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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i totally say "ass backwards" all the time! hmmmm ... i think we're on to something! you betcha! as for the ring w/o a gal thing ... is he someone that just wants to get married? seems like this baby momma might be getting a ring. or ... and i probably shouldn't even say this ... but are your brother and donnie close? maybe donnie put him up to it ... like donnie said to your brother, "go find out if she likes a ring like this ... " lol - ok, that's a stretch. but just a thought! OMG!! i was totally thinking the same thing....probably because it's something I would do!
  2. I think she got them at the Dollar Tree...I saw them at mine.
  3. I think that is a wonderful idea!!! Great thinking!!
  4. I am planning on doing oot bags and no favors... I have been to so many wedding, showers etc...and people don't even take the favor with them or they accidentally leave them behind...so I figure with the oot bags, it's in their room and when they are packing to leave they can pack it up or use it all while they are there (haven't decided what I am putting in them yet).
  5. What a cute idea for the bathroom basket...I love it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Yazmin De La Mora Yes, i think you can just show your passport application. I am a WC in Cancun & Riviera Maya and last week I had one of the witness with a printed paper (assport application) because he had to fly before and his passport was not ready... I do not know if that was your question...!! Good luck and better to ask them!! Yes, that was what I was asking. Thanks!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MorganShae Hey Michelle, what did you find out? I was planning on doing the same thing.. (applying asap to travel next month) Morgan, I haven't found out yet, we are getting up early tomorrow and heading to the post office. I will ask them and then let you know tomorrow!! I am guessing it should be okay because they didn't specifically specify otherwise... Let's hope!! M
  8. michelle08


    welcome!!! If you still are interested in CABO but want to swim in the ocean you still can> There are some hotels by Medano Beach which are near the Marina and you can swim there...the only problem is I don't know which ones... Sorry!!!
  9. I just thought that I guess I can ask them when we go tomorrow to apply for it...
  10. Anny!! I hope you are having a ball and that your day is all you hoped for!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by brecluse So glad someone bumped this up for me to see. I'll add on... I'm trying to lose about 40-50 lbs (want to lose 30-40 by the wedding), and I just recommitted to WW. I lost 10 lbs earlier this year then got sidetracked, but I'm back to it. My second (the major one) fitting is in a month so I'd like to lose as much as possible between now and then. I'm doing the WW Core plan, running 2-3x's a week, walking 1-2x's a week and doing pilates classes 2-4x's a week. This is my 3rd week. I only lost 2 lbs the first 2 weeks, but I do feel like my body is changing so we'll see. Well sounds like you have a good plan! I haven't gotten back on track yet...but I plan on it...I have a busy weekend coming up, so I am going to try and eat decent but it will hard to be strict...so first thing next week I will buckle down again....
  12. Did anyone just recently apply for their passport and plan on going to Mexico to visit within the next month or so (taking advantage of the no passport-only have to show your passport application)? I am planning on applying for the passport this weekend but would really like to look into flying down to Cabo in the next month or so to check some things out. I just didn't know how they would react to that. I guess on the passport application I can but I plan to travel in the next month....
  13. I don't know anything about punta canta or cancun..but I am getting married in cabo. There is dreams in Cabo (AI) which I am pretty sure accommodates all age groups. However the beach is within walking distance...it's right on the beach but you can't swim in the ocean there because of the undertoe...but the pools are wonderful. RUI is an AI and it's closer to downtown cabo and I honestly do not know if this is a swimming beach or not...however most of the large resorts in Cabo are right on the beach so you can at least sunbath in the sand.... I know that probably didn't really help but I would say any beachy area is going to be beautiful...what helped to make our decision between cancan, puerta vallarta and cabo is that cabo is actually the closest from the west coast and all of our guest will be flying from either california, arizona or washington state so I took that into consideration as far the flight time and cost of flights ect....so if you are indifferent on the locations I would look into what is then most convenient travel wise for you and your guests??
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Good question, Michelle. I was wondering the same thing. I like all the responses, helps to make an educated decision. Speaking of the whole "blood work" thing, anyone know what that all entails? It makes me nervous. Amanda... I don't really know what it all entails...but I know that we have to get there at least 2 business days prior to the wedding and I think they just take blood and it probably only takes like 10-15 min... My WC said that if we fly in on the afternoon of that wed then she can arrange for us to get the blood work done that same day before 6:00pm... If you didn't want to do it and it makes you nervous you can get married at home before or after you come and then you don't have to do the legal ceremony in Mexico and you don't have to do the blood work...just an option. I didn't want to do this but alot of the girls here are doing this/have done this... maybe someone else can give us more specifics on the whole blood work details....
  15. I will most likely print my invites...that calligraphy font seems interesting...I will probably look into that. However my FMIL does Calligraphy, so my FI already told her she had to do the envelopes...
  16. OMG!!!! Andrea this map is awesome!!! I zoomed in on the resort FA and it is so cool!!! I can't find dreams though...that is where we are staying but at least I was able to zoom in our wedding location!!!! I'm addicted! Thank God for Satelite!
  17. Have you talked to your local store and asked them to order them for you..Honestly I go to the dollar store all the time and I know they have those alot so I think it's a regular item for them...Plus it seems like you have time since you aren't getting married until next January. I wouldn't waste shipping for one of us to send it to you....I would talk to them first...or do you have other dollar stores in an outlying town
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by host michelle, i remember that you were thinking of staying at dreams...if this is the case, then you can have a welcome dinner cheaper than most activities.. if not, what about something like cocktails and appetizers...an dinner cruise is gonna end up being $35 and up per person, then you throw in the cost of transportation to get to the marina...if cost is a big concern this is not the most cost efficient way. You're right tammy...we are staying at dreams....Yessica quoted me $30 per person for a welcome dinner and $85 for a day pass for those who don't stay there....which is definately going to be cheaper because it's for food and alcohol but I thought I would keep my options open.... I didn't know how much that boat cost and now I know and you're right, it's not the best choice for us!
  19. I believe different parts of mexico have different requirements?? I am getting married in Cabo and I have to be there at least 2 days before the wedding to get bloodwork and paperwork done. Then My WC is going to get the marriage license apostilled which I guess is like a raised seal on it to make it legal. She is also going to make sure it's translated into english for me so I can bring it back home and I guess change my name... Still not an expert on this...
  20. I love your pics and I think he did a great job...which is good since I am using Tomas too! I couldn't imagine the posed pictures. My FI and are so not romantic and I know when we start taking pictures we are going to be a mess probably laughing to death!! They turned out beautiful though!!! Love your hair and I think your makeup looks great!
  21. Is anyone having the bar open during that 1/2 hour period when guests arrive and the before the ceremony starts I don't know what to do??
  22. Well good luck and hopefully we can get a group going again.....
  23. I'm sorry you are going through this...I am doing most of the work, but he is very receptive and when I do tell him things he listens and has opinions. So I guess I am pretty lucky. He is involved enough to make me happy and not over involved to annoy me. I wish i could do something to help you....Please ask if you need help!!! How are you asking him to do things? Is it just bickering at him once you are already irritated? This might not work so well. I would try and have a heart to heart w/ him and just lay it out there. Tell him that you are really frustrated and there won't be many things you will ask of him, but there will be a couple and that he needs to realize that you need his support and attention right now. Maybe he just doesn't realize how important this is to you??
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