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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Congratulations and happy planning! We all love to help so let us know how we can
  2. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!!! Let us know how we can help
  3. I don't know what your budget is, but I know Crane stores do custom napkins. I remember seeing samples when I was in there for invitations.
  4. Dear self, How on earth do you walk all the way to the gym, find out your pilates class is cancelled, and then walk right home?!?! I mean, did you forget your glasses that you couldn't see all the equipment that you could have used to work out? I am starting to think that you aren't serious about losing weight, otherwise you wouldnt have come home and snacked on cheese. I am so ashamed... sometimes I feel like I don't even know you.
  5. Dear self, How on earth do you walk all the way to the gym, find out your pilates class is cancelled, and then walk right home?!?! I mean, did you forget your glasses that you couldn't see all the equipment that you could have used to work out? I am starting to think that you aren't serious about losing weight, otherwise you wouldnt have come home and snacked on cheese. I am so ashamed... sometimes I feel like I don't even know you.
  6. Happy wedding day!!! Don't forget to breath, eat, and dance your butt off!
  7. I am not using pocketfold, but I was looking at these when I was thinking about it: pocket folder enclosures - Paper Source
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Or, you could bring your own plate & utensils?? I love it. Imagine Maria showed up with disposable plates and forks... oooh, I have an idea! Maria why don't you tell them you have decided to become a Jew and will only eat kosher food - that lets you bring your own food PLUS disposable dishes and utensils... clearly this is the perfect solution
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ncainey Hi Galit! I am doing almost this exact same invite!! I was inspired by one from hanahouproductions but they were like twenty bucks a piece. We'll have to help each other out! What size starfish do you need for it? I know! I can't believe I was going to pay so much money for invitations - I never would have believed that making them myself would be so easy. Although, I should probably admit now that I am having someone else do the printing because I wanted thermography (raised print) which you need a professional to do. As of right now, I am using 2-3 inch starfish that I ordered for placecards (but which ended up being too small). I am picking up my paper today and ordering the grasspaper... I still have to finalize the wording for the rehearsal dinner enclosure and I will be sending it to the printers! Hopefully I will be able to get things started by the middle of next week Quote: Originally Posted by Christa I was thinking those M's must be something else Now I can see...and they look fantastic! I love the color combo also. You are on your way. Next, you get to learn about the wonderful world of adhesives and paper cutters. When you get there, post, because I learned some VERY hard lessons about adhesives Be my teacher Christa , I think it's time this young grasshopper was taught all you know so I can conquer adhesives
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Wow, that pic is huge...sorry. That's exactly what I meant! Also, I liked it with different pink, orange, and yellow votives
  11. Dear self, Not using bread doesn't make peanut butter "a low fat snack." Here is a general guideline: nothing you are going to eat out of a jar by the tablesoon is going to help you lose weight!
  12. We usually manage to squeeze in 2-3 times a week, sometimes more if we are in Boston over the weekend (which is definitely a rare occurence). Funny story: last night we got into bed around 11 and I announced that although we were both exhausted, we should do the dirty. FI said "sounds good" and then... nothing. Apparently we both assumed the other would be doing the work... after about 20 minutes of arguing we both decided that catching up on Survivor was a good compromise... sigh
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 That is so cool!!! i feel all warm and fuzzy I was totally just going to say that! hehe
  14. My hotel needs to know ahead of time exactly how much of each entree we are serving to our 100+ guests. Can you ladies come up with a nice way of asking people to tell me if they want chicken, beef, fish, or vegetarian on the rsvp card? I am attaching what I have so far on the RSVP card (the "m"'s are starfish). Oh, and while I know what the fish and beef entrees are going to be, I haven't chosen a chicken option yet so I can't be more specific. RSVP card.doc
  15. Oh Heidi, when I saw the title of this post I just froze and prayed that it was old. I am so sorry you are going thru this again. Just like most of the other girls, I am just speechless - how can I tell you thru the computer how heartbroken I am for you? I can't, but I can reiterate that we are here for you. I am so so so sorry for your family.
  16. I heart massages... I try to go as often as financially possible (which right now is never, hehe)... I just want to echo what everyone else said - if it hurts make sure you say something, if it's not enough or he/she missed a muscle - say so! Also, feel free to request a girl/guy depending on what you are most comfortable with. I remember my first time I had a guy because I didn't want to seem rude and say no and it was def a source of tension to an otherwise heavenly experience
  17. I bought parasols for all the girls and fans for the boys. I am not completely sure how, but I am planning to attach programs to both... somehow...
  18. I hope everything will be perfect on your wedding day Melissa! Enjoy your day
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I think so too Galit....I'm sorry you're stuck dealing with things the way they are ( Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 galit - that gave me the chills - i am glad you got it out! Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 galit...you should send that to him!! now that's a wake up call for him! Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Galit, I also think you should send that to your dad. It made me so sad to read that post. I'm sorry that he has hurt you and your family so much. I hope things get better soon. Thanks ladies, this thread rocks. I never get to talk about this because, well, there is no one to talk to about it (I don't like telling FI because we spend so much time with my family and I don't want him to hate my father). As for sending him the letter, I am sad to report that it would be useless ... knowing him he wouldn't read it
  20. Welcome! I don't know if anyone else has said told you to do this, but I totally suggest calling/emailing until you actually talk to someone. It took me 2 weeks of damn near stalking to get in touch with the wedding coordinator at Occidental
  21. Welcome to the forum! Let us know how we can help
  22. That sounds so pretty! I saw a Martha Stewart magazine that had a picture of different colored tealights placed on top of platters of different hights (I think some of them were cake plates)... I realise this might sound weird, I'll try to find a picture.
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