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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Thanks Kristen...did you post all of your professional ones? I saw a few in your one thread but I think missed the others...I want to see them!
  2. I agree that you guys are like barbie and ken! That's cute....you two look so cute together and you are absolutely stunning in your dress! congrats!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host also i think it is important to remember that the title of the thread is: and it is an honest and fair review of what ana has experienced. some of us have had great service from maye, some not so great. Good point tammy! I just wanted to add my experience because it is important for other brides to read a variety of experiences. I had this issue with my photographer at one point because we are all freaked out about these wedding details and we book a vendor and then read a thread about someones bad experience with that vendor and then you begin second guessing yourself, etc... and I did this and stressed and then weighed all the variables and decided to stick with what I had and hope for the best and in the end I'm happy I did. I thought my photographer turned out great and the pics too! So I think it's important for this thread to exist so everyone can read ana's experience and then read drea's who had no trouble and mine which had some trouble and maybe someone else who has had a similar one to ana because each person needs to take who they are first into consideration and ask themselves if they are the same type of person as so and so...and then decide what is most important to them and make a final decision.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan what I'm not understanding then is what the benefit to the planner is. why not just do it all yourself if you know you'll want to run the show anyway? i understand having a planner if you'd rather it be in someone else's hands or if they can get you better prices. but, if you have to do all the work anyway, why not just skip a planner? I looked into hiring a planner in the very beginning before I even found this forum because I had no idea if I would be able to book vendors, etc... The first planner I was going to hire was charging like $1600 and I just couldn't handle paying that because I knew I would only need help with vendors and day of coordination. So then from her i found Maye and she was only going to charge $600 so I was like well in the big scheme of things (budget) what's $600 and this way she can handle all the vendors and day of coordinate because I didn't want to set my own tables and translate my own ceremony nor did I want to ask one of my only 26 guests to do it. She mostly did what I wanted She booked all my vendors and the only one I questioned the price on was the transportation...everything else I was satisfied with what she had and if I wasn't I asked for lower but didn't research any other vendors. The day of coordination was spotty but it was still better then not having anyone at all. So to me that was the benefit of having a wedding coordinator for my vendors and day of coordination. I didn't care about being anal and researching all of that...I just went with what she had and I didn't want to be dealing with that part of it. But with the "wedding" details, that is what I knew I would take charge of and not need her visions or ideas or anything and that I didn't need her at all for except to rent my centerpieces from because although plenty of people brought all their stuff with them I didn't want to hassle. So I got exactly what I paid for and that is what I am saying about each of us have our own vison of what we wan on this day and with that how much we can do ourselves and want to do ourselves and what we can't so we have to be true to ourselves and realistic and then pick a wc accordingly and hopefully they will be honest with you and provide you what they promised.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan if you have to double check everything, how is having a WC really helping you then? I didn't have a WC so I really don't know what they do for you. and for me it wasn't that I had to double check everything it's that I am anal compulsive and "I" HAVE to check everything!!! I'm borderline ridiculous. So that is why I knew I didn't need a planner that was so hands on because I had to control the show anyway...
  6. Thanks Tammy! I was a little concerned because there were some mixed feelings on here but I really do love them!
  7. Thanks Heather! I took forever to upload to snapfish!!! I was about to throw the computer out the window!
  8. My photographer was Tomas Barron and I have to say that I am happy with the end result! I didn't have extremely high expectations to begin with...I love pics but I know nothing about them and as far as I'm concerned they are clear and he captured the day great and he himself was so friendly and accomodating! I would highly recommend him. It took about a month to get them but he sent a huge leather album full of ones he edited and printed and then I got 2 cd's with a lovely dvd holder. One cd had all the unedited proofs and the other had the edited proofs. Over 1000 pics total. There are alot so beware! Snapfish: Share:Registration_Opt2
  9. OMG!!!! Glenda first off you look beautiful!!! Second this had me rolling laughing...just beacause you had some hook ups but yet you just rolled with the punches! That is awesome! I'm glad your day turned out so wonderful!
  10. Happy Anniversary! I Hope You Are Having A Nice Trip!
  11. Happy Wedding Day!!! I Can't Believe It's Here Already.....have A Wonderful Day!
  12. I am so sorry you have to deal with this...you really shouldn't have to! I have to say as a recent past bride of Maye's services, I can see both sides! Having met Maye now and granted for only a short time I was able to get a vibe from her that she is really a very sweet lady and really does want to please her customers the best SHE can. Now...I am not saying that I didn't have problems with her because if you read my review you know that I did. BUT with that said...I honestly feel (and this is my gut feeling and everyone will have their own and is entitled to their own and should follow their own) that from my experience Maye isn't trying to purposely cheat her clients but rather she is just unorganized and flakey and I really believe that she would answer emails to me about questions and not look at her spreadsheets first so she really didn't know what she may have quoted me because there were times that she may have told me something different then what she previously told me but yet when I would ask her to emal me a copy of her spreadsheet it would be correct on there! She just isn't very thorough and on top of things which is unfortunate because to be a good wedding planner you need to be thorough and on top of things. I had a similar situation with transportation her rates were so high but when I looked around on my own they were mostly comparable but then I found a company who would give me the type of transportation I wanted for like 1/2 the price of what maye was quoting so I emailed maye the email from this place and asked if she could match it and she did! She said her contact agreed to do it for this price. Now I guess you can look at it as she was infating the price up and then since I was on top of it and double checking her work then I was able to get it lower but that never crossed my mind until now. The other thing that you have to keep in mind is in mexico it's everyman for himself and it's all about negotiating! So who is to say that these vendors aren't the ones lying and changing their prices? It could be that Maye is telling the truth and that they told her one price and then when you come around and ask for a price they try and come in lower? I don't know what incentive they would have but who knows...maybe if they are a contact for the coordinator they have an agreed on price and it's decided that the wc gets a cut and then gives the other the difference which would be what you are talking about but to me that's legit since the wc is the one having to do the work to book them. If you go directly through them then it's cuts the middle man and you can ge it for cheaper. BUT the fact remains that she should be up front about it if that is the case! I know I have rambled but I just really don't think that Maye is a dishonest person and I have to say that meeting her in person you can get a much better vibe then through phone and email. Now I just passed off alot of her dificientcies as well I'm dealing with mexico and so whatever but you this is where you have to choose what is best for you. I only paid $600 for Maye's services so to me I got what I paid for and I knew that I would need to be overly involved every step of the way because that's how I am so I knew she wouldn't have to do much work at all. Now if I was paying $1200 then I would have had higher expectations from her!!! You have to be honest with yourself as to what you want and how much you want to be involved and what exactly you want your coordinator to do for you. I do think Maye should maybe change some of her ways and try and be more thorough and on top of things, but I still don't think she is decietful I just think that she has a business to run and so do other vendors in mexico and unfortunately business down there is run on negotiating and what they feel is right given the amount of work and situation at the time and it's good to get a price from others on here to compare and make sure you are in the same ballpark but I don't know if it's reasonable to expect the exact same and with wedding planning i can understand how she said it depends on the level of service because if she had someone like me who was low maintanence and wanted to control everything and barely leave anything for her to do then she wouldn't need to charge as much as someone who wanted a true wedding coordinator to do it all. I think you made the right choice by following your gut because you can opinions and advice left and right from all of us on here but fact remains that each of us are going to have our own unique experiences and it's hard to compare exactly. So in the end YOU have to feel comfortable with your choice and who is surrounding you on that day. All we can do is post our experiences and then let others choose to do with it what they want and you do that and I'm sure everyone will appreciate it. I'm done!
  13. Kristen the pics look great! Funny thing...mine came in the mail today!
  14. It all depends on what you are doing....I was scared to death to rent a car and drive...but then we wanted to go to costco and didn't want to take a cab there so we said what the hell. We rented it for the day and went to costco and then drove downtown for a couple hours and back
  15. I am glad you got to go! I love that place but DH will only go if it's a speciel occasion. He thinks it's not worth the money....I want to go... I LOVE the desert part. I got my own fondue pot now so I am going to make dessert fondue at home.
  16. Kristen...great review...where are the pics? I am so happy to hear you used Tomas and loved him. I had some mixed feelings prior to going and I still haven't gotten my pics yet but we loved him and he was so nice and passionate about what he does...I really want to see your pics!
  17. Your pics are awesome!!! I love how you can just flip through them and they are such in sequence it's like a video....you looked wonderfl! I enjoyed looking through these
  18. great news!!! I'm so happy for you that you are home finally w/ your baby!!!
  19. Yay!!! how exciting! I can't wait to see her and I hope everything went smooth for her!
  20. Happy Birthday Erica!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
  21. My guests and I stayed at Dreams and then we were married at the Fiesta Americana Imperial Suite...my guests loved the idea of going off site for the day for the wedding. I don't believe either riu or dreams have any ceremony or reception area that is private. That is why we chose to marry elsewhere... Go with your gut though...
  22. I love lost...you sound like me when I began watching 24! I was insane with it and polished off like 5 seasons in a 3 week period...thank god for netflix and blockbuster online! I had like 8 cd's a week ! NO LIFE!
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