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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lavalos Um, yeah! My FI and daughter both think I'm crazy staying up all hours of the night but I'm sure they're both happy I have an outlet--otherwise, I'd be running everything by them ten times over! That is true....if I didn't have this forum as an outlet I would be lost and probably unengaged because I would have annoyed him too much!!! On a side note...I didn't know you had a daughter...how old is she??
  2. Brad thinks it's great that I have been able to get so much valuable info from you gals!! However, he thinks I'm nuts because I spend like every waking moment on this forum! At work, at home, and even in class...I bring my laptop and I play on here instead of pay attention! Can you say addicted!
  3. Just thought it would be interesting to see what your FI's think about this forum?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly We are arriving on Sunday,the 5th, 9 days before our wedding, the following sunday,the 12th, our guests arrive, we are getting married on the Tuesday, the 14th, and we leave to go home the next Sunday, the 19th. We are away 2 weeks in total. I want to be well rested before the wedding which is why we decided to go so early. I am happy I have planned it this way. Everton and I are having our honeymoon (Mexico, or Jamaica) in April/may next spring. Kelly~ Kelly, Wow!!! that's a nice long trip!! I think it's good that you are going out early to be able to relax before hand. Given the recent events taking place, you need to make sure you are refreshed and ready!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lavalos Hi Michelle, We're thinking about heading up the Tuesday/Wednesday before our Saturday wedding. We'll hang with guests until Monday and have Tuesday - Friday to ourselves. I want to get home so that we have the weekend to recuperate b-4 that nasty Monday back at work rolls around. yeah that sounds good. I would like to stay until Friday too but I don't want to spend the extra money...as it is we might have to fly in tuesday instead of wednesday depending on the flight times because we have to get our blood work done wednesday...but I'm still taking the rest of the week off work and then go back the following monday!!!
  6. Jaime...are you thinking May of 2008 or 2009?? Your profile says summer of 09. I am getting Married Memorial Day weekend of 2008!!! It was going to be memorial day but now it's the saturday. Just thought I would mention!!
  7. Jaime....I don't know if there is a right or wrong answer to this question...but I personally decided on a location that I wanted first, then decided on a date I would like and I thought would work for the most important people then I checked to see if available. It was, so we went with it. Then I had to change the date to a couple days sooner and it was still available. Then, I wanted to change hotels and my date wasn't available for that hotel... So, I would say pick a couple dates within the main time frame you want (nov, dec, etc...) and pick a couple locations you want and then go with it and see what works and what is available. Just know, that things do book quickly, so I would say at least decide a year a head of time. When I first picked my date it was a year ahead and now I wanted to change it at 11 mo prior to and that place was booked....
  8. Welcome Michelle!! My name is Michelle too! Wow your wedding is fast approaching. Good luck w/ the planning and don't hesitate to ask for any help!!
  9. I was interested to know how many days you are coming before your wedding day and then how many days you are staying afterward?? We are arriving on a Wed, our wedding is on Saturday and we will leave the following wed...this is our honeymoon too so we figure we will have mon & tues after our wedding to ourselves and the wed prior!
  10. Andrea... You are clever and thrifty!! I like that! I can't wait to see pics of your wedding!!! I have to make note of all these things!
  11. I think you need to plan it around your schedule or you will make yourself insane trying to please everyone!!! We went through a little bit of this and our issue was we only had 2 kids to worry about an one was graduating high school next june (when we originally wanted to have it) we couldn't have him miss his graduation! However, as long as it's in the middle of the school year and based around a weekend, i would think that most of your family since it is your wedding, wouldn't mind pulling the kids out of school for a couple days. If they just plan on staying like 3 or 4 nights just enough time for the wedding, and the wedding is on a saturday, then they can take the kids out of school for a thurs, fri and monday and there shouldn't be a huge issue. This of course is coming from someone who doesn't have kids! But I remember when I was in school and we had to miss sometimes and if it was too long, they would give us our work ahead of time...Just an idea Most importantly focus on you, everyone else will figure it out and find a way to get there!!! Have you talked to them about the kids school? If you haven't, and you are just assuming this because you are nice and want to cater to everyone...I would suggest to ask first so you don't stress out about something that wouldn't be an issue anyway. Good luck!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jaime I agree I also think that they do more to girls. LOL. I don't even want to know what else she would have done to me if I let her. ~Michelle you are so right, they do much different things if you bring them to your house. Well actually that's not fair to say, not all strippers are the same but some are willing to do a little more if you pay them the right amount. I guess your right its all in good fun. But if my FI wants to have fun he can invite his friends over for Scrabble b/c I'm going to kill him if I find out shady things went down. Glenda!!! you are making me laugh!!! Scrabble!! That's funny! True though...I honestly don't see the point in strip clubs but I feel like if I demand him not go, then I think guys are like little kids sometimes (in more ways than one) he might do it just because I said no and I am actually the same way and so is Brad... We all have our own reasons and feelings and some stem from past experience, etc...I have personally never been cheated on (that i know of!) so I'm sure if I had that in my past, my feelings would be totally different on this issue!! I know that isn't the only reason why those of you who say no are saying no...I just thought I would throw that in there to validate my point that we are all different and unique in our own ways!!
  13. What is everyone doing to decorate their ceremony chairs? Are you putting a flower for each chair or just on the aisle chairs or nothing? I am just doing the white wooden chairs...
  14. Hmmm....different suggestions...thanks! I know I don't want an arch..and i totally forgot about the table for the sand ceremony because I would like to do this....so I think that would be good enough.....
  15. I just wanted some to already have on the ground...I am not having a flower girl...plus I'm not having it on the beach either.... But what about the fish?? They eat them?
  16. Jessalyn, Wow!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time...can't wait for pics!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Thank you!!! I will look at that.... I think that's a good idea too to pluck them myself...I am all about doing things myself to save money... UGH!!! I can't check that how many petal thing at work....they block me! The block weird stuff....I will have to do so when I get home!!! Thanks anyway!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 oh oh oh I found it!! How Many Petals Thank you!!! I will look at that.... I think that's a good idea too to pluck them myself...I am all about doing things myself to save money...
  19. Me again.... I'm trying to make some decisions...and I was wondering what you guys think is better from experience....the Spanish Guitar guy or the Trio Mariachi. I can't afford the whole mariachi and honestly I don't even know if the "trio" is a mariachi?? I just want to have them for the ceremony and maybe cocktail hour but I only want to pay for an hour...so who knows....I must sound like a total cheapskate
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