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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jen I'll pick you up and then we can swing by and get Heidi. I know you guys didn't think you were crashing this wedding without me did you? LOL. Excuse me - can I come too? Clearly Boston is not "on the way" but I am willing to drive down and stay with my parents in NY that weekend Please ladies.... I reallly really wanna go to Shelley's wedding! Plllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaass ssssssseeeeee!
  2. Beautiful and festive! Are those ribbons hanging off the tableclothes?
  3. I finally decided to kinda use everyone's ideas: I am planning to go to a makeup counter to have my makeup done. While there, I will take lots of pictures and pretty much buy everything they use. Then, I'm just going to ask the makeup people at the resort to use my colors...
  4. My vote is for ordering a sample... even though its a good price, you want to make sure you are happy with the quality and the size.
  5. I thought it would be nice for my BM's to deliver them... give our guests a chance to meet the wedding party and feel welcomed. However, when I suggested this to my BM's, they offered to pony up the 4 bucks a bag for the hotel to deliver them! It's not like I WANT to spend the money, but I really wasn't trying to save when I thought of the idea - I really thought it would be a nice gesture! Right now I am trying to decide between FI and I delivery them or just paying the fee...
  6. I am so happy for you Alyssa... and at the same time, you have a little work to do! Just remember when you look at private rentals that you might have to provide transportation info about how much rental cards/cabs/buses will cost. Your guests need to factor that in to the cost of the room.
  7. How pretty! I have never seen logos with pictures in the background... very cool. I voted for 3 because I think it's the most versatile. I don't know what you are planning to use them for, but I think it will look good on everything from invites to napkins
  8. I gave my guests an October 31st RSVP deadline for my May wedding. Since we are paying for 2 nights of our guest's stay, it was VITAL for us to know how many people were going to be there in advance (our wedding contract required we set our room block 6 months before the wedding to maintain the rate we were getting). Our guests received our save the dates with the rsvp request in early september, and so far 70 people have booked their rooms... I will probably have to make some phone calls in the next couple of weeks. The point of my (very long) story is, almost all of our guests knew whether they were going or not going even before they got the STD
  9. I am totally still looking for a job! Thanks for posting
  10. The DB bridesmaid dress I ordered for my friend's wedding was shipped to me within a month of ordering it.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by babycow Thanks! Vanessa just emailed me back with Juan Alfredo's email About the 12pm wedding...I'm the 3rd wedding that day, don't know what times the other two are but it was either that or 5pm and FI said he wanted it early. It's pretty much set. I will have parasols and hopefully the wedding canopy thingy; not sure if that is what is considered the gazebo at DT. Galit- You're so right about not worrying about getting all the shots I want since there aren't that many people. My sis just said at her wedding she wished she had a list since she didn't get pics with people she wanted. I do have a budget, it's just kinda wierd since we will paying about 10+ thousand for travel/hotel for ourselves and family. We are trying to stay as far below 20 as we can. I have given us about $1,200 for anything wedding ceremony and mini-reception related, like: more cake, champagne, flowers, decor, and music-anything not included in our free pkg. But I don't want to blow more than half on live musicians, really considering I-pod (will have later like Morgan's camera) and taking advantage of the disco DJ. Everything else is split into photography/video, attire, at home reception, with some left over for spending. What do you think of splitting the wedding day? having the ceremony, then cake+ drinks, and pictures, and then leaving our guests while we do pictures at the ruins at Tulum and then meeting up with everyone around 6ish for dinner, evening show and disco? I totally hear you on the budget! MY future inlaws (who are paying for the wedding) dropped a HUGE bomb on us when they announced that if we insisted on making everyone fly to Mexico, that they wanted to pay for every guest's stay (2 nights). FI and I found ourselves being the only ones who wanted to save them money! ... but I digress... About your timeline: I think it can work as long as you talk to your guests and explain the timeline. I don't know if it's important to you or not, but you might have to ask your guests to stay out of the pool and dressed in their clothes (while you are at the ruins) for the dinner and dancing. Also, I would consider doing the champagne toast/drinks after the ceremony, but save the cake for the dinner celebration. I think saving the cake will make the dinner more "wedding-ish."
  12. I would be nervous about trying to spray paint something like this because they have fringes which might end up different shades of brown... I don't know...
  13. I had one in college!!! Unfortunately, mine was from VS too I will do some online searching though
  14. Woah girl! I think the most important thing is to really take a step back and breath... I am a compulsive planner, so my suggestion is to separate everything into categories (ceremony, reception decor, photographer, videographer, music, food, cake (I think the cake gets it's own category). Next thing you do is set down a realistic budget. That doesnt mean what you wish you could spend - more like what you are willing to spend to get what you want. FI and I decided on a $ amount before talking about the wedding, and we found out that we were waaaay off the mark once we started the planning. As far as your timeline, I noticed that you are getting married in May. Are you totally sold on a noon wedding? I only ask because it is really freakin hot and humid in RM in May (high 90's), and I don't know if you are going to want to be out in that kind of heat in your wedding dress. If you are committed, I would strongly suggest using the gazebo! From what I know, weddings are usually around 4-5 hours, but it can be shorter without a full dinner. If you are willing to do a sunset ceremony, you could always do a sit down dinner (at one of the AI hotel restaurants). I am not familiar with Dreams, but do they have a club/disco in the hotel? I bet you could save tons of money by asking the DJ there to play your songs! As far as the photographer, believe me, the photo poses are the last of your worries! Since you are anticipating 15 people, I don't think you have to worry about getting all your shots in. Looking over what you want, I think most of those are standard shots at a wedding. Once you commit to a photographer, email your list to him or her and that will be that Also, check with the photographer to recommend a videographer that meets your needs. I totally agree that you should atleast video the ceremony. If it is outside of your budget, what about asking one of your guests to grab a digital video camera? I am starting to ramble... let me know if I can help with anything else
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride Yes, I have been looking forever and am so happy to have finally found these! Thanks, again I was thinking of sealing them with a round sticker of our logo/monogram. Not sure if it will look right, though?! As a fallback, I like your idea of hot glue on the inside. Filler - I was thinking of using raffia as well, only the "curly" raffia. I chose the luxe white boxes, too. Love them! Now I need to get my ruler out to see which size to choose. Thanks for all your help! jackie Hmm, I like the idea of a round stick. Are you thinking of using a small one or really big (Paper Source has 5 inch ones that are pretty cool, but might be too much). I think I'll probably make the decision once I have all the pieces put together. Where do you find curly raffia? I haven't seen that on the million and one websites I have been on
  16. Wow! Thats a lot fo stuff I am definitely going to "borrow" your list for my website... thanks!
  17. Thought someone might like this brooch. I found it in a store in my home town (which also has an online store: The Mango Tree)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 Galit - where are you getting your Ketuba and glass from? I have absolutely NO clue FI and I want to hang the Ketubah in our home after the wedding, so (in addition to being a meanigful symbol of our commitment, blah blah blah) we are treating it as a piece of art. I have spent some time on ketubah.com, but we can't seem to agree on much so far. The glass is pretty important too because we want to display it in one of these: The Mango Tree Unless I find some sort of awesome multicolored glass, I will probably just go with one of these in either blue or clear: The Mango Tree I should probably mention that Mango Tree is a store in my home town... it's FMIL's absolute favorite place to buy people gifts
  19. Welcome Danielle! Let us know how we can help
  20. Welcome to the forum Leticia! Let us know how we can help
  21. Welcome to the forum! I don't have experience with either of those resorts, buut I am sure there are lots of other ladies (and gentlemen) here that can help
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