I am using Maye and the only reason I hired a wedding planner too was because we wanted the legal ceremony down there and I didn't want to mess that up!
I never even asked people what they thought about us getting legally married in the US and the ceremony down there because I had my own issues with it. I just felt bad about people spending the money to travel to our wedding in the first place and then if they knew that they weren't even witnessing a legal ceremony I would think they may not have wanted to come??
May is charging me $975 and included in that is her fee to organize everything and translate. She said the cost for the Judge and bloodwork is $300 more. I had asked her in the beginning if I wanted her for just day of the wedding coordination and wanted to hire my own vendors, etc... if her fee would be lower and she told me no, it would be the same. So I am taking full advantage of her services.
But for your situation you don't even want her for day of you just want her to arrange the legal stuff...she might work something out with you??
So Tammy, in addition to the $300 we have to pay $90 more for something?
BTW: I love your pics so far!!