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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. welcome!! The only ones I know are dreams and RUI and I have heard of that clothing optional one..Tammy would know best though! good luck planning!
  2. Thanks for the info....aren't you glad the forum is back up? Our hotel only offered a small standard white cake!! It was ugly! They didn't offer doing other good looking cakes for extra cash so I had to go outside. I am beginning to think our location isn't the best...It's good in my opinion for the location itself because I just love the fact that it's so private and large!! But everything else...not so sure!
  3. Yikes tammy!! That sucks!! I have to look back in my emails but I thought maye mentioned that part of her fee was not only translating the ceremony but the paperwork too... Honestly, for $95 for an apostille, that should include translating!! I could stamp a piece a paper!! Geez!! I am going to have to ask Maye and I am going to tell her...I need to make sure that all this stuff we are doing will make me set so I won't have to do anything when I get back home except change my name....and I don't want anymore hidden fees!!! What frustrates me the most (I have no patience) is that we go into this not knowing anything and these people who are helping us are supposed to be experts and they should be able to forwarn us of all the things we will need to do and handle without us having to ask or find out the hard way. Proactive!!! Thanks for the info! Sorry for venting! :0
  4. I say ship it too if possible and I would bring it to the ceremony if it's not possible to ship
  5. Welcome to the forum!!
  6. welcome!!! I am not getting married where you are so I can't help you with that but I thought I would say hi and welcome you!!
  7. Omg!! that would be awesome!!! That is about all the time we could take off anyway!!!
  8. Megan, Have you tried contacting the hotel directly? I did that and they quoted me $220 per person but Tammy (host) posted something about $370 per room in 2008. I have emailed her and pm her and I haven't heard yet...but I'm checking out everything...all I know is that from the dreams site directly, it's expensive!!!
  9. Hey Tammy...when you say a pro to having a room block is a free site visit...what does that entale? I mean we are staying at Dreams but we aren't getting married there so we probably wouldn't be able to get a free site visit?? If I can get this for free I am definately coming down for one!! We are planning on having our welcome dinner at dreams though!!
  10. Edyta, I am curious...I love your bouquet it's daisies and it's simple...can I ask how much it was?? maye quoted me $125 but that was in the beginning when she didn't even know what I wanted. I have asked her for a more accurate quote but I thought I would ask you too.
  11. Wow!! Luckily I don't have as bad of issues as these. It's amazing how people see things differently. I just assume I guess that everyone wants to go on vacation if the opportunity showed itself and the money was available. I love going on vacation and getting away. Even it's only 2 or 3 days. I didn't realize so many people would rather stay home. I have found some of that through my planning but not as much as you guys...I guess if anything it's a learning experience for us all that everyone has different perspectives on life and priorities. Good luck you guys!!
  12. For those of you who are using a DJ...how many hours are you getting? I think our music has to be off by 10:30 or low anyway. Also, are you using the DJ for the ceremony, cocktail, reception or just the reception?? Thanks!
  13. michelle08

    Hola From CA!

    Hi! Welcome..this is so much fun!
  14. Shelly, I understand where you are coming from. It's hard to expect people to spend so much money when you don't know their finances, but I am the same way...I enjoy going on vacation and I use things like this as an excuse to get away. I don't think that $1,000 is alot of money at all, especially if they spend money on other stuff. Friends are one thing..but family should be there! I look at it as if you are giving these people a year or so notice, then they should be able to save that money to go. This is an important day for their brother and you would think they would want to be there. I guess some people's priorities aren't the same. I could understand if they weren't buying new cars and other material things...but it just seems to me that it's an excuse. Money is the best cop out. Can anyone in the family help pay for them to go??
  15. Lisa, That is what I want to do...the small cake on top and then like two tiers of cupcakes...I think there was a picture of one that looked good on this thread. Are you using sweet dreams for that? What did they quote you? Wait..how many people are you having again?
  16. If you want to do the hand and the sand ceremony, what if you change the words up a bit and after all the hand stuff it says something like and together with these hands you will pour the sand together to symbolize blah, blah. I think I might consider that myself because they are both very beautiful!
  17. I wish you good luck and I hope you have a wonderful time! You have put so much thought and time into your wedding and it will be beautiful!
  18. Welcome and good luck with the planning. Hawaii is so beautiful. do you know what island?
  19. thanks Julie...keep em coming! I LOVE your ideas!
  20. Hey tammy...so do you have a picture of your completed wedding cake??
  21. Natasha...who made your cake? I am looking for someone to make the cake and I like yours...
  22. OMG!! I love both of those! I am using Daisies as my flower and incorporating the starfish a little bit too!!! i like them both but the second one I really like and I like the idea of the pink flower... Where do you find these. I have had trouble online finding good cake pics.... Thanks!
  23. Hi everyone!! I am now on my search for a cake and a company in Cabo who is good and reasonably priced. Plus I have absolutely no ideas what I want...simple but incorporating my pink and brown colors i guess. I also want cupcakes eventhough my FMIL thinks it's lame (but I don't care!) Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas!?
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