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Posts posted by michelle08

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
    We've never played at a restaurant. We get way to wild and loud. We also have smokers who take a long break between games.

    We played at a neighborhood bar once but got in trouble because we play for cash, which I guess is technically illegal gambling.

    Some of our ladies who live with roommates, have a small home, etc. Will often host at another girl's house. She'll come over and help clean the day before and provide the food, drinks, and decorations, then help clean up.
    Yeah that's how it worked with my old group...and probably how we would do it this time...I just read somewhere that some people play in a restaurant and I would think they would have to section off a room in their restaurant for us because it would annoy the other diners! :)
  2. Wow...lots of great info!! I like how if you roll 3 ones it wipes out the score!!! That is awesome! :) I need to revamp my rules....


    I was wondering if anyone plays at a restaurant and if so how the food works so it's not crazy expensive since a few of my peeps are living at home w/ parents and don't really want to over take their house...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    What is Bunco?
    bunco is a dice game that mostly ladies play.

    Basically you get a group of 12 ladies together and each person takes turns hosting it at their house or restaurant each month (so once a year per person). The host provides snacks and food and drinks and then you play the game for a couple hours and go home. But you can win gifts too that the host has to pick out. Each person contributes a dollar amount...$10 per person per month is average.

    To play you have 3 tables of 4 people each and the person directly across from you is your partner for that round and you roll all 3 dice and the goal is to get 3 of a kind of the number round you are on so if it's round 1 then if you roll 3 1's you get a bunco. If you roll 3 of another number then you get 3 of a kind and there is more too it...but it's hard to explain typing.

    It is alot of fun though and mostly it's a chance to spend a few hours with the girls and have a good time.
  4. So I have played bunco in a group a few year ago and I am trying to start another one. I thought I would ask you gals/guys to see who plays and what your group does as far as:

    1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...)

    2. what night do you play

    3. Do you have different themes each month

    4. Do you play a unique way?

    5. What other creative things does your group do?


    I would love to hear it and get ideas! wink.gif

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 View Post
    Yeah...I stopped working out (well I never really started but only did it for that one day.) When I told my husband this, he was like...yeah right, just another excuse for you to stop working out... I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen...so I got something to prove to his skinny ass.

    Questions. So When I got back from my DW June 22nd, my camera flash was broken. I just got around to taking it to Best Buy, who has told me they have to send it off and I won't get it back for another 2 weeks. Any suggestions on how I am going to take pics of myself...especially for Wedhuh.gif
    you can take a pic w/ your cell phone and then email it to yourself or better yet...straight to annhuh.gif

    Oh btw...I'm in this season...I haven't done it before but I've gained 5 lbs since my wedding and that is unacceptable!!!!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tammy Host View Post
    Yep that's where!

    OH Tammy I am so happy you finally got it! It was supposed to be before 4th of July...hence the themed bear. But you got it now and I was hoping you would give the bear to Jackson! :)

    I just really appreciate all your help through our wedding planning process and it was just a little something to show my appreciation! wink.gif

    Tammy is awesome! wink.gif
  7. I recommend just explaining everything to her at your meeting before the wedding. If you lay it all out she will get it right.

    Originally Posted by T.O.Heather View Post
    I'm in the exact same boat as you...I'm basically going to book all of my vendors myself, but I booked her so that she can completely organize the day of the wedding and make sure everything is showing up when it's supposed to, and set up the proper way. $800 is a lot to pay for that so she better be PERFECT at it! I think we just have to let her know in advance that we expect a lot and make sure we send her a time-table before the wedding with a lot of detail on it...?
    Originally Posted by sassybride View Post
    Ya a timetable is right!!! I'm kinda wondering if she is worth the $$$'s Really a coordinator should help plan and help you decide things when you have prob's. I had a few prob's deciding on things and she's not helpful at all. I'm also not really liking the lying. She has lied numerous times to me already and it's always about prices.


    for the ones who had Maye. Did she stay for most of your wedding or leave near the beginning?

    She was there about 2 hrs prior to the wedding and then left at maybe 9:30ish?? She stayed through everything and then once we were just left dancing then she left. She made sure that she showed us who the transportation driver was so we knew who to go to later in the night. She had her assistant with her too and they both were there for the same time period. I did have my wedding on a monday though so it's not as common as the weekend.


    Originally Posted by Mango Deck View Post
    that's better than beating 'round the president..Sorry...bush..This is funny! :)



  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
    My marriage certificates didn't say a single thing about me changing my name... but the social security office and dmv changed it without question.
    Same thing here and I was concerned prior to just going and doing it and everything turned out perfect!

    Originally Posted by teshamae View Post
    Thanks so much for the info, everyone. I really appreciate it. I guess I went first to the registrar's office because I knew that they typically handled it locally. I've actually had folks (like at my bank) say they needed to see my marriage license in order to change my name. But hopefully they'll just take the social security card :)
    Did you not get an actual marriage license from Belize? I never thought I had to register my marriag here because it's already recorded in mexico and I have my mexican marriage license and that is what I took to ss and dmv.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by yamille View Post
    That's all that I needed to hear Morgan. I new I needed video!
    I wish we have done a video....I can't remember from when I started walking to us being on the beach taking photos...it's a blur! ;(

    I know my husband's brother had his camera going but we haven't talked to him since we have been back so I don't have a copy of that yet and it was just from his seat so I don't know how good it is anyway....
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    ok that makes sense. I didn't realize she also did centerpieces & set stuff up. Also, without the forum I understand how it would have made getting vendors much easier.
    Yay! To be honest after finding the forum I realized that I could do it all myself if I wanted to but I wasn't financially commited to alot of money and at that point I didn't want to take over the stuff she was doing so I stuck with her...
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