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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Julie!! I love that dress!! Where did you find it? Also, my colors are pink and brown too. I wonder if they have it in brown? Since we have the same colors...what are you doing for table linens and centerpieces?
  2. Everything looks wonderful...you are so creative too! : ) Your wedding will be wonderful and your guests will appreciate everything!
  3. Angela, Oh good..I'm so glad you went down there and met w/ them...I haven't even actually talked to Maye on the phone...just over email. she is working w/ Tomas for me. Did you ever talk to him prior to meeting or did you do everything through maye? We want to go on a site visit but don't know if we can afford to. How long did you stay?
  4. This is all weird...I thought that by having it performed in spanish made it legal?? If I have to pay for this apostille thing then why can't my ceremony be in english? (although it makes for good stories) Then you are saying that when we get back we have to file something to make it on record? Who do we do that with?
  5. Tammy, I work for Insurance and for the life insurance you would want to make sure that he updates his beneficiary on his existing life insurance and you the same if you have it. Other than that...you are fine. The home/auto you should update and merge together if you haven't already because it can offer you discounts and I don't know how old you guys are...but sometimes you are rated higher on auto insurance because of your age and when you get married you get a lower rate. I guess they think you are all of a sudden responsible
  6. What about luminaries around the pool or even tiki torches but some nice ones..not the bamboo ones. I was thinking about these for my centerpieces because I don't want flowers....this is the site. You can even use the round part on top and not the stand to line the pool. Stainless Steel Romantic Oil Candles ... Dazzling Candle Light the only thing though is they may be a little heavy to transport and the oil for them I donn't think should be flown out maybe buy at costco there or another store? Just an idea...
  7. That probably is the best way to go...good luck...if I get any info I will let you know.
  8. Great Idea!!! I will have to tell her to do this...She is having a baby in a month so she will be home all day and will need something to do! j/k
  9. You are funny!! I can't keep secrets so well...I am actually really good about keeping them for other people but not for myself!! Can you cut off the texas gal and not pay her any more than you already have?? Maybe you can try and contact the judge yourself?? I am not sure how to go about that though...the problem with Fiesta Americana is that they don't have the wedding coordinators there..not like dreams...
  10. oh, that's a good idea...the only thing is I don't have any cd's!! It sounds weird...but I don't listen to music much...a couple years ago when I moved I sold all my cd's to some consignment place because they were just collecting dust! My fiance doesn't have much either...I took some of his with me!! :0 My friends have some...I wonder if I can transfer songs from another ipod to mine?? My friend has a ton of songs on her ipod she can't live without the thing!! I can just take her songs if that can work...does anyone know? Thanks Christa
  11. Drea, That's good info. It's probably not even worth my time to contact him though. I will just have maye deal with it. I just really hope that I actually have a photographer (and everything else) on my wedding day!
  12. Jill, so you already have paid money to the texas coordinator...that sucks! Well maybe you can just not tell your guests that it's not the legal ceremony and then just go on your own..It can be your little secret!! (and ours!
  13. So the apostille is to have the wedding certificate translated from spanish into english?? That makes sense. I should probably just do it just in case. I would hate to get home and start changing names and realize I screwed it all up!!
  14. Make sure you ask her about the judge fee...she didn't mention that at first, only that the 975 included her handling everything so that is why I specifically asked her what the cost for the judge is and she said it's $300 for the judge and doctor. So then I went even further to have her clarify that the $300 is in addition to the 975....she said yes! Plus apparently now there is another $90 fee? I don't get why she didn't tell me that in the beginning. Oh well...i will put it in my budget too. She also told me that I have to coordinate the location but she will be there for me to help out if I can't get ahold of them or something and if she needs to physically go over there and find them! So that's good! I think it's good to have a planner that is there in Cabo. I don't know if your planner in texas is a family friend or just someone you hired there. If there would be no hard feelings, I would just hire maye and have her do the rest of your planning. For instance with the photographer I am going to use Tomas Barron and i haven't actually talked to him or emailed him. (I don't know if I should??) She just said that she would coordinate him and have him work up a contract for me (I requested that) and then I would send her a $350 deposit and she would get it to him...so I am doing everything through her...less i have to worry about.
  15. For those of you who used your IPOD's...approximately how many songs did you need? I have a nano and it holds I think 500 songs (I honestly don't know because I have never used it) So I am thinking depending on how many I need, and the fact that I have yet to put a single song on it...that might cost me alot of money and in my case may not be cheaper to do the ipod since it's .99 a song!
  16. So you say if we want them appostiled..can we choose not to? If we don't, does that make it not legal? Do we have to wait there for at least 2 days after the wedding or does she mail them? Sorry for the questions!!
  17. Jill, I am using Maye and the only reason I hired a wedding planner too was because we wanted the legal ceremony down there and I didn't want to mess that up! I never even asked people what they thought about us getting legally married in the US and the ceremony down there because I had my own issues with it. I just felt bad about people spending the money to travel to our wedding in the first place and then if they knew that they weren't even witnessing a legal ceremony I would think they may not have wanted to come?? May is charging me $975 and included in that is her fee to organize everything and translate. She said the cost for the Judge and bloodwork is $300 more. I had asked her in the beginning if I wanted her for just day of the wedding coordination and wanted to hire my own vendors, etc... if her fee would be lower and she told me no, it would be the same. So I am taking full advantage of her services. But for your situation you don't even want her for day of you just want her to arrange the legal stuff...she might work something out with you?? So Tammy, in addition to the $300 we have to pay $90 more for something? BTW: I love your pics so far!!
  18. I use the studio fix too and I always look like a ghost! I have save this thread so I can revisit closer to my wedding and ask mac about that foundation...THANKS!
  19. I am also going to use the starfish and tie a ribbon w/ a tag on it. I think the tag will have their name on it and I also thought about having the tags color coated based on their meal so it's easy for the waiters. I like the idea of having it become a christmas ornament!!
  20. I think some do speak english (not sure though). It has something to do with it being the language of that country and that's how they do it there and if is not done that way then it's not legal.
  21. I am so jealous!!! You have thought of everything to make your guests stay so wonderful!!! Great ideas!!
  22. Mariaelena, thanks for that info on that restaurant. It seems pretty reasonably priced!
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