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Posts posted by michelle08

  1. I just re-read and here is more precise...what we did.


    4:00p - 5:00p - All pictures except beach


    5:30p - 5:50p - Ceremony (group pic right after)


    6:00p - 6:40p - Cocktail hour for guests/Beach pics for us


    6:40p - 7:00p - Mingle with guests/Introduction & First Dance


    7:00p - 8:15p - Dinner/Toasts/Cake Cutting


    8:15p - 8:45p - Salsa Dancers


    9:00p - 11:00p - Dancing


    These are close approximates.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
    I started watching some of the sports last night and then watched some more today. I like a lot of the sports, but I have mainly watched the swimming, diving and volleyball so far.
    That's exactly what I like...swimming, diving and vollyball...but I do like gymnastics too.

    I am not a diehard olympic fan...just watch it here and there!
  3. I don't know how the sheraton's system works...but we used our ipod and so have many of the brides on here and ours worked perfect!!! The people at the Fiesta America hooked it up and controlled it for us and it worked great! It's a wonderful alternative to a DJ especially if you are having a small group!

  4. I think it's up to them...how much time they can get off and how much they are willing to pay will determine their trip time in most situations!


    I don't think it's too weird that she is asking so soon...if it's because her job! I know alot of companies where the employees have to choose their vacations weeks a year in advance so it's fair for everyone and it's about a year out so that could be why she needs to know now?


    As far as them asking which type of room category...that's wierd! My response would be I don't know...you have to decide that because I don't know if you want a jacuzzi or if you want to pay to have that upgrade!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    I like that idea. We had a somewhat large wedding party and I felt like you, didn't want their dates sitting closer to us than our family, but we didn't want them separated. We actually did a "T" shape - a head table for 2 and one long table - and let people choose their own seats.

    Go with what you really want but don't stress too much over it, they'll probably only be sitting to eat and then up dancing/mingling the rest of the time wink.gif
    I like the T shape too....as far as the u shape...yes if you have them sit across from each other then just do it at the side tables and not your table.

    It's true though...no one sits for too long...just to eat quick and then they are up and if they sit down later it's probably going to be at a different seat!
  6. I like the u shape also...but I went with rounds of 6-8 and no head table.


    My husband and sister said that the rounds were better for people to talk to each other. If you have the long tables with people on only one side then they really can only talk well to the people on each side of them...if you put people on both sides though then it's similar to the rounds because then they can talk to the person on each side and the 3 people parrallel to the 3 of them.


    I guess it depends on if you are having a wedding party or not as to if you really need a head table?

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