasons. It looks amazing Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires Wedding - Wedding packages There is also the Estancia La Candelaria(a beautiful castle) just outside of BA that may be worth looking into. Good Luck! Jackie
  18. What amazing photographs and a beautiful location! Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!
  19. PVBride

    Newly engaged

    Hi Becky, Congratulations on your recent engagement! How exciting! As soon as you are ready to start planning, we are ready to help Jackie
  20. PVBride


    Hi, Matt! Welcome to the forum. Let us know what we can do to help with your plans! What resort/location will you be getting married at?
  21. Great idea for a post, Morgan. Trista, let us know what you need and we will help in any way that we are able.
  22. Thanks for the translations, Anny! Maybe I will add lemons to my tequila tasting table, since it would be "authentic!" Thanks for the input
  23. A few more translations, please... Tequila Tasting Salt Lime Muchos Gracias!!! Jackie
  24. Hi Tobi, Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum! It sounds like you have the hardest part (picking your location!) behind you. Good luck with the rest of your planning Jackie
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