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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Great advice!!! You are right about the insurance under home or riders covering "like Kind". So depending on the price difference it may be worth it.
  2. I advised people on my website where WE are staying and that it would be nice if everyone stayed at the same place. However I did state that I understood everyone had different budgets and if THEY wanted to look into staying somewhere else that was fine (meaning I won't investigate for them). I wrote all about the ammenities for dreams and explained that they need to take into account the fact that cabo is not cheap and although the cost of the room seems like alot, if you had a cost of another room and then food and drinks, etc then it would probably be cheaper so I told them to look carefully when comparing! However, we are not having the wedding at dreams (although staying there) but I get what you mean about paying for the day passes! That will add up! My mom is actually not even staying at dreams w/ us because they are getting a free timeshare from their friends (which just happens to be at the FA where we are getting married). I am not mad about that though because I figure if she is saving money on lodging then that's more she can give to me and they can just buy there own day pass if they want to hang out w/ the rest of us! Anyway, I would try and encourage your guests to maybe stay a few days less then they might have been originally planning and that way they can still stay there and it won't cost as much
  3. I think the future hubby would be a great idea too...but also, if you did choose to have someone else or go by yourself...maybe you somehow attach pictures of your parents with your bouquet, so as to feel their presence with you as you walk down the aisle and maybe just having something like that will be enough strength to get you down the aisle?
  4. michelle08

    Hi there

    Welcome!!! Full Time is right!! This site is addicting! But in a good way!
  5. Welcome!!!! There are alot of cancun brides...so someone will assist you!
  6. Happy Birthday!!! I Hope You Do Something Fun!!!!
  7. Still haven't decided what I will do yet. If I will do just plain white to keep it simple or incorporate the color... The other one must be saved at work...if I remember I will try and post it tomorrow. But it is white linen with a pink runner and maybe even alternate between pink and brown (my colors). I haven't decided if I should have round tables or long tables...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SarahMc I used the same guitarist as Janet because she gave him such a great review. When I contacted him it was $250 per hour with a two hour minimum. Here's his contact info. DAVID FLORES AVL SYSTEMS AVL Systems [email protected] He played during the ceremony and the cocktail hour on the beach. I was kind of freaking out once by budget went sky high, and thought I'd regret paying that much when I could have used an ipod, but it ended up being one of my "best buys." Although I didn't get to hear much, all my guests were thrilled by him and talked about how great he was. Our photographer recognized him and said "he only plays the best hotels" and he wasn't the hotel photographer ) I was a little nervous because there is no contract with him. Just e-mails. He showed up though and was great. I had requested a song he didn't know for my walk down the aisle, sent him the music and he played it. That is good to know about the 2 hr minimum. I don't know who maye was qoting me but she didn't mention a minimum time, but funny thing I just emailed her the other day to ask how much 2 hours would be because I thought it would be nice to have him for the ceremony and cocktail and then switch to the ipod for dinner and dancing.... Thanks!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by nat4crim For starfish lovers, here is my cake inspiration. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...de2B/cake3.jpg That is simple yet elegant...I love it...
  10. the link at the bottom of all those pics will take you tere. all of them are from the sam sight. It's a favor site site so I just started thinking that maybe the frame isn't that big afterall...I was just thinking I might get 2 of them for the guest book table?
  11. Congrats!!!! How exciting!!! AND it's the same date as mine! We are date twins...but I am a cabo bride so I don't have pics or info on punta canta but if I come across anything I will be sure to forward...
  12. Wow this whole online registry thing sounds great. I can't imagine we will get many gifts we don't have many people going or for that matter many we are inviting but it's still good to have, just in case and for the shower too. Did anyone answer the question as to whether or not if you have something from Target on the myregistry if they go into the store and buy it if it deducts it online? Thanks!
  13. here are some things... Website: Wedding Favors - Unique Wedding Favors - Cheap Wedding Party Favors
  14. Shelly, this is a GREAT thread!!! Keep them coming everyone...if I see anything I will post too!
  15. those are way cute!!!! I will definately have to steal that link and look at it to see how much... Good find!
  16. How exciting!!! yeah if we decide to do one it will be late december or early january after school is out too...
  17. shelly that sucks and at the last minute too! I know what you are going through and had my own issues with this. My situation might be a little bit different because I didn't really have a picture of my "dream wedding" but my friends are very important to me (I am closer to my friends than my family) and I wanted them all to be there but most of them can't because of kids, money, etc...I am only really expecting 2 out of like 8 close friends. Anyway, what keeps me going is that I figured at the wedding I would be preoccupied with so many things and happy with who is actually there and having so much fun that It won't matter at that moment that the other friends aren't there. Plus I am counting on my bachelorette slumber party I want and that is when I can really spend some quality time w/ my friends anyway, so if they can't make it to that..then they are in trouble! In the end, sure I will look back on my day and wish it would have been nice if they were all there, but really it won't change my ability to have fun or regret anything because as everyone else said, I am marrying the man I love and that is all that matter!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 ok so i have been sitting back and watching this thread develop and i think i came up with the PERFECT wedding present for FI!!! I am definitley going to do the B-Pics BUT i want to try to pull off (not sure how yet) doing them with an Eagles theme (yes - football). i am going to try to get access to the Stadium and maybe locker room and an Eagles cheerleader outfit (again - have no idea how yet but have some time to work on this) He is such an Eagles fan - i think he will FREAK OUT!!! That would be awesome if you could pull that off!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mkdela I did...He is also a watch lover and I got him a watch as an engagement gift a few weeks after I got the ring... I also got my FI a gift after the ring...I bought him a 50 inch plasma...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Sorry if this is TMI but I would think guys would look at BD pics when they are alone and horny. If your around I can't imagine that they are just going to whip them up. But say you have to go away for a weekend. Then he looks for the book. LOL. I think I will get FI BD pics and try to get a book he really loves autographed by the original author. I was thinking when would he look at them but Glenda you make a great point...and I think I would rather him miss me and look at those then something else! I don't know what I am getting him yet...haven't thought that far..
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia oops my pics are too big.. sorry Hey anny...did you make your water bottle labels? If so, do you have a template you would like to share??
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