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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. I corresponded with someone from there for a couple weeks and her original quote for the fee was like $3000 and that was alot!! I am working w/ may now!!! She is 1/3 of the cost!
  2. michelle08


    Welcome!!! You will find so much info on this site and the other girls are so helpful!!! Ask any questions you have!!
  3. I don't know how set you are about having your wedding at a different location than where you are staying? We want to stay at dreams because it's an all inclusive but I just didn't love their locations and I happened to stumble across the Fiesta Americana Imperial Suite and we loved it! Even though it's a suite it has a lawn and it's own beach and you do the ceremony and reception right there and it's private...so we are doing that there and then staying at dreams. So it's an idea...
  4. I love it!!! Thanks for the great idea. Oh and It's great because that was what I was thinking for my timeline too and now I know for sure!!
  5. Stephanie, Those are great pages...I am a scrapbooker and I was planning on doing something like that too. I will never look back at a regular guest book. So are you just bringing the loose pages and then will put them into the album when you get home....?
  6. Angela, I'm glad you aren't mad!! It is hard to sense emotion on here!
  7. I have a sunflower w/ a butterfly on my lower back! It hurt but not as bad as I thought...
  8. I think all the girls pretty much covered it. I would just remember that not everyone is as efficient as you might be (whether it's because you are that type of person or because you have a more vested interest because it's your wedding). You know your MOH and how she is, and you need to ask yourself is she this type of person who is a planner and an organizer and get's things done? Or is she a procrastinator and a flake or a "go-with-the-flow" type of person? This makes a big difference!!! As much as you might want her to assume these important responsibilities, you may have deligated the wrong person for the job. If you are actually expecting your MOH and bridesmaids to help plan this with you versus just standing up there and being there, then you really need to consider if they are the right person for the job. On another note...money could be a big part of it. I was supposed to be in my friends wedding last October in Hawaii!! I really wanted to go and I just had too much going on financially and I had to tell her that I couldn't go! It sucked...and I know she was a little dissapointed but no hard feelings now. She put me in charge of planning her bachelorette party instead so I could be involved and I am a planner anyway so it was fun!! I am only have siblings in my wedding because they are family and they have to be there!!! Like the other girls said...be honest and up front w/ her. She should really be up front w/ you but obviously she isn't so it's up to you unfortunately! Sorry so long!
  9. Hi Bradley, thanks for the in depth info!! I was wondering...do you know the fiesta americana imperial suite well? If you do, do you have any ideas on whether or not 6:00pm would be good? Thanks
  10. Sorry Angela!! I feel so bad now. I didn't mean to make you freak out! I'm sure you know better than I...I just wanted to be a good forum buddy and mention it in case. Sorry!!!
  11. OKay that makes sense...1 1/2 hrs before sunset...I'm thinking 6:00 is good! Thanks guys... FYI Angela...did you check the sunset schedule?? I was just looking at that thread right before I looked at this and because day light savings time started earlier (march) and ends later (nov) I think your sunset might be an hour later...at 6:45...check this link I found on the other threads. I could totally be wrong but it's worth checking! http://www.sunrisesunset.com/calendar.asp
  12. I was just wondering when most people are getting married? I mean what is your wedding day timeline. Maye said 6:30pm to start the ceremony because of sunset at just about 8:00pm (may 200. My FI thinks we should start earlier but I'm not sure how early. We were thinking maybe 6:00pm? Apparently we have to shut music off at 10:00pm so we want to make sure we have enough time in the night... I just wanted to get ideas from the rest of you. Thanks, Michelle
  13. Thanks for the info....so I guess it's best to book early huh?
  14. Hi everyone!! We are going to get married at the Fiesta Americana but we are going to stay at Dreams because we like the AI. I was just wondering from those of you who have stayed there, what kind of group room rates did they give and how many rooms did you need minimum Thanks! Michelle
  15. Very beautiful wedding!! It's good to hear that you had such a wonderful time and you look so happy!
  16. I like those too!!! Did you make your invites yourself or order them??
  17. Welcome!!! I'm getting married at fiesta americana....let me know if you need anything!
  18. Welcome!!! I am getting May 2008 at Fiesta Americana in Cabo...I am here if you have any questions!!
  19. Hey Angela and Kashmira... I am working with maye too now and she quoted me the $975. I asked her what th judge and doctor fee were and she said $300. I assumed it was in addition to the 975?? Is it part of the 975?
  20. If you want to get legally married in cabo you have to have it done in spanish and have a simultaneous translation. For example, we do not want a religious ceremony and we don't want to get married before or after our cabo wedding so we are just going to have the main ceremony where everyone is at and have that in spanish and have them simultaneously translate.
  21. I have also thought about this....I don't see why there should be a difference between a Reception at home when you get back and a pre-wedding party (bon voyage). Why don't you call it a pre-wedding reception instead of an engagement party and then it has to be the same thing!! I actually have considered turning my bridal shower into a co-ed shower but basically call it a pre-wedding party. Once I am married...I don't want to have to drag it out and celebrate again!! That is why I am more interested in doing something prior to the wedding for those people who can't make it. This way you are already in the wedding mind frame and you can just work it in! Jackie, I say go for it! After all, not to sound mean but when we all decided to have a DW...I think traditional went out the window
  22. I really like those....since I am doing a pretty extensive wedding website and we aren't having very many people attend....I wanted to do just simple invites and no response cards...I want everyone to rsvp online! Thanks for the info!
  23. Welcome!!! There are alot of hard decisions...but hang in there and don't be afraid to ask for help..that is what I learned...everyone is so helpful on here!! I am getting married at Fiesta Americana Imperial Suite because I just loved the location...but we are probably going to stay at Dreams and recommend it to our guests because of the all inclusive. Michelle
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