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Everything posted by michelle08

  1. Susan, do you have a picture of this bottle?? I'm glad your friends were honest and told you that they wouldn't use it...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 We are doing a welcome BOTTLE for our guests. We orderd large personalized sports bottles for each of our guests to use at the resort. I was originally going to do some sort of bag along with the bottles, but with 100 guests it was becoming logistically impossible to haul everything down. So I discovered I was able to stuff most of the contents neatly inside the bottle. I have to order extras of a few items that I had only planned on giving one per room/bag, but it will be worth it because I can have everything stuffed and ready to go before we leave. It will save a lot of space and time, otherwise I would have had to do all the stuffing once we got there. Inside the sports bottle we included: -welcome letter -photo share letter (we set up a snapfish account for all our guest to upload their digital pics to when they get home) -a reminder itinerary (time, date, and location of the welcome meet-and-greet and ceremony) -some basic first aid -Shout wipes -Advil -travel candle -personalized matches -after-sun aloe -Pepto -chapstick -flip-flop shaped note pad -hmmm...I think that's most of it. I hope they'll like it. We didn't include any sunscreen, lotions, shampoo, etc., because Dreams provides all of that on a daily basis. We also didn't do any munchies because it's an AI w/ room service and mini-bar included so we figure they'll have all the food they need, and more! That's a good idea!!!! I am just stuck on the actual bag itself...I don't want to spend alot of money on them if people won't use them and I don't really see our guests hauling their stuff to the beach, etc...I could be wrong but if they aren't going to like the bag, I would just rather put it all in a disposable paper bag and decorate them...
  3. I am thinking since I really don't even know if all my guests will like the welcome bag thing... Is anyone doing like a welcome basket or a paper bag or even like a bottle of tequila or some other gift??
  4. That is so funny!!! I just looked and they only have clear too. Plus it said you couldn't order online...I will go there and look!
  5. That is true!!!! I am going to look online right now...
  6. OMG!!!! I am totally going there!!! Maybe on my way home tonight! Thanks for the info...It's okay that I spent a little extra on 8 of them because that is still a pretty good deal!!! But that is awesome!!
  7. I am wondering if they have a flat rate each time you get in or if it's like most, flat starting and then metered? I am mostly curious to know how much approx from dreams to Fiesta Americana? I am looking into transporting our guests for the wedding and I have some pricing on vans and buses but I was thinking everyone should be coming from dreams to FA but what if some of my friends or his mom want to come over prior to help me get ready and blah, blah...I thought if we paid for cabs it would let them be able to choose their own time to come over??
  8. Like I said I went to 2 other ones to find more and nothing!! Plus I thought tealights wouldn't last but like an hour and I had them burning for at least 3 last night and they were still going...so it's so cheap!!!
  9. I might have to check this out...do you get to pick your logo?
  10. I found these at the dollar tree on sunday. They had different colors...but you get 2 for a dollar!!! I should have gotten more though because I have been to 2 other ones to look for more and they don't have any!
  11. try to stay focused and don't forget the reasons you chose to have a DW...You will never please everyone so no need to strees!! I think it is absolutely rude for them to try and replan your wedding!!!! It's one thing if they think the hotel you want them to stay in is too expensive for them..then fine, find a new one...but to replan your wedding and tell you that you should have that somewhere else!! That is the most inconsiderate thing I have heard of!! That is worse than the little dictations like what food to have and what decorations!!! DO WHAT YOU WANT AND DON'T SECOND GUESS YOURSELF!!!! You will pull through! Then it might come up again and again, you will pull through! It might not seem like it but you will!
  12. I agree with everyone else...I have been through it and as Glenda said most of us have I think. If you do what others want...you won't have your day and it's not fair...you have to think about yourselves!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG You girls are going to have so much fun!! We did a scavenger hunt at mine. The funniest was that I had to get a guy to give me his underware. If they had stains or holes, I got more points. You should see the pics of me trying to persuade this guy to give them up...hillarious!! Luckily the first guy gave them to me. My friends bought a bag from Condoms To Go with the scavenger hunt on it. That way, you can use the bag to keep everything in. It was so much fun! I had to get spanked by a guy, ask a guy for a condom, write my name on a guys chest with lip stick, do a "blow job" shot off of a guy....can't think of anything else right now. Sorry...this reminded me of a time we went out in san francisco for my friends bachelorette party last year and one of the clubs we went to had their own scavenger hunt or maybe some guys bachelor party was doing it? I was drunk I can't remember..but I volunteered to give mine up...so I went the rest of the night w/out any!!
  14. Those are awesome pics and yes, your children are beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful One of the girls posted a template for the water bottle labels. I cant remember which thread it is on, but here is the link to the site that was provided. http://www.weddingbee.com/wp-content...le%20Blank.doc It’s really cute and can be customized. As far as the type of paper to use….I’m not really sure I was going to do a test label and try cardstock or regular scrap booking paper. And I would try double sided tape (you can get a whole bunch at Sams club or Costco), if you use glue I think you would need something a little stronger than a glue stick, but not something that is going to be wet and create wrinkles on the paper. I would think that cardstock might be too thick...but regular scrapbook paper would be good and the double sided tape too. You can get it all at the scrapbook store or michaels. thanks for the link...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 Michelle - I just got back...Sorry, I didn't find any of the bags at the Walmart near me Thank you so much for looking for me!! That was so nice! I also went to another walmart today and they had nothing! I also looked on line and they had nothing either! No biggie...other things will come up!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lizz10179 I am going to Walmart today. If they're in stock, I can buy a bunch and ship them to you. Let me know! Hmm.....that would be wonderful!!! I hate for you to have to go through the trouble...but yeah if they have them I probably need like17-20 of them...If they don't have that many then don't worry about it because I don't want to have to mix and match....but if they do then yeah and I will totally owe you the money and then some!! thanks!!!!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv This might have already be answered ... but where are you ordering the water bottle labels from? Since we're at an AI, I will just take the labels and apply once there. Rather than putting the water bottles in the OOT bags, I'm going to 'collect' water over the first few days, put on the labels, and have them available at the ceremony and reception in a big tub. If I did this...I would probablly make them myself....
  19. Thanks for the links!!! I will check them out....
  20. These I assume are nicer than the ones from michaels or oriental trading? Do you have a link?? I just don't see the point in spending so much on the real thing.
  21. Had anyone used faked rose petals to line their aisle? I have seen these at both michaels and oriental trading and I am cheap (if you haven't noticed already) and I was just wondering how they looked compared to the real thing and if it was totally obvious??
  22. Thanks!!!! I went yesterday to just one walmart...and they didn't have any. I looked through the whole store both purse and luggage. I am going up to visit my mom today in another town so I think I will swing by their walmart and check! Thanks for trying to take a picture of the inside...I figured it would be hard!
  23. That is a good idea...because i know they will have bottled water available as part of our bar....so I can just have out labels put on them and then get some ahead of time and have them arrange them like you mentioned...good thinking!!!
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