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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Dear Daddy, I wish so much that you would wake up one day and remember why you married my mother. She loves you so much, and has loved you for so many years. I hate that after almost 30 years of marriage you two live in a house together and don't speak a word to each other. It hurts me so much to talk to your wife, my mother, and hear the sadness in her voice. It breaks my heart that you spend all your money on designer jeans, shots at the bar, and perfect strangers as if you were a college frat boy. I hate that she can't leave you because she doesn't have enough money to leave you. And worst of all, I hate that I can’t protect her from you. I want you to know that because of you, I question my ability to be loyal and true to my future husband almost daily. I am so afraid that I will wake up one day and decide he isn’t enough and that I need someone else to make me feel loved and complete, the way you felt when you cheated on my mother. I tell myself I could never hurt anyone I love so very much, but then I remember how you did… I am after all, your daughter. Most of all, I wish you would just make up your mind and leave if that's what you want to do so that we can move on with our lives. I love you so very much, but you have broken my heart and I won't let you do that to my little sister. You have done enough damage. It's time to either wake up and be a man, husband, and father... or leave us all alone. My mother deserves better. My sisters deserve better. I deserve better. Your daughter, Galit
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lissah my heart will just break if someone beat us to it either way though, would you girls be up to donating it to the rescue if we don't get the picture? I am definitely in no matter what! I will be so sad if we couldn't get the picture for Tammy and Cain, but atleast this way the rescue will get much needed money
  3. Ladies, I just checked the website and it says "sold" - did we buy it?!?! Don't leave me in suspense here!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Alyssa $10 Lizz $10 Starfishkate $10 Nrvsbride $10 Mikkistreak $10 Beachbride $10 JenandBrendan $10 Heidi $10 Carly $10 Christa $10 Galit $10 Count me in! I heart puppies and TammyB
  5. I checked with a local bakery here in Boston and they told me to go with fondant if it's an option because it holds better in the heat. I asked my WC and she said that I could have fondant in May if I wanted it, but that it was more expensive than buttercream. My suggestion is to call/email a couple of bakeries in Cabo and get their advice... they probably know best
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 Your invites rock! I love the color combo. So cute! Thanks! I am going to go to Kinkos to print them out and see which one I like better ... part 1 of DIY invites down, 25 to go!
  7. Ok ladies, thanks to Alyssa (Mrs. B 2008 ), I can post my invitations properly, without any random "m"'s all over the place Invitation_Proof_1_BDW_Version.pdf Invitation_Proof_2_BDW_Version.pdf
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Thanks! They are from Aria Bridesmaids. They have several styles that I loved, and many color combinations to choose from. They also have matching ties for the boys(obviously not ones that my FI will wear, though!) I L-O-V-E these dresses! I can't wait for the Boston store to open at noon so I can make an appointment ... so happy you posted!!!
  9. Welcome to the forum! Let us know how we can help
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 Galit - can you convert your word doc to a PDF? No, unfortunately I don't have that on my computer
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV It looks great! I love the pink and green combo... but I, too am wondering what the three M's mean! Thanks ladies! Sorry about the "m's," I just realized that not everyone has the fonts that I downloaded to make the invitations... the m's are starfish (lol) Any suggestions on how to make the invitation a picture so that I can post it without worrying about fonts?
  12. I would check out Brooks Brothers. I was in their outlet store last week and they had beautiful green and pink ties (my colors too) which were pretty reasonably priced (under 25) Sorry, but I love those dresses - where did you find them?
  13. So I finally sat down to make my invitations, and this is what I have so far. I am sorry I can't show it to you without an attachment - I spent about 30 minutes trying to turn the word document into a picture but I couldn't figure it out. I am going to (hopefully) mount the paper with the text on grass paper like this, wrap ribbon or vellum (sp) paper around it, and place a starfish on top like this: What do you ladies think? Invitation Proof.doc
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Haha.. this made me laugh! Why are people so dumb? Sigh. Quote: Originally Posted by akh OMG are you serious? wow. i can't believe there are people out there like that. Yes ladies, this is just a little glimps of what I deal with on a daily basis... I am not sure who I am more mad at - my FMIL's friends for even approaching her with this type of crap, or my FMIL for not standing up for me and telling her friends to shove it!
  15. Dear FI's mom's friends, Please get a hobby that gives you something better to do than complain about your friend's son's future wife. What kind of a "friend" would call and ask "did Steve and Galit not like the gift I sent them, because the thank you card was signed "very truly yours" instead of "love". First of all, you bought a gift off my registry, so how could I not like it... and second, I don't even know you - why is it necessary for me to sign the card "love"... seriously!??! What kind of a person are you that you need to stress me out about something this petty and stupid?!?!
  16. I just want to second Rachelle's post - I am spending over $75 a person for my wedding reception dinner at an AI... on top of that, I am having a buffet rehearsal dinner thats close to $50 a person... obviously this doesnt include flowers, decorations, music, etc... Tell your mother she can rest assured that this wedding will cost you PLENTY (hehe)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaV I'm pretty sure the script font is Brickham Script Po. I dont recognize the other font.. but Copperplate Gothic is always nice as well as Tarjan Pro: I couldn't find any of these fonts on dafont.com. Do you by any chance have these fonts on your computer?
  18. Thanks Heidi, I JUST figured out how to download the fonts from there (I know, I am a bit computer challenged) so I will check all of those out right now! Talk about discouraging - I finally psych myself up to make our wedding invitations and I am not even able to figure out the fonts!
  19. I really like the fonts in this invitation. I tried using dafont.com but I can't seem to find them... do any of you ladies know what these fonts are called or maybe have something similar I can use?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by ShannonM Hello, a new CR bride to be here... We are in the process of picking a resort for Feb. (2009). I know it is far ahead, but I would like to at least get a place picked soon... Our travel agent narrowed it down to three places: Occidental Grand Papagayo Premier Fiesta Resort & Spa Allegro Papagayo I took a long look on tripadvisor.com and was immediately turned off the Occidental & Allegro...which leaves me with the Premier. However, Hilton is taking over the Premier and renovating soon. Word is that the 2009 prices are going to be higher. It is already at the top of the budget...so this is not good news! So now I am thinking - should I choose somewhere else (i.e. give up on Costa Rica?). Should I settle on a different resort that I have a bad feeling about? Should I try to plan for Fall 2008 instead so I can get the good 2008 pricing? We thought everyone would be most willing to travel for our wedding in Feb...since it will be the nastiest time of year here in Ottawa and far enough away from Christmas... Also I wanted to avoid the "green season"... Ahhh, I don't know what to do! Any suggestions? Am I missing any other nice all-inclusive resorts in CR? Thanks in advance!! Can I ask why you ruled out the Occidental Papagayo? I am only asking because I was there in February and I loved it. It was definitely on the small side, but it looked like paradise. Actually, I really wanted to have my wedding there but we didnt want to make everyone spend that much on flights. Either way, I loved CR - have you considered hotels on the east coast?
  21. I buy it from a local beauty supply store and my mom has been making her own for years... sorry ladies, it's just as painful as regular wax
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