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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Hi ladies...I am being cheap and honestly I don't care much about having an "alter" such as an arch or chuppah or posts w/ flowers on them.... However, I thought I would just check with all of you and see what creative ideas any of you might have to set an alter that is very inexpensive....
  2. I was just curious to those who have and will use rose petals to line your aisle, how many are you using?? I was told they come in petals per dozen roses so I didn't know how many dozen rose petals I needed. does that make sense??
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Hola Cabo Brides! I'm looking for any information I can get about wedding locations in Cabo. Of course we have many other details to nail down but that can come later I suppose. Does anyone have pictures of weddings at the Fiesta American or Sheraton Hacienda Del Mar? We are considering having everyone stay at the RIU but I'd like the wedding to be off site. Any information about weddings at private villas? What about having a reception at a local restaurant? Hi amanda~ Welcome to the forum.... You can check out this thread for some more info http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...el-choice.html I am getting married at the Imperial suite at the Fiesta americana and I can email you any info I have if you pm me with your email address. I recently was trying to change the location to the Cabo Surf because it was cheaper...but my date isn't available...so back to square one I guess...the only reason I am bummed is because of the cost, however I really, really think the imperial suite is beautiful and I know my wedding will be too so I am not bummed about that! Good luck!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH I would say that if you are willing to have some flexibility it will be worth it in the end. We ended up choosing our date solely based upon the availability of the cabo surf. In the end, it all worked out. We booked our wedding 9 months out and we had 135 guests - way more than the 70 that we had originally planned on! I guess that my point is that your friends and family will make it. Rather than driving yourself batty trying to coordinate schedules, just pick a date and give everyone ample time to make their travel arrangements. We had all sorts of barriers for our guests - teachers, accountants during tax season, guests from Hong Kong and Singapore - you name it. But they all made the trip in the end. the most important thing is that you get what you want out of our location. I really do believe that the location makes the party and I can say with great confidence that our party was a huge success thanks to this hotel (and the Twins and fireworks, and a TON of booze!!!) Thank you!!! I did ask Armando what dates around there they had available and when the other group was checking in and checking out...so we will see!
  5. Hey~ I know that at Dreams, if one of your guests at your wedding isn't a guest of the hotel, then you have to pay like an $85 day pass for them...however, does this still work even if it's not the wedding? So if they want to come to the resort and hang out with us for the day, can they pay the $85 day pass and then eat and drink what they want and join in the activities
  6. I am okay with him going to a strip club but I prefer if he doesn't have strippers come to the house! My FI has told me some stories about what goes on when they come to the house vs the clubs. The clubs have rules. I just don't take it too seriously I guess (which is how I am with a lot of things) but it's all good fun. I don't look at it as a personal interest. Guys by nature are attracted to boobs and legs and the female body. I know that by him going to see a naked chic, it's just that, it doesn't mean anything and it doesn't involve any feelings, etc...I guarantee if you asked him what she looked like (her face) he wouldn't have a clue!!! That is why I think I don't care. To me, the emotional part of a relationship and kissing is very important. But for him to see a naked woman means nothing and there is no connection so it's harmless! I'm sure all of our guys are decent and respectful and it's more about them going to hang out with their buddies and just watching a show.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by acacia HI Michelle! I am getting married at Cabo surf on May 10th 08. I tried to do the 24th there and it was taken! I was super bummed. But so far I am really happy with my choice. I think it will be great and Armando has been helpful. We are going to go to do a site visit in August so I will let you know how it goes. Thats when we are picking the menus for dinner and reception. Thanks!!! I would love to hear how things go but I can't have it there now because the 24th is taken and I have some date conflicts with some of the family (both sides) so we can't really be too flexible with our date!
  8. stephanie~ Wow..it sounds like you had a very good time! I'm glad all your guests liked the oot bags! I couldn't imagine them not liking them...you put so much work into them! I can't believe Jason's mom dropped her steak in your lap and didn't even apologize!! WOW! Well can't wait to see the pics!!
  9. Thanks Janet and Tasha....great info!! However, sucks for me but Armando said that my date isn't available, that someone is getting married ther on Sunday May 25, 2008 and I want Saturday May 24, 2008. He said they rented out all the rooms for their party for the weekend but that if I want he can check w/ them to see if they mind a wedding there the night before theirs. I don't think that is right The point of them renting the whole place out was probably so that it would be just them, not some other group having a wedding there! So I guess I am out of luck! I appreciate all the info though!!! You guys are wonderful!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 Yeah, we are dying to go back for our anniversary in the next few years too! The margaritas............SO YUMMY! So since it wasn't an AI...did you guys just eat at the restaurant there all the time or did you go into town alot??
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Yes, we are charged the entire $2,000 for it...but there's a good reason we're doing it. We were going to do a bonfire on the beach, which is located directly in front of the massage area on the beach (torwards the west), but then we were going to have to pay FA for set-up, F&B, and have a specified start & end time. Using the IS, we are going to bring in our snacks, we might hire a bartender for the night just to serve (depends on how many people we get), and this way, we can hang out with our guests that arrive on Thursday as long as we want. And we can get rowdy and get in the pool later! Also, since we have to rent the villa for the night, we will have it from 3pm or so (check-in) until noon that next day. We're not really changing rooms, b/c it'll be too complicated to unpack, etc, so we're just adding it our Master Account block. We'll probably end up having some friends that stay in it, but I don't want to have to worry about checking out, checking in, etc. Oh, that makes sense!!! Sounds like a better plan to have the welcome party there!
  12. so then I upload pictures there and then I go into my profile pictures and put the URL in there and click save I tried that and it still doesn't work!!! I won't give up though!! Thanks!
  13. Mickie I am actually having trouble too so maybe someone can assist us!
  14. I have tried and tried to post pictures in the profile which I am assuming will show on all my threads? Anyway it keeps telling me that the upload failed! I have even reduced my pictures down to like 120x120!!! Please help!
  15. Welcome Mickie!! You will find so much info on here...I am a cabo bride but there are many cancun brides here!!! Good luck!
  16. The Off-Beat Bride: You are someone who dances to her own beat and wants a wedding to reflect that. You see your wedding and a special and personal creation and intend to put your signature touch on every part of it. Because you are so creative and have so many ideas, you probably are an independent operator and would not enjoy hearing the input of others about what you should do or how you should do it. In fact, you probably want to just surprise them all with the result. Since you will probably be paying for it yourselves, you have some assurance of being able to create what you want on your own.
  17. Thanks Janet!! I am just waiting to hear back from armando to see if the date is open..hopefully it is!! Oh, sorry, one more question...were they good about letting you change up the menu's like add or remove things and alter the price? Thanks!
  18. Amy...glad to hear another good review of cabo surf!!
  19. Can someone explain to me what this is?? What are we voting for exactly? Sorry!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 I choose the Fiesta Americana as well, but we're only using the Imperial Suite for our Thursday Welcome Cocktail Hour (our group is pretty big, so we needed a larger space, and wanted our music to go on past 10pm, so we're using the ballroom terrace and an adjacent ballroom). Here's a link to another wedding at the Imperial Suite...it is gorgeous! Kendall & Joe-July 22, 2006 Let me know if you have any questions! There are several on here who chose FA! If you want to see more pictures of the FA, here are my pictures I took in April! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...te-review.html Jill, I have a question...So since you are using the Imperial suite for your welcome cocktail, do you have to rent the room for the whole night? If so, then you are staying there that night and then checking back into a different room the next night?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMEYER70 And here's a link to a wedding at FA... Adobe Web Photo Gallery KM Those are new pictures I haven't seen before...now I am second guessing myself! There are alot of different angles and the bonfire too. Hmm....
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