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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Yeah right..... I did give him a little hint, told him it had huge shoulder pads, long sleaves, and a turtle neck..... haha lets hope he didnt believe me! That's too funny - I told FI that my dress was black FI isn't going to see the dress until right before the ceremony when we meet for pictures and the Ketubah signing (pre-ceremony Jewish contract)
  2. So beautiful!!! I hope you realize I am going to expect you to make my wedding pictures just as beautiful (just kidding... sort of )
  3. What a beautiful dress! I love the lace-up back... and the shoes are adorable I def think you should wear them!
  4. Yay! I am so excited for you... and I LOVE that you are going to try to sneak in some outdoor shots! I feel like we are seeing more and more BD pics on this forum, but yours will def be the first ones to be at Lincoln Financial Field:)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh Did you do a TTD session or just the wedding? I booked her for both. If you go to her website, you can actually see pictures of a TTD session she did (the bride is actually a member of this forum, but I am blanking on her name right now).
  6. We haven't planned it yet, but we will definitely be doing it together. Originally, FI was suppose to be totally in charge of it on his own (his request) but then he ended up getting TOTALLY involved in wedding planning... like, he did everything there was to do while I was studying for the bar exam! Now that he is done with his part of the wedding planning, he does not want to be in charge of anything else that important by himself
  7. Urgh, so scary! My best friend had her identity stolen in Florida last year. Her story was absolutely rediculous: she found out when she got a phone call from an angry wife who wants to know why she was sending her husband jewelry from Tiffany's. Apparently the guy who stole her identity purchased himself jewelry from there using her credit card and forgot to mention it to his wife!
  8. Without reading anyone else's comments, my gut instinct says to send it. It sounds like you and your FI have worked really hard to be mature in this awkward and painful situation. If I were you, I would follow that mentality through to the end and let them be the ones to act like children. That being said, I just want to add that this is such a crappy thing for your FI's brother to do to you guys! I mean, seriously, its your wedding... sounds like there is something else going on with him because it's just too weird that he would go along with everything and all of the sudden flip out.
  9. I was just going to suggest Elizabeth, shes my photographer too
  10. I remember a while back some ladies were looking for inexpensive chargers. I was at Ikea this weekend and found ones I really loved, and only $1.99! The website doesnt really show what they look like - they are made of palm leaf and are a pretty loose weave (if that makes any sense!). Here is the link: IKEA | Setting the table | Place mats & coasters | SNÅR For you brides that are looking for something a little heavier/thicker, they also had these for $4.99 each. That price was too high for the number of guests I'm having, but I figured someone with a smaller wedding (or bigger budget) might be interested: IKEA | Setting the table | Place mats & coasters | SOARÉ
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel The three weddings we attend this summer- all had the bride and groom in full view of the guests taking pictures. They even went around and talked to guests prior to the wedding. I thought it was really anti-climatic when you first got a viewing of the bride. Normally, everyone waits for her to arrive and then gasps at how beautiful she looks and how great the dress is, etc. After attending 3 weddings like that this summer, I was seriously wondering if the new "trend" is to mingle with guests pre-ceremony. I thought it was a real downer. Therefore, I will stay hidden away. FI and I will probably see each other before, but I don't want all the guests in on the action. I attended a wedding last spring where they had the cocktail hour pre-ceremony and the bride attended it in a different dress (she wore a black and white gown)... I was told it was a southern thing, but it seemed kinda strange to me that she was at her wedding in a different dress As far as personal choice, we will be seeing each other before the ceremony. Being Jewish, it is pretty much a must because you have to first sign the "wedding contract" (Ketubah) before the rabbi will marry you. I wanted to hold off on pictures till after the wedding, but FI and I eventually agreed that if we are already going to see each other, we might as well take advantage of the time and do pictures (which would allow us to enjoy the cocktail hour with our guests). I have to admit though, getting around the resort to take the pictures should be interesting since we are planning to have over 100 guests... and I def don't want them ALL seeing me pre-cermeony!
  12. Wow, how big is the resort? That would make me nervous... I wonder if there are enough wedding coordinators to be with each bride during the day
  13. I think Tammy might be right - maybe he is planning a surprise for you You have waited sooo long for him to be ready to set a date... give him a couple of months to come up with the ring. That being said, I would just express to him that you want to give people enough time to plan for your wedding, so you need to know what he is planning. Also, there is plenty you can do besides the save the date cards... why not try and focus on other things like favors, location, flowers, etc...
  14. So many good nominations ladies! Mine are already listed, but I just wanted to add that ALL the girls (and boys) on here rock
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv OK. Let's see if I can post this. Not that I even should be since it's me and Tom -- and you ladies will either die laughing or die of embarrassment for us (well, me really, I was the drunk one). Anyway, this was a wedding at a winery in GA this past Saturday. Tom and I went to Helen GA for Oktoberfest on Friday night, spent the night, and then went to 5 wineries in GA before the wedding (great idea at the time, bad idea when I saw this video). Our friend was the videographer and we were just messing around -- but still. He took the audio off before sending it to me (but basically I'm screaming "woo-hoo" and then, "we are sssoooo happy for you" in my sexy, slurry drunk voice). Enjoy... Video of Tami and Tom Drunk Wedding - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting OMG Tami. I don't even know what to say I was laughing so hard I couldnt breath, let alone type!!! AND tom... oh Tom. Did he really do the finger in the pants?!?! Dying... I love it!
  16. Gorgeous pictures! I really like the one in the blue outfit... Glenn is going to love them!
  17. Congratulations!!! Yay for finding such a beautiful dress...You look so amazing!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful I’m sure no one here thinks you are crazy for knowing what you want. You are working hard to make sure everything is just right. Did you order the boxes in a specific color? I am ordering them in "luxe white" for the invitations Also, I really like the idea of letting our guests take left-over wedding cake back to their rooms, so I might get the "luxe pink" for that as well Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!! YAY! I too, have been searching for box mailers and am definitely going to order these! A few questions about your invites: Are you planning to "seal" the boxes with anything? Also, will your invitations sit in any sort of filler? And, finally, what size did you order?? Thanks!! Jackie I feel like you and I have been looking for invitation boxes for quite some time. Yay for finally finding them! So the sealing thing has become a bit of an issue because I really don't want to put any tape or anything on the boxes. As of right now, I have narrowed my options down to 2: 1. dab some hot glue on the flaps/sides of the cover to keep them in there during shipping 2. designing some sort of wrap around label thing that is nice enough to be caligraphied Once the boxes come in, I will decide. I think it's going to depend on how nice the finish of the box is (ie, whether its nice enough to just caligraphie the boxes directly). Sizing: also an issue because the invite backing I am using is a weird size (8.5 by 5.5), so I am trying to decide if the 8.75 x 6.25 x 1.25 is big enough. If I decide it's not, I will need to use the 9 x 6.5 x 2.75... really, I just need to locate a ruler and figure this out! Filler: If I go with the smaller box, I will probably fold tissue paper around the invitation to protect the starfish. However, if I go withthe larger box, I will need serious filler because it's damn near 3 inches deep! I'm planning on tying the invite with raffia string, so maybe fill the bottom with raffia?!?! I would def like to hear some suggestions on that
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Dear WC at Beaches, Answer my f-ing emails. I don't know why it is so hard for you to give me the simple things that I request. Pics of flowers, cake and ceremony sites. I mean, that has to be the simplest requests that you can get being a WC. I gave you extra time cuz I thought maybe I was being ridic when I wanted this info from you when I still had 9-10 months until my wedding. Well, I am almost at 6 months and I am starting to freak out. Don't make me come down there, Carly Coming down there doesn't help... trust me, I have tried! I left WC with several pictures of the flower arrangements I want when I visited in August. Since then, I have send countless emails with even more pictures and descriptions in an effort to be helpful (ok, ok, I kept sending them because she wasn't replying and I was pretending to have more stuff to say in the hopes that she would respond). For every 5 emails I send my WC, she replies with 1 email... and then only answers 2 questions out of the 20 I sent her! I am asking for pink flowers in square vases filled with limes... this isn't brain surgery... why the F am I looking at violet flowers in a round vase wrapped in leaves?!?!?!
  20. I have been driving myself completely nuts looking for mailing boxes for my invitations. First, I couldnt find non-corrugated ones that I thought would ship well. Then, I couldnt find my size (the backing of my invite is 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 which I guess is a weird size). FINALLY, I dont know how, but I cam across this website: -Colored Boxes: www.centralpack.com I L-O-V-E the "Lux Luster Colored Mailers" because it's got a really nice finish and they come in beautiful colors! Most importantly, they have my size To you ladies reading this and thinking "wow, this girl really needs to get a life" ... I know, I am sad.... but I am spending so much time, effort, and money on my invitations that I really wanted the boxes to be just as nice. Also, FMIL is holding strong that she wants the addresses caligraphied, so I needed boxes that were "fancy" enough for a personalized caligraphy label.... Finally, I can stop staying up to all hours trying to find these damn things
  21. Amazing Julie! I can't believe you did so much... everything looks great
  22. I like "come away with me" by Nora Jones and an instrumental version of "bittersweet symphony" - one for the bridal party and one for me (although I am not sure exactly which one goes with which, but def leaning towards me walking to Nora). The only thing is, I am not sure if I want actual words while I am walking down the aisle and I don't know if "come away with me" will be the same without the words... am I being silly?
  23. Yay Susan!!! Congratulations - the pictures look amazing and everything looked beautiful, especially you Can't wait to see more!!!
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