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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. I am so happy to hear that Catherine! The combination of wedding + far away location was just made for stress... but you have to remember that you are planning your dream wedding and everything will be great
  2. I didn't use a travel agent, so instead I just called a few airlines and got discount codes for my guests. Continental and American each gave us 5% ... so far my guests have just been using travel websites to book and I haven't heard any complaints
  3. I am so sorry that you are sick but I am glad the mods were able to make you smile I hope the starfish brings you nothing but good luck... we will all be thinking of you and sending happy thoughts
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by br1de2b308 hi galit! the pics are very helpful. i'm also getting married at OGX in may. i'll definitely ask you some questions. Thanks! Let me know if I could help with anything
  5. I am not getting married at Dreams, but I had a similar experience with Occidental. My advice is call, call, call ... and if you still don't get anyone on the phone, call some more. I think we called everyday for a week (and several times a day) before we were able to get the WC on the phone. That being said, I don't have experience with Dreams so maybe Jenn is right and they just don't schedule weddings that far in advance (although 1 year isnt that far away if you ask me)
  6. I have actually already tipped my WC's and my wedding is still 6 months away! FI tipped them both when we went down to our site visit because he knew I would be a crazy person when it came to communicating and getting things done, and he wanted to make sure they were on top of everything. Also, you should check your wedding contracts (if you have one). I am pretty sure that mine has a gratuity included for bartenders and waiters. If I am totally making that up and it isnt included, I will tip the bartenders and waiters. Smelikai - some of my vendors told me that the "service charge" is tax, so maybe check with your WC... and let me know!
  7. I'm with Julie on this... they are both beautiful! If I HAD to decide, I would go with the first one because it looks more "full" to me and I like that it's all orchids.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil Thanks for the website! I've been looking for boxes to let guests take home slices of cake, too! I'm a little late reading this post --- have you gotten your boxes yet? If you have, do you think they'll work for cake? I think it would be super-cute to have those and then pretty tissue paper squares and ribbon ... I found some Martha Stewart baked good boxes, but they were more than I wanted to spend ... the prices on this website are so much more reasonable than the ones that I've been coming across. It's also nice that the bulk quantity is 50 instead of 100 since our wedding is going to be small! Thanks again!! Hi! I am still getting the boxes, but I haven't ordered them yet. I just started working and I have sort of put everything wedding related on hold. Also, my RSVP date to my guests was last week so I am expecting ot have the final count by the end of November. Once I know how many I need, I will order... i will definitely repost once I get them! If you order them before me, please let me know how they look - I was so excited to find them, I can't wait to see them!
  9. Welcome back Angela! Everything looks so beautiful and perfect It looks like everything was perfect and beautiful!!!
  10. Thanks Tammy! I have never seen anything like this before... I will definitely keep that on my favorites list so I can do it every day.
  11. Congratulations Grandma!!! Send our warm wishes to Maggie, Tadd, and baby Bella
  12. Happy (early) wedding day Brooke and Gen!!! I hope it is amazing and you both have SOOOO much fun We can't wait to hear all about it!
  13. Sorry I am late with my congratulations... I hope you guys had an amazing day
  14. I would suggest buying tickets ASAP. I also recomend calling the major airlines for group/wedding discounts. FI got us 5% off at Continental and American just by calling and asking for a group discount code.
  15. Thanks Julie! I am going to check out the Mac counter this weekend
  16. Thank Julie! I was actually just thinking about what makeup could hold up to the heat and humidity of Mexico in May! I am very happy to hear about the fixer. I was worried that Mac makeup would be too heavy and would melt away in the heat - did you have that problem?
  17. How exciting, Mo! Have a wonderful and magical time in Jamaica... we can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about it
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild From what I read on other news sites, I *think* his son/the girlfriend recorded the call. Apparantly the girlfriend is around Dog & Co. and has become aware of his use of the word and he was nervous about her wearing a wire or selling it to the enquirer. I guess he wanted his son to break up with her because he knew if it got out - like it did - there would be no redemption for him. I don't know if you guys listened to the audio but it was disgusting. Maybe the son called to set him up? I'm sure more will come out in the days ahead. Oh, ok. I didn't listen to the audio so I didnt know it was a phone call. I just assumed he was saying it to his son in person...
  19. Welcome Christene!!! I think you are running on schedule, so don't stress picking a date ASAP... the big thing is picking the place and you have done that already Good luck and happy planning!
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