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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. All Occidentals make you wear those awful bracelets but I am sure they won't give me a hard time about taking it off for my wedding... I'm willing to bet the wedding party is ok too, but I don't know about guests
  2. I really liked the invitation so I went with blue and green... what are the "cards with pockets"? I think I missed a post or something
  3. We are going wednesday, getting married sunday, and then coming back wednesday. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 yeah that sounds good. I would like to stay until Friday too but I don't want to spend the extra money...as it is we might have to fly in tuesday instead of wednesday depending on the flight times because we have to get our blood work done wednesday...but I'm still taking the rest of the week off work and then go back the following monday!!! Also, if you haven't already, I would suggest seeing if the hotel will give you any nights free. Our hotel gave us 3 nights in the honeymoon suite for having ou wedding there!
  4. What an AMAZING website!!! I can't believe how much information there is and how creative you are! Seriously, it rocks
  5. I had the same exact problem because FI's parents asked that the wedding be on a 3 day weekend to make it easier for people, so we went with Memorial Day weekend (of 0. It is right before hurricane season in Mexico, and the rates are WAY lower... we ended up getting the Occidental Xcaret for 125 per person per day. Hope this helps!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I asked them to tell me when they RSVP'd on my website. I could set up a question area, so I did. lol I have a few people who are not RSVP'ing online, so I am going to email or call them to ask them. What a good idea! I dont think that would work for me though, because apparently we have tons of "computer-illiterate" people coming to our wedding. My FMIL just told me we have to put ALL our info on the STD because her friends and family won't know how to use the internet to access our wedding website Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia I just bought flip flops on every size.. I bought 50 total so I bought sizes 5, 6 7 and 8 in random quantities.. I bought more size 7 cause I think it's a very popular size Oh and I won't be putting the in the OOT bags because of the size, that's why I put the big number sticker so they can grab their size.. That's definitely a smart idea! Maybe that will work for me once I get a little bit closer to the date and I know how many people are coming... right now, our guest list is 160... thats A LOT of flip flops to get through customs!
  7. ... sorry to hijack, but I just have to ask - how did you know what size flipflops to buy?!?! I wanted to put flipflops in my OOT bags I couldnt think of a way to get everyone's shoe size right... is this a stupid question? Dont be afraid to tell me if it is... I have been studying 10 hours a day, 7 days a week so my brain might be fried!
  8. I don't have anything to contribute that all the girls haven't already told you -I am just SO sorry and SO angry for you! I really think that people, especially family, take the whole experience for granted and it's so unfair. It's like they think the wedding won't happen without them and you are expected to figure out a way to make everything work. My only advice is not to put too much pressure on Everton. I am sure he is painfully aware that it is his family causing the problem and not anyone else - that has to be so hard for him... I know that they will lose their deposits on Thursday, but are they going to be locked out of the hotel too? I guess what I am trying to figure out is if they can still try to come up with the money and book airfare and accomodations at a higher cost later on. It definitely sucks for them, but that is what they get for procrastinating
  9. Welcome!!! There are sooo many beautiful locations in RM! Unfortunately, ALL I can help you with is the Occidental Xcaret because I really didnt do too much research once i found it. If you need any information on it, let me know - I am actually going to down to a "site vist" to meet with the wedding coordinator so i will have even more information then
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Some people want a font mimicked. Other people just look at different styles and go with what they like (Gothic, basic, etc...). Hmmm.... maybe I should start looking into doing this! Might make some good side-income, even if I charged half the price they gave you! Better you than me! I dont think the invitations would make it to the guests if I hand wrote them myself!
  11. I haven't looked into prices, but there is no way i am talented enough to do my own! My invites are going to be printed, so I would need someone to caligraphy (is that a verb?) the envelopes with name and address. Is the $1-2.25 for the name and address?
  12. I really like the 1st dress! I know we are voting on color, but if you can get the 1st dress in cream, or even ivory, I would definitely go for it! In fairness to dress # 2, I will wait for more pictures to vote
  13. Love them! I have actually looked into the message in a bottle as my invitations but I am a little nervous about taking on such a big DIY project (we have 86 invitations going out!) ... thanks for attaching the link!
  14. I hate to be a follower, but i LOVE the way #1 fits on you. It is super flattering and the bustle is so special! You look so beautiful in it! When are you making your decision?
  15. We weren't originally going to register, but friends and family called... and called... and called... so we really had no choice. Even the grandmother's were giving us crap for not registering! Between engagement parties, showers, and friends just being excited about our marriage, sometimes you have to give people options. One option is to register and not advertise it - just register at a place like Macys and then only tell people who call and ask. See if you could NOT attach the registry to your wedding website (if you have one). Oh, and I definitely wouldn't send out those little "I'm registered at" cards with the save the date! I feel like you are just asking for gifts if you go that far, but that's just my opinion.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride D'oh, I'm so slow. I was going to mention that Aaron has co-best men (his friend just assumed, Aaron didn't want to hurt his feelings since he was going to be a groomsman anyways... so he shares the honour with his dad)... but it looks like you've alread worked everything out! haha... damn my slow reaction... Haha! That's too funny! If it makes you feel better, that was our original thought but when we pitched it to his brother... well, let's say he wasn't exactly enthusiastic. It's just that we really don't want to take away from his brother because it means so much to him. Plus, it kind of looks bad because I have 2 sisters and I only chose one. So... thanks to everyone for your suggestions! When I told FI I was going to ask you girls he didn't say much. Then when I told him a couple of days later about all your suggestions, he was seriously impressed with your turnaround/response time!
  17. Thanks Leigh! Although I do have to say that it's a little early in the morning for me to have to think about putting on lingerie and posing all... well, you know... Urgh, now I'm blushing!!! FI is going to wake up and be like "what's the matter with you!"... little does he know...
  18. Thanks for all the advice ladies! After much discussion, we have pretty much decided to do exactly what you suggested. FI is just going to talk to his cousin and explain that his brother is his best man but its really important to us that he also be a big part of our wedding. I think we are going to have him share the duty of running the rehearsal dinner (and also the bachelor party... but thats a whole other thing that I thankfully have no part of)
  19. After seeing some of the pictures Leigh took of girls on this website, I am definitely interested (but equally terrified of the idea). Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Oops, missed this thread. I'm doing them, and I'll be using Leigh Miller as well. I found it incredibly difficult to find someone in my city who didn't make the boudoir photos look trashy .... I'm traveling all the way to Mexico to meet up with Leigh Miller (lol - I know, it's a tough trip to make! haha). Leigh did post a website of some boudoir photographers that are worth looking at. She's made some pretty good recommendations too Courtney - do you know how I can find Leigh's post with the website?
  20. Gorgeous pictures!!! I can't believe how emotional I got looking at all of them! I really can't get over how beautiful and intimate every single shot was! I am sitting in my review class trying not to sniffle (its actually kind of embarrasing)... Congratulations to Ann and Paul!!!
  21. Wow! I had no idea how hard it is to get a picture of my ring on my hand! Here is the picture that my FI gave to the jeweler who designed mine Can someone tell me how to post a picture without making it an attachment? Ring.doc
  22. Thanks Kate! I think the flower thing might work, especially since we were thinking about only having the best man wear a boutonniere. We also thought of having the two of them "MC" the rehearsal dinner together
  23. So here is the thing. My FI is freakin out because he has to choose his best man. He has a brother that is a clear choice... they are super, but (ofcourse there is a but) he also has a first cousin that might as well be his brother. The thing is, he absolutely wants his brother as his best man but he doesn't want to offend or hurt his cousin's feelings. Did I mention that he was his cousin's best man? Anyway, we are trying to think of ways to honor his cousin short of making him a best man. We already considered having 2 best men but his brother was a little hurt about having to share the honor... not in a bad way - it just means so much to him to be able to stand up for his younger brother. Obviously his cousin is going to be a groomsmen, but we are trying to think of other ways to honor him. So far, I have come up with having him at the chuppah holding the rings. Any suggestions!?!?!?
  24. Happy Birthday Jaime and congratulations on your engagement (again)!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Oh... I will not - especially now. Like I said, if she was a good friend (or even an OK friend!) I probably would send something nice her way... but even then, I like to try to be more thoughtful than follow the registry! ( I know, I'm a bad guest!). I can't believe that! UGH! Just makes me so mad! lol. I will especially not send a gift now, and if I send something... it'll be a card I happened to pick up while grocery shopping - that's it! HA! In her face!! Are you really expected to give a gift if you don't go?! Yes, I know it's tacky for her to post this on her website... but if she didn't, would I have been expected to give her something even though I'm not going?? Ok, so I might be new to planning a wedding, but I have become an EXPERT at attending them. First of all, the bride and groom aren't suppose to expect gifts from the people who attend the wedding, let alone people who don't come! Attending the wedding and sharing in the couple's special day is suppose to be enough! Obviously I am not advocating going to weddings and not bringing gifts, but I think it's a little bit different to tell people they better bring their "A" game and not waste their money on toasters! Second, the balls on this girl to "expect" anything from people who aren't even going! You are absolutely NOT required to send a gift if you don't go the wedding! It is completely up to you and it's REDICULOUS that she is telling her guests she expects a gift... why doesnt she just tell people who was invited for the gift and who was invited because she wanted them there?!?! And now I must sign off... I could go on forever (selfish people bother me) but FI will be home in approximately 5 minutes and I have to try to make it look like I've been studying all afternoon
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