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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Urgh, that just sucks. Seriously, I can't think of another word to describe the situation. You deserve so much more on your wedding. I am sorry you have to deal with this. Is your sister going to be coming to the wedding? On a side note, I have to admit that this whole situation is so foreign to me. FI's parents are pretty traditional and threw a fit when FBIL's wife said she wanted to keep her maiden name. I had no idea the tradition goes both ways!
  2. We sent this out via email back in August when it became painfully clear that FI and I were the most indicisive people who ever lived (we couldn't agree on font for the STD): Hi all, So you've heard the rumors but it’s finally official….we're getting married in Mexico! You'll be getting the invitation in the mail in a few months, but because it’s in Mexico we wanted to get you dates, room reservation and flight information ASAP because the prices are only going to get more expensive the longer you wait. Here are the wedding weekend basics: · Welcome Dinner – Saturday, May 24, 2008 · Ceremony – Sunday, May 25, 2008 (Memorial Day Weekend) · Occidental Grand Xcaret, Riviera Maya, Mexico – http://www.occidentalhotels.com/grandxcaret/index.asp Your hotel stay on May 24th and 25th has been arranged for, compliments of Robin and David XXXXXXX. Steve and I are going to be there Thursday, May 22nd and invite anyone that wants to extend their trip to join us. Please call 1-800-858-2258 and reference “XXXXXXXX†to book your hotel reservation. We have also arranged for airline discounts. Go to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com (our wedding website) for airline discount codes, as well as additional wedding and travel information. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me or Steve (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.com). We hope to see you all there! Galit and Steve
  3. Jill - I was just trying to look at Will and Catherine's slideshowon your website but it kept saying the URL was invalid... am I doing something wrong?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Wow that is a toughie! Talk about random acts of kindness! Writing them a very personal note or card telling them how much their generosity was appreciated and how much it meant to you might really be the best way to thank them. I'm sure they expect nothing in return but to know that you graduated and made them proud. I second this suggestion! Whatever you do, I think it should be accompanied by a personal note saying thank you
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by georgiabeauty ***SIDENOTE*** Galit I saw your wedding ticker and noticed that we are marrying on the same day - 5 months, 2 weeks and 1 more day baby!!! WOO HOO!!!! Urgh, I get sick to my stomach everytime I think about it! I hate being in that in between stage where you have done all the big things (dress, location, etc) but it's too early to do the little things (favors, oot bags)... I cant wait for the 3 month mark so my family won't look at me like I'm crazy everytime I mention wrapping the 100 raffia fans I bought with ribbon!
  6. Hmmm, I think whatever you do should be personal and special (which doesnt always mean expensive!). Since they are coming to Mexico, what about finding a way to honor them at the wedding? Maybe public thank them for their support and the rehearsal dinner and present them with a photo frame (and then take a picture of the 3 of you at the wedding to put in it)?
  7. I am just reading this post for the first time, but I was so relieved that in the end you two were able to talk and make a decision together. I can't imagine what you are going through, but it's good to hear that you didn't (totally) panic and make a decision based on emotion. Only you and Travis know when you are ready to become parents...
  8. I ordered custom thank you cards from Papyrus once we started getting engagement presents. I had them printed with just "Galit & Steve," that way I can use them for wedding presents too
  9. Sorry I am late, but I wanted to add that I think your STD came out great! You two are adorable
  10. I've never heard of her, so I guess I am not much help on that front, but $100 seems like too much. My hotel only charges $50 for an updo (and they over charge on EVERYTHING!), so I feel like you can probably find someone for a better price than 100
  11. I don't have any hotel suggestions, but I would also consider taking a trip to the local walmart and supermarket. I don't know about you, but it made me feel better to know what was available to me in case something came up. It sounds totally random, but I was planning on shipping tiki torches bc I really want them for my rehearsal dinner, and I found them at home depot for 3 bucks each instead of the 8 my hotel wanted to charge me!
  12. Yay for you picking a wedding location!!! You must be so relieved/happy... now you can start planning:)
  13. I agree with what everyone said PLUS I think you should just not tell him. I normally never advocate lying, but if I really believed my dad would boycott the wedding over a name change I would totally just leave my name as it is and change it a few months later. If it was anything else, I would stand my ground and fight it, but it is sooo important for me that my family be at my wedding. If for whatever reason my parents couldn't come to Mexico I would move the wedding back to NY. Unless your mother can convince him to get over it, I would let things die down and change my name after the wedding.
  14. Our photographer, Elizabeth Medina, is traveling to RM for the wedding so she is spending the night. I think our contract says 8 hours on the wedding day, and then a TTD shoot the following morning. Can you ask about overtime charges if you go over?
  15. Laura, you look so beautiful! I love the sweetheart neckline
  16. I remember calling them a couple of months ago and the woman telling me that the styles stay the same but the colors change
  17. Happy wedding day! I hope everything was perfect and it was everything you imagined
  18. Don't worry Ann, I am freakin Israeli and I forgot to light candles last night... I suck! Shelley - were on earth do you find those adorable pictures?! So cute! Happy Chanukah everyone!!!
  19. Thanks Shelley! What do you think about something like this: Packaging Supplies - Fine Cut Shredded Paper
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Galit and Carrie, you're all fixed up, I hope you like them. Carrie I can make it a little bigger if its too small for you. With all the tickers, pictures and cute stuff we all like to put I try to make small siggy's, but if you want it bigger let me know. Ps. Jack is adorable. Thanks Christine! It's perfect!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany You probably don't have any idea, but do you happen to know if he'd be willing to perform an interfaith marriage if the bride is Jewish, the groom is atheist and not willing to convert, but the couple is going to raise the children Jewish? I have no idea, but it doesn't hurt to send him an email to ask. Oh, and not that I am encouraging you to lie to a Rabbi, but if it were me I would just ask if he performs interfaith marriages and leave out the part about FI being an atheist... that whole, don't believe in god thing might throw a wrench in your plan.... WOW, I feel guilty just writing that! On second thought, tell the truth!
  22. The invitation boxes I ordered are 2.75 inches deep, so I need some sort of filler. The invites are cream colored with light brown woven grass paper, and will have a starfish tied with raffia ribbon. Any suggestions on what to use as filler? I found some natural raffia, but I have no idea how much I will need. I am putting together 87 invitations. Thanks ladies!
  23. Those pictures are great! You both look amazing and the resort is beautiful Congratulations! PS - your wife really looks like she stepped out of a magazine... you are a lucky man
  24. A few of the girls have asked me if I ever found a Rabbi, and I did, so I thought I would post his info here. He is an American who relocated to Cancun in July, so he speaks perfect english. His name is Rabbi Mendel Druk, and here is his info: Chabad-Lubavitch of Cancun Ave. Antonio Enríquez Savignac, Cond. La Noria dto. D1 Frac El Table, m4 L4 B-4 SM 1 Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500 Mexico Phone number: 521-998-219-5601 His website is Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center of Cancun In the end, FI's parent's asked me to use their Rabbi from NY which was fine with me, so we ended up not using him. I didn't speak to him myself, but my sister did and she said he was great. Even after we decided not to use him she called for help finding kosher food in Cancun and he was really helpful. Let me know if you need more info!
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