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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Welcome to the forum!!! I don't know much about Le Meridien, but there is TONSSSS of info about Dreams
  2. Welcome Amy!!! I don't know too much about Jamaica, but I am sure there are lots of ladies here who can help you
  3. Congratulations Carrie!!! Welcome to the forum
  4. Welcome to the forum Amber!!! Let us know how we can help:)
  5. All I can say is he is clearly trash and I am happy he is going to lose everything. The worst part (imo) is that he clearly knew that what he was doing was wrong... he can't even claim ignorance! BTW, does anyone know how he was recorded?
  6. OMG! I love that your wedding party jumped in with you!!! You are so luck that the photographer got such a perfect shot - its not like you can do that one again ...I just looked again and I noticed that you are all soaking wet! I hope I can talk my girls to take a plunge with me
  7. I think the personal fans might be distracting... what about giving the girls parasols and the boys palm fans?
  8. Sorry I am late! Happy belated birthday Catherine!!!
  9. I sent STD's in late August with an October 31st RSVP date (for my May 25th wedding). I sent out STD to 160 people and so far I have 72 booked. If you do decide to send them out, I definitely have a suggestion: give them something to send back! Now I am stuck having to figure out how to contact the people who haven't responded at all to ask if they plan on coming It's super uncomfortable because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to come, but I need a headcount asap...
  10. I like both, but I can't tell if the votives holding the flowers are empty. Maybe combine the two ideas and place a starfish and some sand in the votives that don't hold candles?
  11. Julie welcome back!!!! Sorry I am so late on this post (stupid job)... I heart your pictures and I can't wait to see more
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by studiocontempo.com OK... This guy was really and I mean "REALLY" Happy to dance with the bride... LOL! I am making all these faces at once right now:
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen I have a GREAT idea!!!! How about when Shelley and Amos figure out what they're going to do, we drive down (or up) to Maryland and take Shelley out for a bachelorette weekend. It'll be a BDW Bachelorette Party. Who's with me Sounds fabulous!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I would never ask anyone for that, that is insane... As soon as we figure out all the details, I will let you all know... I will be so lucky to have you all there... Oh my goodness Shelley, are you capable of being any freakin sweeter?!?! I know (for the most part) all of us communicate via computer, but I have to tell you - it is just so obvious to me what a good person you are! You deserve nothing but good things and I hope you get the wedding of your dreams
  15. Oh Tammy, I don't know how you do it. It makes me crazy and sad and angry all at once to think that poeple can be so freakin heartless. You really are an angel for taking these dogs in
  16. i signed up through weddingchannel.com and registered at crate and barrel for every day stuff, bloomingdales for fancy stuff, and fortunoffs (because my FMIL made me)
  17. First of all, if your wedding is at home then you only need OOT bags for people who are coming from out of town (I know that sounds redundant, but I had a friend who didn't realize and spent a ton buying stuff for no reason). I have been to a bunch of weddings where I got an OOT bag, here are a few of my fav thing: 1. bottles of watter - hotel rooms never have these 2. homemade cookies - obviously you can buy these and package them nicely 3. "things to do" brochure - ie, tourist places to see while in town 4. weekend events - rehearsal dinner, brunch, if any 5. chocolates ('nuff said)
  18. Welcome Reggie! I have heard so much about you I feel like I know you already Let us know how we can help!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride of course girls, as long as we can afford it, I would lvoe to have you all... OMG, I was watching "Whose wedding is it anyway" earlier this week and the couple actually had the wedding planner ask guests who didn't RSVP for $66.25 - literally, down to the cents!!! Kinda crazy if you as me, but I want you to know I would be willing to pay my own way if it let me see all your amazing DIY projects in person
  20. how morbid... and deliciously funny
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jenvh Sol is also unavailable. I was looking into vincent. I am also looking into Claudia Rodriguez. My WC keeps suggesting Cecilia Dumas. I don't think I have seen much about her on the forum. I want to hear from people who have used her. I have never heard of Cecilia Dumas, but I have to say that I love the pictuers on her website (Wedding photography | Cecilia Dumas, Cancun). I would ask the WC for contact info for past brides that have used her, or you could always email the photographer and ask for references.
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